
Apr 24, 2013

Ethiopia: Jailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye off to Zeway death camp

The Horn Times News 20 April 2013
By Getahune Bekele, South Africa
As the unpopular, corrupt and inefficient minority junta
continues to govern the police state Ethiopia with brute
iron hand, dealing ruthlessly with political prisoners and
jailed journalists whom it blames for causing the late
despot Meles Zenawi’s “ untimely” death; Ethiopian
political prisoners have fallen on hard times filled with
dread and terror.

he former Editor of Awramba Times, Wubeshet Taye is the latest
Prisoner to be sent to Zeway death camp to serve the remaining time of his 14
years sentence away from his family, with the likes of Bekele Gerba, Albana Lelisa
and several others who are already condemned to the notorious facility.
Chained in leg iron and carrying his belongings in tiny bag, hundreds of curios
inmates at Kilinto prison watched the young scribe taken away by more than 20
TPLF soldiers on Tuesday morning April 16 2013.
A friend of the terrorized journalist confirmed to the Horn Times that Woubshet

ye is currently in Zeway, still in leg iron like all political prisoners.
The 2011 trial of Woubshet Taye was at the time described unfair and was way
below the international fair trial standard under the controversial and draconian
anti-terrorism law designed to persecute and silence dissenting voices.
The Horn Times franticly tried to talk to TPLF officials in charge of prison
administration to find out the reason behind sending opposition prisoners
particularly Ethnic Oromos and the Amharas to Zeway during the known malaria
season, but none of them were willing to reply including the office of the man
himself, warlord Berket Simeon

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