
May 4, 2013

Who are the Enemies of Amhara and other Ethiopians?

by Rosa Abadir

I prefer not to write about individuals/groups but this time I am making an exceptional because of its significance. Plus, in this piece I wouldn’t concentrate on a single subject instead I would like borrow the writing strategy of my favourite political satirist Aba Tokichaw, where he executes various topics in one piece like the game of “two birds with one rock” in which I’ve always enjoy reading his commentaries. 
Having said that! The current unforgiving improper displacement of against innocent Amharic speaking Ethiopians shows that the obstinate plan of the Tigrian’s People Liberation Front (TPLF) ethno-apartheid rulers to destroy the people of Ethiopia. Indeed, this is a deliberate move by TPLF gangs to gradually eliminate not only Amhara ethnic group, but also other Ethiopians specifically it’s a direct attack to systematically silent the Ethiopian people.  Generally, TPLF master mind criminal leaders reaction towards Ethiopians with furious hate, distortion and unjustified accusation is understand why they are in such extreme agony trying to continue to find a route in order to prolong their power.
No wonder that this is neither the beginning nor end of the TPLF methodical violence against innocent Ethiopians. Apparently, the suffering of Amhara or other Ethiopians has not started yesterday; it has been going on for more than 20 years. In fact not only Amhara who has been continuously abused and dehumanized, but also other Ethiopian tribes including Oromo, Benshanguel, Gurage, Sidama, Ogaden, Welayita, Afar, Gambella, Tigre and others have also been targeted and victimized for the last two decades by TPLF savage group. However, unless we tend to forget what happened for the last 20 years, personally I am not surprised by continuous TPLF crimes against humanity; instead I am staggered by many of us when we are unable to identify the enemies of Amhara and other Ethiopians that are worse than TPLF.
Seemingly, unless we are naรฏve or tend to have a deficiency to remember what has happened for the last few years, I don’t think it is a bizarre to anyone any longer that TPLF is the worst criminal and corrupted group that is dedicated to destroy our country. However, we keep failing to realize that our victory is pushed afar by those who fight us to deliberately delay or avoid our victory, and by those among us who inflexibly work against our collective cause. Yes, we have to be careful as to how we should respond to this group of people, but we should fight both and should not trap in the same empty trap again.
These days I keep hearing and reading the comments by those arrogant, selfish and racist individuals who claim to be Amhara want to use this awful event to advocate their tiny interests in the name of poor Amharas.  After few months of delusional and frenzy media appearances, recently a few individuals like Ato Hailu Shawel, members of MORESH ( a group that don’t have even a clear stand as its members/leaders sometime describe their goal as if they are a civic organization while at the same time they portray the group as a liberators of Amhara who is engaged with armed struggle) , Dr. Abeba, Dr Assefa Negash, Mirchaw Sinishaw (a person who resides in Washington DC and a former Derg revolutionary army “Abyiot Tebaki” who is being accused by many people not only involving in crimes during red terror but also have shamefully taken a money that was collected for famine victims) and other racist, arrogant and narrow minded individuals came back and started to appear on various media and wants to continue to play their filthy game by pretending as if they are a vanguard for Amhara people, which is very laughable.
Undeniably, the truth makes all of us free. It would be sensible and legitimate to ask ourselves who are those pompous individuals and what is their background and reputation. Surely, the answer is not hidden to all of us unless we are misled by their forked tongues and crocodile tears and take their word gullibly. Therefore, many of these individuals who have not only responsible for the demise of kinijit but also repeatedly insulted and undermined many freedom lover Ethiopians as well as constantly attacking various genuine opposition groups and their leaders. Seemingly, it is funny to hear and see these individuals’ want to portray themselves as a defender of Amhara while their heart knows that they are the enemies of Amhara  worse than TPLF who have never been hesitated to destroy any type of struggle as long as they not in the position to hold power. Because, it is a pure power & money monger attitude of some Ethiopians. For them democracy, election and justice works as long as they stand as the champion, otherwise they would not be on the position to accept the sovereign of the people. Without any doubt, if people like these individuals had a chance they would be the most next notorious tyrant after TPLF and would not hesitate to kill everyone who has different ideas or races; however, the good thing is that they could not do anything better than using a lowlife kind of political discourse, of course name calling & insult as they all have no clue about logical argument except uttering their non-sense flap-trap day in and day out all over the planet.
Truthfully, we have observed them many times as they are always trying to avoid responsibility and from being accountable and pointing their fingers out on other Ethiopians who are practically challenging the TPLF regime in various direction. Especially for the last few months they are commonly known for advocating things in order to advance their tiny power and money interests in the name of Amhara. Sadly, at present a few Diaspora Ethiopians are blindfolded and carried over by these destructive individuals as it’s very challenging at this emotional moment for a number of naรฏve Ethiopians incapacitated to differentiate the patriotic Ethiopians from the enemies.  Regardless of their empty constant echo, their crocodile tear should not fool many Ethiopians who have a better understanding about the struggle, because we Ethiopians have enough understanding and experience about the brutal and savage action of the TPLF ethno-fascists.
In addition, they have been failed to realize that having sweet tongue or giving eloquent lecture about the devastated Amharas cannot make these individuals honest, dignified or able to lead the struggle; instead we Ethiopians should wake up from being driven by emotion and bend over to see some other alternatives in order to find some sincere and candid individuals who are not racist, & narrow minded and can minimize their difference with other groups for the sake of the struggle, otherwise we will again trap in the same empty can and destroy our struggle, which is unwise. The other saddest part is that many Ethiopians are claiming that they are fighting the tribal ideology of TPLF without knowing that they apparently trap in the same container and can’t see things beyond their own tribe and unable to embrace inclusive struggle.  Yes, we are unable to discover our own failure as it’s quite challenging to detect with our bear eyes.
Of course, the best ways to challenge those who use tribalism as their political dogma like TPLF is rejecting tribalism, and instead embrace inclusive ideology and judge each other based on our merit. Every human being regardless its tribal origin, race, color and gender have the same interest, which is the interest to be free from bondage. Surely, the Oromo has the same interest to be free from TPLF domination like his Amhara compatriot, and the same to other Ethiopian tribes, so the only antidote to terminate tribal domination is creating unity against the enemy. Without doubt Amhara prefer to be govern by progressive Oromo than Amhara dictator, the same apply to Oromo or other tribes, so we should not be fooled by those who use tribe to advance their ego. We need a system of law not tribal chiefs. Nevertheless, Ethiopians are fighting not to give special privilege to any particular group, or not to bring down a Tigrian racist and replace an Amhara racist or Oromo racist or other notorious dictators who uses race to advance their ego but to establish a system, which every citizens has equal right as long as he/she does not violate the right of others. We are not fighting to glorify particular race or groups or crown particular individuals, but to establish a system which every citizens could participate in the political process.
However, these so called Amhara defender individuals including members of MORESH are affected by a racist ideology and have been spreading hate in the name of Amhara which is the same as TPLF who uses the Tigrians name to spread hate against non-Tigrians. These individuals have been making a loud noises to boost their own image doesn’t help the struggle. Regardless of their self-conceit attitude Ethiopians have identified their selfish character and no one mislead by their nonsensical voice and empty rhetoric.  By the way, we have not seen these individuals any practical measure towards coordinating the struggle but merely building their own image and want to be the champion of the struggle. To me individuals like these are kind of politicians who are expecting to collect the pot of Gold at the end of rainbow are not only confusing our people but they are dangerous for the popular struggle. They speak with forked tongues, which is of course half-truth and half lie in order to deceive the citizens and want to take the opportunity and describing themselves and thinks that Ethiopians would buy their filthy debacle. And the fools are the one who are doing the same thing again and again and expect different results, so Ethiopians should stop being a fool and able to identify their acute problem or vicious enemy, which are the, nothing less or nothing more.
I understand that we should all be ready to do some tangible things for the struggle in order to save the current devastated Amhara Ethiopians however aside from the TPLF endless crimes the problem also lays on some foxy opposition who fail to coordinate their struggle against the common enemy. Undeniably, for the last 20 years this group have done enough damage and repeatedly showed their own ego and narcissistic manner, and surely Ethiopians do not want his kind of bolshie and fixated individual. And whether we like it or not is the truth is these individuals are war mongers but not fighters. Therefore, Ethiopians won’t give any more chance for mercenaries for these types of individuals to drag our struggle again. More importantly, the more conscious and defiant opposition is saying: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Anyhow, the recent action of TPLF against the Amhara Ethiopians has clear message and of course it shows that the suffering, misery and abuse of our citizens reach to the level of unbearable. Therefore, we should spend our undivided energy and power against the common. And every one of us should reach each other and coordinate our struggle. But I also believe it’s time for the opposition groups and their leaders also must try hard to reach the ordinary citizens, wherever they are and open the door, instead of compounded in their cult style circles. The leaders should lead by being example, instead of clutching power for a decade. They should invite the young and new generation to the leadership rule. Fighting for the common good is not fighting to crown one or few individuals, so the followers also should understand this basic truth and refrain from venerating and glorifying their leaders, instead they should learn to challenge them whenever they are taking a wrong direction.
Nevertheless, creating solidarity among us and supporting inclusive organization would be vital. Moreover, the Amharas or other tribes in Ethiopia who are being oppressed by TPLF are looking for not those who are making empty noise using their name instead they want those who can be a great support for the practical struggle.  So far, as a media ESAT has been doing extra ordinary job serving the interests of Ethiopians and to be a voice for the voiceless devastated Amharic speaking Ethiopians and others. As a result, we recently heard and seen that the struggle has been massively reactivated from both inside and outside of Ethiopia. And let us all can do our own assignment in order not to be a verbal warriors instead a practical contributors for the struggle in various ways.

May 2, 2013

แˆฐแ‰ แˆญ แ‹œแŠ“

แˆฐแ‰ แˆญ แ‹œแŠ“

แ‰ แŠฅแŠ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฑแ‹“แˆˆแˆ แŠ แˆซแŒŒ แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ แŒ‹แ‹œแŒ แŠ› แŠฅแˆตแŠญแŠ•แ‹ตแˆญ แŠแŒ‹ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆ‹แˆˆแˆˆแˆแ‹ แแˆญแ‹ต แ‰ /แŒ /แ/ แ‰คแ‰ต แ€แŠ“፡፡ แŠฅแŠ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฑแ‹“แˆˆแˆ แŠ แˆซแŒŒ แ‹ซแ‰€แˆจแ‰กแ‰ตแŠ• แ‹ญแŒแ‰ฃแŠ แˆ˜แˆญแˆแˆฎ แ‹จแˆ˜แŒจแˆจแˆป แ‹แˆณแŠ” แ‹ญแˆฐแŒฃแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แˆฒแŒ แ‰ แ‰… แ‹จแŠแ‰ แˆจแ‹ แŒ /แ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹›แˆฌ แˆšแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซ 24 แ‰€แŠ• 2แ‹แ‹5 แ‹“แˆ แ‰ แˆฐแŒ แ‹ แ‰ฅแ‹ญแŠ•፣ แ‹ญแŒแ‰ฃแŠ แ‰ฃแ‹ฎแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆฝแ‰ฅแˆญแ‰ฐแŠ›แŠแ‰ต แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แˆ‹แˆˆแˆ˜แˆณแ‰ฐแ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แŠ แˆณแˆ›แŠ แ‹จแˆ†แŠ แˆ˜แŠจแˆ‹แŠจแ‹ซ แŠ แˆ‹แ‰€แˆจแ‰กแˆ แ‰ฅแˆแˆ፡፡ แ‰ แ‹šแˆ… แ‹จแ‰ฐแŠแˆณ แ‹จแŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ›แ‹แŠ• แ/แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹แˆณแŠ” แˆ™แˆ‰ แ‰ แˆ™แˆ‰ แŠ แ…แŠ•แ‰ทแˆ፡፡ 

“แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ต แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแ‰ฅแ‰† แŠ แ‹ญแ‰€แˆญแˆ” แŠฅแˆตแŠญแŠ•แ‹ตแˆญ แŠแŒ‹ (แŠจแแˆญแ‹ฑ แ‰ แŠ‹แˆ‹ แ‰ แ‰ฝแˆŽแ‰ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ)

“แ‹จแ‰ฐแŠจแˆซแŠจแˆญแŠแ‹ แแ‰ตแˆ… แŠฅแŠ“แŒˆแŠ›แˆˆแŠ• แ‰ฅแˆˆแŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆ፤ แแ‰ตแˆ… แ‹ˆแ‹ณแ‹ต แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ฝแŠ• แŠแ‹” แŠ“แ‰ตแŠ“แŠคแˆ

“ แ‹จแŠฅแŠ›แŠ• แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ญ แˆˆแˆ˜แŠจแ‰ณแ‰ฐแˆ แŠฅแ‹šแˆ… แˆตแˆˆแ‰ฐแŒˆแŠ›แ‰ฝแˆ แŠฅแŠ“แŠ•แ‰ฐ แ‹จแŠฅแŠ› แŒ€แŒแŠ–แ‰ฝ แŠ“แ‰ฝแˆ” แŠ แ‰ แ‰  แ‰€แˆตแ‰ถ

“แ‹จแŠฅแˆตแŠญแŠ•แ‹ตแˆญ แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ แŠ แŒˆแˆญ แˆ˜แ‹แ‹ฐแ‹ต แ‰ฅแ‰ป แŠแ‹” (แˆฐแˆญแŠซแˆˆแˆ แ‹แˆฒแˆ- แŠจแ/แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹แˆณแŠ” แ‰ แŠ‹แˆ‹)

“แŒแŠ•แ‰ฆแ‰ต แˆฐแ‰ฃแ‰ต แ‹จแŠฅแˆตแŠญแŠ•แ‹ตแˆญแŠ• แŠฅแŒ… แ‹จแˆ˜แŒ แˆแ‹˜แ‹ แŠƒแ‹ญแˆ แ‹จแˆˆแ‹แˆ” (แˆฐแˆญแŠซแˆˆแˆ แ‹แˆฒแˆ แ‰ แ‰ฝแˆŽแ‰ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแ‰ฐแŠ“แŒˆแˆจแ‰ฝแ‹)

(แˆˆแ‹แˆญแ‹แˆญ แ‹œแŠ“ แŠฅแŠ•แˆ˜แˆˆแˆณแˆˆแŠ•)

Apr 30, 2013

แˆแˆ‰แˆ แˆฐแ‹ แˆŠแ‹ซแ‹จแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแŒˆแ‰ฃ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แ‰ตแŒแˆซแ‹ซแŠ’แ‹ซแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ˜แŒแ‰ฃแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆ›แŠ•แ‰ฝแˆ แˆฒแŠแŒแˆฉแŠ• Tigrays insulting Ethiopians

Tigres are telling us that we Ethiopians can enter Ethiopia or live in Ethiopia at their will?????.....mmmmmm...yes, I am the Amara-Oromo-Gurage, my parents MADE ETHIOPIA, now the bantu race Tigres (central African-Sudan immigrants to Ethiopia) are tell us we do not have any right in Ethiopia .himmmmm ;) DENQORO TIGRE HULA, Ayit mot siyamrat ye dimet afincha tashetalech...!

Ethiopians are now aweknening from the deep sleep.....! We will consider weather Tigres can hold Ethiopian passport anymore!

แ‹œแŠ“ แ‰ฅแˆตแŒญแ‰ต፤ แŠ แ‰กแŠ แŒดแŒฅแˆฎแˆตแŠ• แŒจแŠญแŠแ‹ แˆ€แˆ™แˆต แˆŠแ‹ซแŠแˆทแ‰ธแ‹ แŠแ‹፡፡

922915_10151533427118930_1195238247_nแˆˆแŠ แˆ˜แ‰ณแ‰ต แ‹จแ’แ‹ซแˆณ แŒแˆญแˆ› แˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‹จแ‰†แ‹ฉแ‰ตแŠฅแˆแ‰ข แ‰ฃแ‹ฉ แŠ แˆญแ‰ แŠ›แ‹ แŠ แ‰กแŠ• แŠจแŠแŒˆ แ‰ แˆตแ‰ฐแ‹ซ แˆ€แˆ™แˆต “แˆˆแ‰€แˆ‹แˆ แ‰ฃแ‰กแˆญ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แ‹แˆญแŒ‹แ‰ณ” แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แˆŠแŠแˆฑ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘แŠ• แˆธแŒˆแˆญ แˆซแ‹ฒแ‹ฎ แŒฃแ‰ขแ‹ซ แŠแŒˆแˆจแŠ•፡፡
แ‰€แŒฅแˆŽ แ‹จแŠ” แ‰ฅแˆตแŒญแ‰ณแ‹Š แ‹ˆแˆฌ แ‹ญแ‰€แŒฅแˆ‹แˆ፤
…แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆˆแŠจแˆ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แ‰€แ‹ซแˆฝ แŠซแˆ‹แŒฃแ‹ แ‰ฆแ‰ณ แˆˆแ‰…แŠ แŒˆแ‹ขแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠ แˆแŠ•แ‰ แˆจแŠจแŠญแˆ แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แˆ˜แˆตแ‹‹แ‰ต แ‹จแˆ†แŠ‘แ‰ตแŠ•  แŠ แ‰ฃแ‰ตแŠ• แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ต “แŠซแˆ‹แˆแˆจแˆตแŠฉ แ‰ฃแ‰กแˆญ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แˆ˜แ‹˜แˆญแŒ‹แ‰ต แŠ แˆแ‰ฝแˆแˆ” แ‰ฅแˆŽ แ‰ แ‰€แ‹จแˆฐแ‹ แˆ˜แˆฐแˆจแ‰ต แ‹จแŠ แ‰กแŠ‘ แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ต แˆ˜แแˆจแˆต แŠฅแˆญแŒแŒฅ แˆ†แŠ—แˆ፡፡
แ‰ แ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ฐ แŒฅแ‰…แˆต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ “แŠ แ‰กแŠ•” แˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‰ แ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ฐ แŒฅแ‰…แˆต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ “แˆˆแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‹‰แ‰ต” “แŠ แ‰กแŠ” แˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ต แŠฅแ‹จแ‰ฐแŒˆแŠแ‰ฃ แ‰ฃแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต แ‰ แ‹šแˆ… แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ต፣  แ‹จแŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ฐแŠ›แ‹ แˆฐแˆ›แˆ…แ‰ต แŠฅแŠ“ แ‹จแŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ฐแŠ›แ‹ แŠ แ‰กแŠ• แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ต แ‹ญแแˆจแˆต แˆ˜แ‰ฃแˆ‰ แ‰ฅแ‹™แ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆฒแ‹ซแ‰ แˆณแŒญ แˆฐแŠ•แ‰ฅแ‰ทแˆ፡፡
แŠ แแˆซแˆฝ แŒแ‰ฅแˆจ แˆ€แ‹ญแˆ‰ แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ฑ แŠจแˆแˆจแˆฐ แ‰ แŠ‹แˆ‹ แ‰ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแˆถ แ‹ญแ‰ฐแŠจแˆ‹แˆ แ‰ขแˆแˆ แŠ•แŒแŒแˆฉแŠ• แ‰ แŒฅแˆญแŒฃแˆฌ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฉแ‰ต แ‰ฅแ‹™แ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹ แŠจแ‰ฅแ‹™แ‹Žแ‰น แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฑแˆ แŠฅแŠ” แŠแŠ!
แŠแŒˆแˆฎแ‰ฝ แŒแ‹ต แ‰ แˆšแˆแ‰ธแ‹ แˆ€แŒˆแˆซแ‰ต แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แ‰ แˆšแ‰€แ‹จแˆต แŒŠแ‹œ แ‰ณแˆชแŠซแ‹Š แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ถแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹•แ‹ตแˆœ แ‰ฃแˆˆแ€แŒ‹ แ‹›แŽแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แŠณ แˆ‹แˆˆแˆ˜แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‰ต แŒฅแˆจแ‰ต แˆฒแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ แŠ แ‹ญแ‰ฐแŠ• แŠ แ‰กแŠ แŒดแŒฅแˆฎแˆตแŠ• แŠซแˆ‹แˆแˆญแˆตแŠฉ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒˆแ‹ต แŠ แˆแˆฐแˆซแˆ แ‹จแˆšแˆˆแ‹ แˆ˜แˆ€แŠ•แ‹ฒแˆต แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ญ แŒฃแˆŠแ‹ซแŠ“แ‹Š แŠซแˆแˆ†แŠ፤  แŠจแŠ แ‰กแŠ‘ แŒ‹แˆญ แˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‰€แ‹ซแ‹จแˆ˜แ‹ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแŒฃแˆซ แ‹ญแˆ†แŠ“แˆ፡፡
แŠฅแŠ” แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แˆจแˆตแ‰ฐแ‹แ‰ต แˆ˜แˆตแˆŽแŠ แŠแ‰ แˆญแŠฎ… แˆˆแŠซแˆต แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆ˜แŒˆแŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆ›แˆแˆจแˆต แŠ แ‹ญแˆจแˆฑแˆแŠ“!
แˆˆแˆ›แˆตแ‰ณแ‹ˆแˆต แ‹ซแˆ…แˆ፤
แ‰ฃแˆˆแˆแ‹ แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ต แ‰ แŒฃแˆŠแ‹ซแŠ• แ‹จแŒแˆซแ‹šแ‹ซแŠ”แŠ• แˆ€แ‹แˆแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆฐแˆซแ‰ต แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹ˆแˆ™  แˆฐแˆแ แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‰ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แŒˆแ‹› แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แˆแŠ• แˆฒแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ แŒแˆซแ‹šแ‹ซแŠ”แŠ•  แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹ˆแˆ›แ‰ฝแˆ… แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แ‰ณแˆตแˆจแ‹ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ แ‹ญแˆ„แŠ•แŠ• แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹แˆฐแŠ• แ‹จแŠ แ‰กแŠ‘แŠ• แˆ˜แแˆจแˆต แŠ แ‹ญแ‰ฐแŠ• แ‰ฅแˆตแŒญแ‰ต แ‹ญแŠแˆฐแŠ•….!?

Apr 25, 2013

แŠฅแŠ’แˆ… แˆฐแ‹แ‹ฌ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ• แ‰ฐแˆแŒ แˆฉ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ•แˆ แŠ–แˆฉ!

379831_654719927888342_925324696_nแ‹›แˆฌ แ‹จแ•แˆฎแŒแˆฐแˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแแŠ• แ‹จแˆแ‹ฐแ‰ต แ‰€แŠ• แŠแ‹፡፡ แŠจแˆแ‹ฐแ‰ณแ‰ต แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฑ แ‰ แ‹“แˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠจแ‹ˆแ‹ณแŒ†แ‰ผ แŒ‹แˆญ แˆ†แŠแŠ• แ‰คแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ„แ‹ต แŠ แŠญแ‰ฅแˆจแŠ• แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡
แ‰ แ‹›แŠ• แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ต แŠจแŠแ‰ แˆฉแ‰ต แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ แ‹›แˆฌ แ‰ แŠฅแˆตแˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆแ‰ตแŒˆแŠ˜แ‹ แˆญแ‹ฎแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ™፤ (แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹แˆ፤ แŠฅแˆญแˆทแŠ• แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹‹แ‹ˆแ‰…แŠ‹แ‰ตแˆ แ‹จแ‹›แŠ” แŠแ‰ แˆญ แˆ˜แˆฐแˆˆแŠ፤ แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹แˆณแˆˆแˆ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆณแ‹ŠแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแŒ แŒ‹ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แŒฝแˆแ แŠ แŠ•แ‰ฅแ‰ฃแˆแŠ• แŠแ‰ แˆญ፤ แŒฝแˆแ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰…แˆตแแ‰ตแŠแ‰ฑแŠ• แ‰ตแ‰ถ แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ตแŠแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‰€แŒฅแˆ แ‰ แ‹˜แ‹ด แ‰ แ‹˜แ‹ด แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แŠญแˆญ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡
แ•แˆฎแแˆ แˆˆแˆญแ‹ฎแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ™ แŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแ‹ซแ‹จแ‰ต แˆฒแˆฐแŒก “แˆ˜แŒฝแˆ€แ แ‰…แ‹ฑแˆฑแŠ• แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ“ แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒˆแˆฝ แŒ แŒฅแ‰ฐแˆธแ‹ แ‹จแˆˆแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ด…” แˆฒแˆแ‰ต แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹แˆณแˆˆแˆ፡፡ แ‰ แ‹•แˆˆแ‰ฑ แŠจแŠแ‰ แˆฉแ‰ต แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ፤ แˆŒแˆ‹ แ‹จแŠฅแŠ” แ‹ˆแ‹ณแŒ… แ‹ฐแˆซแˆฒ แŠฅแŠ“ แŒˆแŒฃแˆš แ‹ณแ‹Šแ‰ต แ€แŒ‹แ‹ฌแˆ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแˆจแˆณแŠ፤ แ‰ แ•แˆฎแ แˆแˆˆแŠ•แ‰ฐแŠ“แ‹Š แŠแŒˆแˆญ แˆฒแ‹ฐแŠแ‰… แˆฒแ‹ฐแŠแ‰… แˆฒแ‹ฐแŠแ‰… แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ แ‹จแ•แˆฎแแŠ• แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆณแ‹Š แŠฅแŠ“ แŠ แŠซแˆ‹แ‹Š  แŒฅแŠ•แŠซแˆฌ แŠ แ‹ญแ‰ถ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแ‹ฐแŠ•แ‰€แ‹ แˆ›แŠ• แŠ แˆˆ… ?
…แˆŒแˆ‹፤  แŠฅแŠ”แŠ• แˆซแˆดแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แ•แˆฎแ แ‰คแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแˆ„แ‹ต แ‹จแŒ‹แ‰ แ‹˜แŠ แ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ฑ แ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠจแŠ› แŠ แˆญแ‹“แ‹ซ แŒŒแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ แ‹จแ‹›แŠ• แ‹•แˆˆแ‰ต แ‹จแˆแ‹ฐแ‰ต แ‹แŒแŒ…แ‰ฑแŠ• แŠซแ‹˜แŒ‹แŒแ‰ต แ‹‹แŠแŠ›แ‹ แŠฅแˆญแˆฑ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡
แŠจแŠ แˆญแŠ แ‹ซ แŒ‹แˆญ แˆŒแˆ‹แˆ แŒŠแ‹œ แŠฅแ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰€แŒฃแŒ แˆญแŠ• แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแŒ‹แŒ‹แˆš แ‹จแ•แˆฎแแŠ• แˆแŠญแˆญ แŠฎแˆแŠฉแˆ˜แŠ“แˆ፡፡ แˆŒแˆŽแ‰ฝแˆ แ‰ แˆญแŠซแ‰ณ แ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ต แ€แˆ€แŠแ‹ซแŠ• แŠฅแŠ“ แ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠจแŠžแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆแˆ แˆ˜แ‹ฐแ‰ แŠ› แŠแ‹‹แˆชแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แ•แˆฎแ แˆแ‹ฐแ‰ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ฐแŒˆแŠแ‰ฐแ‹‹แˆ፡፡ แŠ แ‰ฅแ‹›แŠ›แ‹Žแ‰น แ‰ แˆแ‹ฐแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ฅแ‰ป แˆณแ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แŠจแˆแ‹ฐแ‰ณ แŠฅแˆตแŠจ แˆแ‹ฐแ‰ณ แŠ แ‹˜แ‹แ‰ตแˆจแ‹ แ•แˆฎแ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แˆ‹แˆˆแˆฑ แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹፡፡
แ•แˆฎแŒแˆฐแˆญ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแ‹ˆแŒ‹ แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ญ แ‹จแˆˆแˆ፡፡ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ญ แŒแŠ• แˆตแˆˆ แˆ€แŒˆแˆญ፣ แˆตแˆˆ แˆฐแ‰ฅแ‹“แ‹Š แˆ˜แ‰ฅแ‰ต፣ แˆตแˆˆ แ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แ“แˆญแ‰ฒแ‹Žแ‰ฝ፣ แˆตแˆˆ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ก፣ แˆตแˆˆ แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ณแ‹Š แˆแŠ”แ‰ณแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆตแˆˆ แ‹ˆแ‹˜แ‰ฐ. แ‹ญแ‹ˆแŒ‹แˆ แ‹ญแ‹ˆแŒ‹แˆ แ‹ญแ‹ˆแŒ‹แˆ… แ‹ญแˆ„แŠ•แŠ• แ‹จแˆˆแˆ˜แ‹ฐ แˆฐแ‹ แ’แ‹ซแˆณ แŠจแ‹ฐแˆจแˆฐ แ•แˆฎแ แ‰คแ‰ต แˆ‚แ‹ต แˆ‚แ‹ต แ‹ซแˆฐแŠ˜แ‹‹แˆ፡፡ แˆ„แ‹ถแˆ แ‹ฉแŠ’แ‰จแˆญแˆตแ‰ฒแ‹Žแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ณแ‰ต แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ซแˆตแŒจแ‰ฅแŒกแ‰ตแŠ• แŠฅแ‹แ‰€แ‰ต แŠจแ•แˆฎแ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‰€แŠ• แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹˜แŒˆแŠ• แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒŽ แ‹ญแ‹ˆแŒฃแˆ፡፡
แ•แˆฎแŒแˆฐแˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแแŠ• แˆˆแ‹›แ‰ฝ แˆ€แŒˆแˆญ แ‰ แŒฃแˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒ‰ แˆฐแ‹ แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹፡፡ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ญ แˆแŠญแˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแˆšแˆฐแˆ› แˆฐแˆแ‰ถแˆ แŠจแˆแ‰ก แ‹จแˆšแŒฝแˆแ‹ แˆฐแ‹ แ‰ขแŒˆแŠ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ดแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆแŠซแˆ แ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡
แ‰ แ‹›แŠ• แˆฐแˆžแŠ• แŒ‹แ‹œแŒ แŠ› แˆญแ‹ฎแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ™ แŠฅแŠ“ แ‹แ‰ฅแˆธแ‰ต แ‰ณแ‹ฌ แˆ˜แ‰ณแˆฐแˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แˆฐแˆแ‰ฐแŠ• แ‰ แ‹ตแ‰ฅแˆญแ‰ต แˆตแˆœแ‰ต แ•แˆฎแ แ‰คแ‰ต แˆ„แ‹ฐแŠ• แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ แŠจแˆแˆ‰ แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ แ‹แ‰ฅแˆธแ‰ต แˆฒแ‰ณแˆฐแˆฉ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต “แ‹จแ‰ดแˆŒ แŠฅแŠ“ แ‹จแˆ˜แ‰ฅแˆซแ‰ต แˆƒแ‹ญแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰‹แˆ›แ‰ตแŠ• แˆŠแ‹ซแˆแˆญแˆฑ แˆฒแˆ‰ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆตแŠฉแ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹” แˆฒแˆ แ‹จแˆฐแŒ แ‹ แˆ˜แŒแˆˆแŒซ แŠ แˆตแŒˆแˆญแˆžแŠ“แˆ፡፡  แ•แˆฎแŒแˆฐแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‹ญแˆ„ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆณแ‹จแ‹ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆฐแ‰ต แŒจแˆญแ‰แŠ• แŒฅแˆŽ แˆ›แ‰ แ‹ฑแŠ• แŠแ‹ แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แŠแŒˆแˆฉแŠ•…
แŠฅแŠ›แˆ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠจแŠฅแ‰ฅแ‹ฐแ‰ฑ แ‹ญแ‹ตแŠ• แ‹˜แŠ•แ‹ต แ€แˆŽแ‰ต แŒ€แˆ˜แˆญแŠ• แŒแŠ“ แŒญแˆซแˆฝ แ‰ฃแˆฐแ‰ แ‰ต… แŠฅแŠ แŠ แ‰ถ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ทแˆˆแˆ แŠ แˆซแŒŒ แŠฅแˆตแŠญแŠ•แ‹ตแˆญ แŠแŒ‹ แŒ‹แˆฝ แ‹ฐแ‰ แ‰  แˆณแ‹ญแ‰€แˆญ แˆ˜แ‰ณแˆฐแˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‹ตแŒ‹แˆš แˆฐแˆ›แŠ•… แ‹ญแˆ„แŠ• แŒŠแ‹œ แ•แˆฎแแŠ• แŠ แˆ›แŠจแˆญแŠ“แ‰ธแ‹… “แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แ‹จแ‰ฐแŠแˆแˆฐแ‹แŠ• แˆแˆ‰ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแˆญ แŠจแˆ†แŠ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„แ‹ แˆแŠ•แ‹ตแŠแ‹…” แŠ แˆแŠ“แ‰ธแ‹… แ•แˆฎแแˆ แŠ แˆ‰แŠ•፤ “แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„แ‹ แŠ แˆแŠ•แˆ แŠ แˆแŠ•แˆ แˆ˜แ‰ณแˆฐแˆญ แŠแ‹! …แˆˆแ‹แŒฅ แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแˆตแˆญ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠแ‹!” แŠ แˆ‰แŠ•፡፡ แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ต แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹‹แˆ…  แŠฅแŠ›  แŠ แˆแˆฐแˆ› แ‰ฅแˆˆแŠ• แŠจแˆ€แŒˆแˆญ แ‹ˆแŒฅแ‰ฐแŠ“แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆˆแ‹แŒก แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแˆตแˆญ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠแ‹፡፡
แ•แˆฎแŒแˆฐแˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแแŠ• แ‹ˆแˆแ‹ฐแˆ›แˆญแ‹ซแˆ แŠ แˆแŠ•แˆ แˆณแ‹ญแ‰ณแŠญแ‰ฑ แŠฅแŠ›แŠ•แˆ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ตแŠ•แˆ แŠฅแ‹จแˆ˜แŠจแˆฉ แŠแ‹፡፡ แˆตแˆˆแ‹šแˆ…แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แˆ‹แˆˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ’แˆ… แˆฐแ‹แ‹ฌ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ•แˆ แ‰ฐแˆแŒ แˆฉ፣ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ•แˆ แŠ–แˆฉ፣ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ•แˆ แˆ˜แŠจแˆฉ… แ‰ฅแ‹™ แ‹˜แˆ˜แŠ•แˆ แ‹ญแŠ‘แˆฉ!  แŠ แˆœแŠ•!

แŠขแ‰ฒแ‰ช แ‹œแŠ“ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹šแˆ… แŠ แˆˆ แ‹จแŠจแˆธแˆแ‹‰แŠ• แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แˆฝแ‹ซแŒญ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆณแŠซ แŒˆแ‰ข แˆ›แˆฐแ‰ฃแˆฐแ‰ขแ‹ซ แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แŠ แ‹ตแˆจแŠฉ แŠ แˆˆ

แŠ แˆ›แˆซ แŠฆแˆฎแˆž  แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ แŠญแˆญแˆตแ‰ฒแ‹ซแŠ‘ แ‰ฃแŠ•แ‹ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ฅแˆจแ‹ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแˆซแ‰ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŒจแŠจแŠ‘ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹จแ‰แˆญแŒฅ แ‰€แŠ• แˆแŒ†แ‰ฝ แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆ› แ‹จแŠ แ‰ฃแ‹ญแŠ• แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แˆˆแˆ˜แˆฝแŒฅ แ‹จแˆ˜แŒกแ‰ตแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ”แ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆจแ‹ แ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹ซแ‹˜แŒ‹แŒ€แ‹ แŠ แ‹ณแˆซแˆฝ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‰ฐแˆตแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ แ‹ แ‰ แˆƒแŒˆแˆซแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ณแ‹Š แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ
แ‰ฐแ‹ˆแ‹ซแ‹ญแ‰ฐแ‹‹แˆ แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แˆˆแˆ˜แˆฝแŒฅ แ‹จแˆ˜แŒฃแ‰ฝแ‹ แŠ แˆแ‰ฃแˆณแ‹ฐแˆญ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแˆซแ‰ต แ‰ แ‹จแŠ แŠ•แŒแŒแˆญ แˆตแ‰ตแŒ€แˆแˆญ แˆตแˆˆแ‰ณแˆฐแˆฉแ‰ตแŠ“ แˆตแˆˆแ‰ฐแˆแŠ“แ‰€แˆ‰แ‰ต แ‹ˆแŒˆแŠ–แ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ€แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซ แŒฅแ‹ซแ‰„แ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แˆ˜แˆแˆฝแˆแŠ• แ‰ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แ‹ˆแŒฅแˆจแ‹ แ‹ซแ‹แ‹‹แ‰ต แ‹แŒฅแˆจแ‰ฑแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ แ‰ฅแˆถ แŠ แˆแ‰ฃแˆณแ‹ฐแˆฏ  แ‹แˆญแ‹ฐแ‰ทแŠ• แ‰ฐแŠจแŠ“แŠ•แ‰ฃ แŠจแŠแŒ€แˆŒแ‹Žแ‰ฟ  แ‰ แ–แˆŠแˆต แˆƒแ‹ญแˆ  แŠ แแˆจแ‹ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแˆฐแ‹‹แˆ แ‹ญแˆ„ แ‹จแŠ” แ‹œแŠ“ แŠแ‹ ።แŠขแ‰ฒแ‰ช แ‹œแŠ“ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž  แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹šแˆ… แŠ แˆˆ แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆฉ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ•แŠ“ แ‰ตแ‹แˆแ‹ฐ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ• แˆˆแ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹ณแˆด แŒแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ณ แ‹จแˆšแ‹แˆ75 แˆบ แ‹จแŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แŠญแˆฎแŠแˆญ /แˆฉแ‰ฅ แˆšแˆŠแ‹ฎแŠ• แ‰ฅแˆญ/  แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แˆ˜แŒแ‹›แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แˆตแ‰ถแŠญแˆ†แˆแˆ แ‹จแŠขแŒแ‹ฒแˆช แ‰†/แŒ€/แ…/แ‰คแ‰ต แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹ˆแ‰€ แ…แˆ…แˆแ‰ตแ‰คแ‰ฑ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŒˆแˆˆแ€แ‹ แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆฉ  แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ•แŠ“ แ‰ตแ‹แˆแ‹ฐ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹จ แˆฝแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ฃแˆฐแ‰ก แ€แˆจแˆฐแˆ‹แˆแŠ“ แ€แˆจ แˆแˆ›แ‰ต แˆƒแ‹ญแˆŽแ‰ฝ แ‹ซแ‰€แŠแ‰ฃแ‰ แˆฉแ‰ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แˆฐแˆแ แˆณแ‹ญแŒˆแ‹ตแ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹ แˆˆแˆ…แ‹ณแˆดแ‹ แŒแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ณ แ‹จแˆšแ‹แˆ แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แ‰ แˆ˜แŒแ‹›แ‰ตแˆˆแŠ แŒˆแˆซแ‰ธแ‹ แˆแˆ›แ‰ต แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰แˆญแŒ แŠแŠแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แŠ แˆตแˆ˜แˆตแŠญแˆจแ‹‹แˆ แ‰ฅแˆแˆ፡፡ you can see truth norwigian media

แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆฉ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ•แŠ“ แ‰ตแ‹แˆแ‹ฐ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ• แˆˆแ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹ณแˆด แŒแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ณ แ‹จแˆšแ‹แˆ 75 แˆบ แ‹จแŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แŠญแˆฎแŠแˆญ/แˆฉแ‰ฅ แˆšแˆŠแ‹ฎแŠ• แ‰ฅแˆญ/  แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แˆ˜แŒแ‹›แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แˆตแ‰ถแŠญแˆ†แˆแˆ แ‹จแŠขแŒแ‹ฒแˆช แ‰†/แŒ€/แ…/แ‰คแ‰ต แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹ˆแ‰€፡፡
แ…แˆ…แˆแ‰ต แ‰คแ‰ฑ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŒˆแˆˆแ€แ‹ แ‰ แŠ–แˆญแ‹Œแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ณแ‰ซแŠ•แŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแŠ–แˆฉ  แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ•แŠ“ แ‰ตแ‹แˆแ‹ฐ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹จ แˆฝแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ฃแˆฐแ‰ก แ€แˆจ แˆฐแˆ‹แˆแŠ“ แ€แˆจ แˆแˆ›แ‰ต แˆƒแ‹ญแˆŽแ‰ฝ แ‹ซแ‰€แŠแ‰ฃแ‰ แˆฉแ‰ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แˆฐแˆแ แˆณแ‹ญแŒˆแ‹ตแ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹ แˆˆแˆ…แ‹ณแˆดแ‹ แŒแ‹ตแ‰ฅ แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ณ แ‹จแˆšแ‹แˆ แ‰ฆแŠ•แ‹ต แ‰ แˆ˜แŒแ‹›แ‰ต แˆˆแŠ แŒˆแˆซแ‰ธแ‹ แˆแˆ›แ‰ต แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰แˆญแŒ แŠแŠแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แŠ แˆตแˆ˜แˆตแŠญแˆจแ‹‹แˆ แ‰ฅแˆแˆ፡etv you can click and watch

Apr 24, 2013

Ethiopia: Jailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye off to Zeway death camp

The Horn Times News 20 April 2013
By Getahune Bekele, South Africa
As the unpopular, corrupt and inefficient minority junta
continues to govern the police state Ethiopia with brute
iron hand, dealing ruthlessly with political prisoners and
jailed journalists whom it blames for causing the late
despot Meles Zenawi’s “ untimely” death; Ethiopian
political prisoners have fallen on hard times filled with
dread and terror.

he former Editor of Awramba Times, Wubeshet Taye is the latest
Prisoner to be sent to Zeway death camp to serve the remaining time of his 14
years sentence away from his family, with the likes of Bekele Gerba, Albana Lelisa
and several others who are already condemned to the notorious facility.
Chained in leg iron and carrying his belongings in tiny bag, hundreds of curios
inmates at Kilinto prison watched the young scribe taken away by more than 20
TPLF soldiers on Tuesday morning April 16 2013.
A friend of the terrorized journalist confirmed to the Horn Times that Woubshet

ye is currently in Zeway, still in leg iron like all political prisoners.
The 2011 trial of Woubshet Taye was at the time described unfair and was way
below the international fair trial standard under the controversial and draconian
anti-terrorism law designed to persecute and silence dissenting voices.
The Horn Times franticly tried to talk to TPLF officials in charge of prison
administration to find out the reason behind sending opposition prisoners
particularly Ethnic Oromos and the Amharas to Zeway during the known malaria
season, but none of them were willing to reply including the office of the man
himself, warlord Berket Simeon

แ‰ตแŠ•แˆฝ แ‹ˆแˆฌ፤ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ฑ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแ‹แแˆจแ‹‹แˆ!

Untitled-2แŠฅแŠ” แ‹จแˆแˆˆแ‹ แ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ›แ‹ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŒแŠ• แŒญแ‰ฅแŒจแ‰ฃ แˆˆแˆแŠ• แ‰€แˆจ… แŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉ แ‹ซแŠ•แŠ• แˆแˆ‰ แˆฐแ‹“แ‰ต แˆ˜แŠจแˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแ‰ฐแ‹ แˆชแ–แˆญแ‰ต แˆฒแ‹ซแŠแ‰ก แ‰†แ‹ญแ‰ฐแ‹ แŠ แˆ˜แˆฐแŒแŠ“แˆˆแˆ… แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แˆฒแŒจแˆญแˆฑ แ‰ แŒญแ‰ฅแŒจแ‰ฃ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ฑ แˆแˆตแŒ‹แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰ขแ‰€แ‰ แˆแ‰ธแ‹፤ แ‰ แŠ แ€แ‹แ‹แˆ แ‰ขแ‹ซแˆ˜แˆฐแŒแŠ—แ‰ธแ‹ แˆแŠ• แŠ แˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต…?
แ‰ตแ‹ แ‹ญแˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆ†แŠ แ‹ญแ‰บ แˆ…แŒ แ‹จแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ฝแ‹ แ‹ซแŠ” แ‰  97 แ‰ แ‹› แ‰ฐแ‹“แˆแˆจแŠ› แ‹ˆแˆญ แ‹จแ‰…แŠ•แŒ…แ‰ต แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แ‰ แŠขแˆ…แŠ แ‹ดแŒ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹แˆจแˆซ แ‰ แ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ›แ‹ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ˆแˆจแˆซ แ‹จแˆแŒธแˆ™ แ‹•แˆˆแ‰ต แ‰ แˆญแŠซแ‰ณ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แˆ…แŒŽแ‰ฝ แ‰ฐแˆธแˆฝแˆˆแ‹‹แˆ፡፡  แŠ แ‹ณแ‹ฒแˆต แˆ…แŒŽแ‰ฝแˆ แ‹ˆแŒฅแ‰ฐแ‹ แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ “แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แˆ…แŒ‰ แŠจแˆšแˆแ‰…แ‹ฐแ‹ แ‹แŒช แŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆตแ‰ƒแˆด แˆฒแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‰ขแŒˆแŠ แŠจแ‰ฐแ‰€แˆ˜แŒ แ‰ แ‰ต แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‰ แˆญ แ–แˆŠแˆต แŠ แŠ•แŒ แˆแŒฅแˆŽ แ‹ซแˆตแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‹‹แˆ…” แ‹จแˆšแˆ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แˆแˆ‰ แŠแ‰ แˆจแ‰ แ‰ต፡፡ แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ แ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแˆแˆˆแŒˆ แ‹ฐแˆตแ‰ณ แ‰ขแŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒญแ‰ฅแŒจแ‰ฃ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆจแŒแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แŠ แ‹ณแˆซแˆน แ‹จแŒ‰แ‰ฃแŠค แˆณแ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แ‹จแˆฑแ‰ฃแŠค แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ˜แˆตแˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆแ‹ แ‹จแ‹›แŠ” แŠแ‰ แˆญ፡፡ (แˆ˜แˆฐแˆˆแŠ)
แ‹จแˆ†แŠแ‹ แˆ†แŠ– แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ฑ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแ‹แแˆจแ‹‹แˆ፡፡
แ‹›แˆฌ แ‰ แˆตแŠ•แ‰ต แŒŠแ‹œแ‹ฌ แ‹›แˆฌ แ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ›แ‹แŠ• แ‰ฅแˆ˜แˆˆแŠจแ‰ฐแ‹ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ฑ แ‰€แˆ‹แˆ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแ‹แแˆจแ‹‹แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ด… (แ‰ แŠฅแˆญแŒแŒฅ แŠฅแŠ”แˆ แ‰ตแŠ•แˆฝ แŠ แŒ‹แŠ•แŠ›แˆˆแˆ…) แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ•  แŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆญ แˆƒแ‹ญแˆˆแˆ›แˆชแ‹ซแˆ แ‹ฐแˆณแˆˆแŠ แŠ•แŒแŒแˆญ แ‰ แˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‰แ‰ แ‰ต แŒŠแ‹œ แŠ แ‰ถ แŠ แ‰ฃ แ‹ฑแˆ‹ แŒˆแˆ˜แ‹ณแŠ• แŒจแˆแˆฎ แˆŒแˆŽแ‰ฝ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แˆฒแ‹ซแ‹แˆฝแŠฉ แŠฅแŠ“ แˆฒแ‹ซแŠ•แˆพแŠซแˆนแŠฉ แˆ›แ‹จแ‰ด แˆฒแŒˆแˆญแˆ˜แŠ፤ แ‹ˆแ‹ญแ‹˜แˆฎ แŠฅแˆแ‹ฌ แ‰ขแ‰ฐแ‹ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแˆ‰ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แŠญแ‰กแˆญ แŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉแŠ•፤  แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‹‹แ‹› แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉ แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แˆฒแŒ แˆฏแ‰ธแ‹ แˆฐแˆ›แˆ፡፡
แ‹ญแ‰บแŠ• แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‹ณแˆ แ‹จแ‹ฐแˆณแˆˆแŠ แˆแŒ…! “แ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰” แˆ˜แ‰ฃแˆ แ‰ขแ‹ซแŠ•แˆณแ‰ธแ‹ …แŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆญ… แˆ˜แ‰ฃแˆ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แˆŠแ‰ แ‹›แ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹ แŠแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ด!?
แŠจแˆแˆ‰ แŠจแˆแˆ‰ แŒแŠ• แˆ›แ‹แˆธแŠฉแˆ แ‹ญแˆแŠ•፣ แˆ›แŠ•แˆพแŠซแˆพแŠฉแˆ แˆแŠ•แˆ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆ፣ แŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉแŠ• แ‰ฐแˆซ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ดแˆญ แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒŽ แˆ˜แŒฅแˆซแ‰ตแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แˆแŠ• แ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‹แˆ… แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แ‰ แˆญแŠซแ‰ณ แ‹จแ“แˆญแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แ‹ตแˆฎ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แŒŠแ‹œ แŠฅแŠ•แŠณแŠ•แˆต แˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แˆ˜แŒฅแ‰ฐแ‹ แ‹ญแ‰…แˆญแŠ“ แˆˆแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹ฉ “แŠฎแŠจแˆต” แˆตแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ฃแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแ‰€แˆฉแ‰ต แˆแˆ‰ แ‹›แˆฌ แŠจแˆแŠญแˆญ แ‰คแ‰ฑ แ‰ แ‰€แˆช แˆ˜แˆ˜แ‹แŒˆแ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ตแˆแ‰… แˆ˜แ‹ฐแ‹แˆแˆญ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆแŠ•!

Apr 23, 2013

Breaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF Ambassador

Norway police stopped meeting in Tasta Bydelshus

Source: Aftenbladet
The police came out with three cars and six policemen and stopped a meeting of Tasta bydelshus where the atmosphere was becoming so very irritably among the more than 300 Ethiopian origin attendees.
The 300 attendees were Ethiopian asylum seekers or people with Ethiopian background. The police feared that it would get completely out of control when people in the audience went to the hard verbal confrontation against two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm who had called for and chaired the meeting.Breaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF Ambassador
The police gave the first message that all protesters to leave the meeting while the two embassy people and their potential supporters can be seated. This denied the attendees protesters, and several feared it would come to an open confrontation between police and people in the audience. Then, specific efforts manager ร˜yvind Sveinsvoll of Rogaland police to stop the meeting and clear the room.
It was a wise decision, said several of those present protesters. They did not want the two embassy people should be left as “victors” while they were evicted.
- Our goal was to stop the meeting. We managed, says one of them to Eve magazine.
Had to isolate embassy people
The atmosphere was tense that the police chose to isolate the two embassy people from the rest of the participants. TheyBreaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF escorted them out to a private car that carried them away from the area. The 300 attendees were then drop out of the courtroom.
There was general consul at the Ethiopian Embassy, ​​Abay Mebrat Beyene, who would chair the meeting with embassy secretary. The main theme was collecting money in the Ethiopian exile to a very controversial prestige project for the regime in Ethiopia.
Mass demonstrations abroad
The Ethiopian authorities have tried to keep similar “recovery meetings” both in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Germany, and each time meetings have ended in massive demonstrations against human rights violations in Ethiopia. People imprisoned without trial, free elections are abolished, freedom of speech likewise, newspapers are state controlled and hundreds of journalists imprisoned.
Not voluntary payment
Several took the floor during the meeting and said this was not a voluntary fundraising. Those who did not pay the money, you could expect problems when they contacted the embassy to obtain a passport or ID papers. Gearing up for the Oslo-riot
Saturday’s meeting was the first of its kind in Norway. And exiled Ethiopians came in separate buses from Oslo, others came from Steinkjรฆr, Otta, Stord and Bergen to demonstrate in Tasta bydelshus against the regime in Ethiopia.
28th April, the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm holds a similar meeting in Oslo.
- We are going to fill the buses with protesters, said several of those present to Eve magazine.

Apr 17, 2013

“แˆ›แˆชแ‹ซแˆ แŠแŠ” แ‰ฃแ‹ฉแ‹‹ แ‰ฐแˆแˆจแ‹ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ต

แ‰ แŠ แˆธแŠ“แŠ แ‹ฐแˆแˆด
แ‹จแŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆ‰ แŠ แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ…แŒ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแŒˆแ‰ฃแ‰ตแŠ• แŒฅแ‰…แˆ แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠ˜แ‰ต
แ‰ แˆ›แˆฐแ‰ฅ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹ฉ แŒŠแ‹œแ‹ซแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แ‰€แˆณแ‰€แˆต
แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แˆ›แ‰ณแˆˆแˆ “แŠฅแŠ” แˆ›แˆญแ‹ซแˆ แŠแŠ፤ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠขแ‹จแˆฑแˆตแˆ
แ‰ แŒ…แˆซแ แ‰ฐแŒˆแˆญแŒแ‹ซแˆˆแˆ፤ แŠจแˆžแ‰ตแˆ แ‰ฐแŠแˆตแ‰ปแˆˆแˆ፤
แ‹จแ‹ˆแˆˆแ‹ตแŠณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ•แˆ แˆแŒ†แ‰ฝ แ‹ซแŒˆแŠ˜แˆแ‰ต แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆต แŠแ‹”
แˆตแ‰ตแˆแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹“แˆˆแˆ แแƒแˆœ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆทแˆ แ‰ แˆšแˆ แ‹จแˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹จแŒแˆ
แˆ€แ‰ฅแ‰ต แˆˆแˆซแˆท แˆตแ‰ณแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆผแ‰ฃแ‰ณแˆˆแˆ แˆฒแˆ แŠญแˆต
แ‹จแˆ˜แˆฐแˆญแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ต แ‹จ34 แ‹“แˆ˜แ‰ท แ‰ตแ‹•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แ‰ฅแˆญแˆƒแŠ‘ แ‹ˆ/
แŒŠแ‹ฎแˆญแŒŠแˆต፤ แ‰ แŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แแˆญแ‹ต แ‰คแ‰ต 6แŠ› แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ
แ‰ฝแˆŽแ‰ต แŠแ‰ต แ‰€แˆญแ‰ฃ แŒฅแ‹แ‰ฐแŠ› แˆ†แŠ“ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒˆแŠ˜แ‰ท แ‰ 2 แ‹“แˆ˜แ‰ต
แŠจ4 แ‹ˆแˆซแ‰ต แ…แŠ‘ แŠฅแˆตแˆซแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แˆบ แ‰ฅแˆญ แ‹จแŒˆแŠ•แ‹˜แ‰ฅ
แˆ˜แ‰€แŒฎ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแ‰ตแ‰€แŒฃ แˆฒแˆ แ‰ฃแˆณแˆˆแแŠแ‹ แˆณแˆแŠ•แ‰ต แ‹ˆแˆฐแŠ።

แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠ แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ…แŒ แ‹จแŠญแˆต แ‹แˆญแ‹แˆญ แŠจแˆ†แŠ แŒแˆˆแˆฐแ‰ง แ‰ แŠ แˆซแ‰ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹ฉ แŠญแˆถแ‰ฝ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹ˆแŠแŒ€แˆˆแ‰ฝ แˆฒแˆ†แŠ•፤ แ‹จแŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แแˆญแ‹ต แ‰คแ‰ต
“แˆˆแˆฐแ‹ แˆ…แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ต แˆ›แˆˆแ แˆณแ‰ขแ‹ซ แŠแ‰ฝ” แˆฒแˆ แŠ แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ…แŒ แ‹ซแ‰€แˆจแ‰ แ‹แŠ• แŠญแˆต แ‹ซแˆแ‰ฐแˆŸแˆ‹ แŠแ‹ แˆฒแˆ แ‹แ‹ตแ‰… แˆฒแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‰€แˆฉแ‰ต
แˆถแˆตแ‰ต แŠญแˆถแ‰ฝ แŒแŠ• แŒฅแ‹แ‰ฐแŠ› แŠแ‰ฝ แ‰ฅแˆŽ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแ‰ตแŠจแˆ‹แŠจแˆ แ‰ฅแ‹ญแŠ• แˆฐแŒฅแ‰ถ แŠแ‰ แˆญ።
แ‰ฐแŠจแˆณแˆฟ แŒฅแ‹แ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแˆˆแ‰ฝแ‰ แ‰ต แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฐแŠ› แŠญแˆต แ‰ แ‹จแŠซแ‰ฒแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ‹แ‰ขแ‰ต แ‹ˆแˆซแ‰ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ 1999 แ‹“.แˆ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแŒˆแ‰ฃแ‰ตแŠ• แŒฅแ‰…แˆ

แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠ˜แ‰ต แŠ แˆตแ‰ฃ แ‰ แŒ‰แˆˆแˆŒ แŠญแแˆˆ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆ› แ‰€แ‰ แˆŒ 21 แˆแ‹ฉ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹ แŠชแ‹ณแŠแˆแˆ…แˆจแ‰ต แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แ‰ แˆšแŒ แˆซแ‹ แŠ แŠซแ‰ฃแ‰ข แŠจ300 แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ
แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แˆฐแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ฅ “แŠฅแŠ” แˆ›แˆญแ‹ซแˆ แŠแŠ፤ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠขแ‹จแˆฑแˆตแˆ แ‰ แŒ…แˆซแ แ‰ฐแŒˆแˆญแŒ፤ แŠจแˆžแ‰ตแˆ แ‰ฐแŠแˆตแ‰ผแ‹ซแˆˆแˆ” แ‹จแˆšแˆ แ‹จแˆ€แˆฐแ‰ต แ‹ˆแˆฌ
แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แ‹›แ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹“แˆˆแˆ แแƒแˆœ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆทแˆ แŠ•แ‰ฅแˆจแ‰ต แŠ แ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒแˆ แ‰ แˆšแˆ แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆแŠ• แŠ•แ‰ฅแˆจแ‰ต แŠ แˆแŒก แˆตแ‰ตแˆ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹ฉ แ‹จแŒแˆ
แ‰ฐแ‰ แ‹ณแ‹ฎแ‰ฝ แŒฅแˆฌ แŒˆแŠ•แ‹˜แ‰ฅแŠ“ แ‹ˆแˆญแ‰… แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰€แ‰ แˆˆแ‰ฝ แˆฒแˆ†แŠ•፤ แ‰ แŠ แŒ แ‰ƒแˆ‹แ‹ญแˆ 40แˆบ แ‰ฅแˆญ แˆˆแŒแˆ แŒฅแ‰…แˆŸ แŠ แ‹แˆ‹แˆˆแ‰ฝ แˆฒแˆ แ‰ แŠญแˆต แˆ˜แ‹แŒˆแ‰ก
แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠ แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ…แŒ แ‰€แŒฃแ‹ญ แŠญแˆต แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แ‰ฐแŠจแˆณแˆฟ แ‰ แˆฐแŠ” 1 แ‰€แŠ• 1999 แ‹“.แˆ แ‰ แ‹จแŠซ แŠญแแˆˆ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆ› แ‰€แ‰ แˆŒ 16 แˆแ‹ฉ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹
แˆ‹แˆแ‰ แˆจแ‰ต แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แ‰ แˆšแŒ แˆซแ‹ แŠ แŠซแ‰ฃแ‰ข 50 แ‹จแˆšแ‹ฐแˆญแˆฑ แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แ‹ซแ‹ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแ‹ฐแ‰กแ‰ฅ แˆแ‹•แˆซแ‰ฅ แˆธแ‹‹ แ‹žแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ“แ‹ แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒญ
แŒˆแ‹ณแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแˆšแŒ แˆซแ‹ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆณแ‹Š แ‰ฆแ‰ณ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‹แˆฐแ‹ต แ‰ แ†แˆแŠ“ แ€แˆŽแ‰ต แˆฐแ‰ แ‰ฅ แŠ แ‰ฅแˆจแ‹‹แ‰ต แ‹จแŠแ‰ แˆฉแ‰ต แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆˆแŠ แˆแˆตแ‰ต แ‰€แŠ“แ‰ต
แˆแŒแ‰ฅ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ญแ‰ แˆ‰ แ‰ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ณแŠจแˆ™แŠ“ แˆˆแŠจแ‹ แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ณแˆจแŒ‰ แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒ‹แˆˆแ‰ฝ แˆฒแˆ แ‰ แŠญแˆฑ แ‹ซแ‰ตแ‰ณแˆ።
แ‰ แˆŒแˆ‹แˆ แ‰ แŠฉแˆ แŒแˆˆแˆฐแ‰ง แ‰ แŒฅแˆญ 24 แ‰€แŠ• 2003 แ‹“.แˆ แ‰ แˆแ‹ฐแ‰ณ แŠญแแˆˆ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆ› แ‰€แ‰ แˆŒ 11 แˆแ‹ฉ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹ แ‰ฐแŠญแˆˆแˆƒแ‹ญแˆ›แŠ–แ‰ต แ‰คแ‰ฐ-
แŠญแˆญแˆตแ‰ฒแ‹ซแŠ• แ‰…แŒฅแˆญ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ 20 แ‹จแˆšแŒ แŒ‰ แˆ…แƒแŠ“แ‰ต แˆแŒ†แ‰ฝแŠ“ แˆดแ‰ต แ‰ฐแŠจแ‰ณแ‹ฎแ‰ฟแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แ‹ซแ‹፣ “แŠฅแŠ” แˆ›แˆญแ‹ซแˆ แŠแŠ፤ แˆแŒ†แ‰ผแŠ•
แ‹จแ‹ˆแˆˆแ‹ตแŠณแ‰ธแ‹แˆ แ‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆแˆต แŠแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แŠจแ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ต แŒ‹แˆญ แ‰ฐแŠแ‰ผ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆ” แ‰ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ฐแŠจแ‰ณแ‹ฎแ‰ฟแˆ แŠฅแˆญแˆท แˆ›แˆญแ‹ซแˆ แŠแ‰ฝ።
แˆžแ‰ณแˆ แ‰ฐแŠแˆตแ‰ณแˆˆแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆแˆ 40 แ‰€แŠ• แ‹ซแˆˆแˆแŒแ‰ฅ แ‰ตแ†แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แˆ€แˆฐแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹ˆแˆฌแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแŠแ‹™ แ‰ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ
แˆตแ‰ณแˆตแ‰ฐแˆแˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠแ‰ แˆญ แŠจแ–แˆŠแˆต แ‹จแˆแˆญแˆ˜แˆซ แˆ˜แ‹แŒˆแ‰ฅ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆถแŠ›แˆ แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แ‹แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ•แŒ፤ แ‰ แ‹šแˆ…แˆ แˆแŠญแŠ•แ‹ซแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰คแ‰ฐ-แŠญแˆญแˆตแ‰ฒแ‹ซแŠ—
แ‰…แŒฅแˆญ แŒแ‰ข แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹จแŠแ‰ แˆฉ แˆŒแˆŽแ‰ฝ แˆแ‹•แˆ˜แŠ“แŠ• “ แˆ€แˆฐแ‰ต แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŠ แ‰ตแŠ“แŒˆแˆช” แˆฒแˆ‰ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰ƒแ‹ˆแˆ›แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแˆแŠจแ‰ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแŒˆแ‰ก
แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แ‰ แˆแ€แˆ˜แ‰ฝแ‹ แ‹จแˆ€แˆฐแ‰ต แ‹ˆแˆฌแ‹Žแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‰ แˆ›แ‹แˆซแ‰ตแŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅแŠ• แ‰ แˆ›แŠแˆณแˆณแ‰ต แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ แ‰ฐแŠจแˆณแˆˆแ‰ฝ แ‹ญแˆ‹แˆ።
แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ฉแŠ• แˆฒแˆ˜แˆจแˆแˆจแ‹ แ‹จแ‰†แ‹จแ‹ แ‹จแŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แแˆญแ‹ต แ‰คแ‰ต 6แŠ› แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ แ‰ฝแˆŽแ‰ตแˆ แ‹จแ‹แ‰ƒแ‰ค แˆ•แŒแŠ• แŠญแˆต แ‰ฐแŠจแˆณแˆฟ
แˆ›แˆตแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ แˆ แ‰ฃแˆˆแˆ˜แ‰ปแˆ แŒฅแ‹แ‰ฐแŠ› แˆ†แŠ“ แŠ แŒแŠแ‰ปแ‰ณแˆˆแˆ แˆฒแˆ፤ แˆ˜แŒ‹แ‰ขแ‰ต 25 แ‰€แŠ• 2005 แ‹“.แˆ แ‰ 2 แ‹“แˆ˜แ‰ต แŠจ4 แ‹ˆแˆญ แ…แŠ‘
แŠฅแˆตแˆซแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ 1000 แ‰ฅแˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแ‰ตแ‰€แŒฃ แˆฒแˆ แ‹ˆแˆตแŠ–แ‰ฃแ‰ณแˆ።¾
แˆแŠ•แŒญ፡ แˆฐแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰… แŒ‹แ‹œแŒฃ

ESAT Tikuret Dr Birhanu Nega April 2013 Ethiopia


During the 2005 elections, Berhanu debated Meles Zenawi. Despite the post-election political impasse, CUD met on 20 August and elected Berhanu mayor of Addis Ababa. Dr. Admasu Gebeyehu and Assefa Habtewold were elected Deputy Mayor and Speaker of the city assembly respectively at the same meeting. Had the CUD taken over the task of running the city, Berhanu would have been the first elected mayor in Ethiopia.
However, the October riots led to Berhanu’s imprisonment, along with CUD chairman Hailu Shawul, Professor Mesfin Woldemariam, and Former Senior UN Prosecutor Dr. Yacob Haile-Mariam and other leaders of the CUD, as well as a number of civil rights activists and independent journalists. They were charged with genocide and treason. Amnesty International and the European Union recognized the prisoners as political prisoners and requested immediate and unconditional release. The Ethiopian Supreme Court, however, sentenced all of this group to life sentences. After the intervention of the international community and Ethiopian elderly, majority of the leaders were pardoned after 21 months of prison on 20 July 2007.
While in Kaliti prison, Berhanu wrote and published a book Yenetsanet Goh Siked (“The Dawn of Freedom”), which was published in Kampala, Uganda by MM Publishers in May 2006. The book, over 600 pages long, included an account of his time with the EPRP.
Source: Wikipedia

แ‹จแŒแ แŒฝแ‹‹ แˆฒแ‰ แ‹› แŠ แ‹ซแ‰€แˆจแˆฝแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ด? แˆ‰แˆ‰ แŠจแ‰ แ‹ฐ

แˆ‰แˆ‰ แŠจแ‰ แ‹ฐ
แ‹‹แŠ“แ‹ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‰ฝแŒแˆญแŠ“ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„ แ‹ซแˆแ‰ฐแŒˆแŠ˜แˆˆแ‰ต แŠแŒˆแˆญ፤ แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แˆ€แ‰ต แŒˆแ‹ข แ‰กแ‹ตแŠ•፤ แŠ แˆแŠ• แŠ แˆˆแˆ›แ‰ฝแŠ• แŠซแˆˆแ‰ฝแ‰ แ‰ต แ‹จแˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ”แŠ“ แ‹จแŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแˆณแˆฐแ‰ฅ แŠฅแ‹ตแŒˆแ‰ต แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แŠฅแŒ…แŒ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แŠ‹แˆ‹ แ‰ แ‰€แˆจ แŠฅแˆแŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แแˆแˆตแแŠ“ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ฐแŒฃแ‰ฅแ‰€แ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰…แˆจแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹፤ แ‹จแˆแˆ‰ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„ แŒ‰แˆแ‰ แ‰ต แ‰ฅแ‰ป แŠแ‹፤ แŒกแŠ•แ‰ป แ‰ฅแ‰ป፤ แŒกแŠ•แ‰ปแŠ• แŠ แˆแˆญแŒฅแˆž แˆ˜แŒˆแŠ˜แ‰ต แ‰ฅแ‰ป แŠแ‹። แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‹ฐแˆแ‹ฐแˆ›แ‰ธแ‹፤ แ‰ แˆแŠ•แˆ แˆ˜แˆแŠฉ แˆˆแŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแˆ แŠ แ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แŒฅแ‹ซแ‰„ แˆ˜แˆแˆต แˆˆแˆ˜แˆตแŒ แ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ˜แ‹˜แŒ‹แŒ€แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆ แˆ†แŠ–፤ แ‹ญแ‹˜แ‹ แŠจแ‰ฐแŠแˆฑแ‰ต แ‹จแŒฅแ‹แ‰ต แŠ แˆ‹แˆ› แŒฅแ‰‚แ‰ฑแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แŠณ แ‰ แ‰ แŒŽ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แ‰€แ‹ญแˆจแ‹ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆตแ‹ แ‹จแˆˆแ‹แŒฅ แŒญแˆ‹แŠ•แŒญแˆ แˆ›แˆณแ‹จแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ˜แ‰ปแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแŒˆแˆญแˆแˆ፤ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแ‰†แŒฃแˆ፤ แ‰€แŒ แˆฎ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแˆฐแŒ แ‹ แŠฅแˆญแˆแŒƒ แˆ˜แ‹แ‹ต แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒแ‰ แ‰ต แŒŠแ‹œ แˆ˜แ‹˜แŒแ‹จแ‰ฑแŠ•แˆ แŠ แˆ˜แˆ‹แŠซแ‰ฝ แŠแ‹።
แˆฒแˆแŒ แˆฉ แŒ€แˆแˆจแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆ˜แŠ‘แ‰ต፤ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹ˆแˆฐแŠ‘แ‰ต፤ “แŠ แˆ›แˆซ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ฃแˆ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แŒ แˆ‹ แŠแ‹። แˆฐแ‹ แ‰ แˆ‹ แŠแ‹። แˆ˜แŒฅแ‹แ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต። แˆ˜แ‹แ‹ฐแˆ แŠ แˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต” แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰ฐแŠแˆฑ፤ แŠฅแŠแˆ† แˆ€แ‹ซ แˆแˆˆแ‰ต แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ต แ‰ แˆฝแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แŒ‹แ‰ฅ แŠฅแ‹ซแˆˆ แŠฅแ‹ซแŒˆแˆจแˆธ፤ แŒ‹แ‰ฅ แŠฅแ‹ซแˆˆ แŠฅแ‹ซแŒˆแˆจแˆธ፤ แ‰ แŠ แˆญแˆฒ แŠ แˆญแ‰ฃ แŒ‰แŒ‰แŠ“ แ‰ แ‰ แ‹ฐแŠ– แ‹จแŒ€แˆ˜แˆฉแ‰ต แ‰ แŒ‰แˆซแˆแˆญแ‹ณ แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‰คแŠ”แˆปแŠ•แŒ‰แˆ แŒ‰แˆ™แ‹ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆฐแ‹ แˆ…แ‹แ‰กแŠ• แ‰ แˆบแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠฅแ‹จแ‹˜แˆจแ‰แŠ“ แŠฅแ‹จแŒˆแ‹ฐแˆ‰ แ‰ แŒˆแ‹› แˆแ‹ตแˆฉ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆ›แˆณแ‹ฐแ‹ณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰€แŒฅแˆˆแ‹‹แˆ። แˆ€แ‹ซ แˆแˆˆแ‰ต แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ต แˆŠแ‹ซแˆตแ‰†แˆ›แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแ‰ปแˆˆแˆ แ‹จแˆžแŠจแˆจแˆ แˆ€แ‹ญแˆ แŠจแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠ แˆแ‰ฐแŒˆแŠ˜แˆ።
แ‹จแˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‹ญแˆแŠ•แŠ“ แ‰ฐแˆตแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแˆแŠแŒฅแ‰ แŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆตแ‰ƒแˆดแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŒˆแŠ“ แŠ แˆแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰ณแ‹จแ‰ต แ‹จแŒ€แˆ˜แˆฉ แ‹ญแˆ˜แˆตแˆ‹แˆ። แŠฆแŠแŒ แ‹จแˆปแŠฅแ‰ขแ‹ซแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹จแ‰ฃแˆ…แˆช แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆ แˆ†แŠ– แŒแˆ›แˆฝ แˆแŠฅแ‰ฐ แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ต แˆˆแˆšแŒ แŒ‹ แ‹˜แˆ˜แŠ• แ‹˜แˆแ‰† แŠขแ‰ฎแˆ‰แˆฝแŠ•แˆ แ‰ แˆ‰แ‰ต แˆชแ‰ฎแˆ‰แˆฝแŠ•፤ แŠ แˆแŠ• แ‹จแ‹ฐแˆจแˆฐแ‰ แ‰ต แ‹จแŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแˆณแˆฐแ‰ฅ፤ แ‹จแŠ แ‰‹แˆ แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แŠฅแ‹ตแŒˆแ‰ฑ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ•แŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰งแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแ‹ต แˆแˆ‰ แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แŠ˜แ‹ แ‹จแˆšแŠ“แแ‰€แ‹ แ‰ฐแˆตแ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แ‹ญแˆ…แ‰ฝ แˆ€แŒˆแˆญ แ‰ แˆปแŠฅแ‰ขแ‹ซแŠ“ แ‰ แ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆ›แˆฐแ‹ แˆ˜แ‰ƒแ‰ฅแˆฏ แˆˆแˆซแˆณแ‰ธแ‹ แˆ˜แ‰€แ‰ แˆชแ‹ซ แˆŠแˆ†แŠ• แˆ˜แ‰…แˆจแ‰กแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆ˜แˆˆแŠญแ‰ต แŠญแˆตแ‰ฐแ‰ต แŠแ‹። แ‰ แŠฆแˆฎแˆž แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ፤ แ‰ แŠ แˆ›แˆซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ፤ แ‰ แ‰ตแŒแˆซแ‹ญ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ፤ แ‰ แˆŒแˆ‹แ‹แˆ แˆแˆ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแŠแ‰ต แ‰ตแŠ•แˆณแŠค แˆ˜แ‰ฃแ‰ปแ‹ แŠ แˆแŠ• แ‹จแ‹ฐแˆจแˆฐ แ‹ญแˆ˜แˆตแˆ‹แˆ። แŠฆแŠแŒ แ‹ซแŠ• แˆแˆ‰ แˆตแˆ…แ‰ฐแ‰ฑแŠ• แŠ แˆญแˆž፤ “แŠขแˆแ“แ‹จแˆชแ‰ท… แŠขแˆแ“แ‹จแˆชแ‰ท… แŠขแˆแ‰ณแ‹จแˆชแ‰ท.. แˆšแŠ’แˆŠแŠญ.. แˆšแŠ’แˆŠแŠญ.. แˆšแŠ’แˆŠแŠญ…” แ‹จแˆšแˆˆแ‹แŠ• แŠ แ‰ณแŠซแ‰ฝ แ‰ตแˆญแŒ‰แˆ แ‹จแˆˆแˆฝ แ‹จแ•แˆฎแ“แŒ‹แŠ•แ‹ณ แˆˆแ‰…แˆถ แŠจแˆ‹แŠ•แ‰ƒแ‹ แŠ แ‹แŒฅแ‰ถ แŒฅแˆŽ፤ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ• แˆ€แŒˆแˆฌ แŠฅแˆแ‹ฌ แŠซแˆˆ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹ณแŠแ‰ฝ። แŠฆแŠแŒ แˆ‹แŠ•แ‹ตแŠแ‰ท፤ แˆˆแˆ‰แŠ แˆ‹แ‹ŠแŠแ‰ท፤ แˆˆแ‹ตแŠ•แ‰ แˆฏ แŠฅแŠ•แŠแˆณ แŠซแˆˆ แ‰ฃแ‹แŒฃแŠ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฃแ‹Š แˆแˆ‹แˆฝ แ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒˆแ‹‹แˆ። แ‰ฐแŠแŒฃแŒฅแˆŽ แˆžแ‰ต แŠฅแ‹šแˆ… แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ซแ‰ แ‰ƒแˆ። แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แˆ€แ‰ต แˆ˜แ‰ƒแ‰ฅแˆญ แŠ แˆแŠ• แŠ แ‰แŠ• แŠจแแ‰ทแˆ። แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แˆ€แ‰ต แŒ แˆ‹แ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแŒฅแ‰ƒแ‰ต แŠขแˆ‹แˆ› แŠ แˆ›แˆซ แ‰ฅแ‰ป แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆ፤ แŠฆแˆฎแˆž፤ แˆถแˆ›แˆŒ ፤ แˆซแˆฑ แ‹จแ‰ตแŒแˆซแ‹ญ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ፤ แŠ แŠแ‹‹แŠฉ… แˆแˆ‰แˆ…
แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแˆฒแ‹ซแ‹Š แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแˆญ แˆแˆตแˆจแ‰ณแŠ• แŠ แˆตแˆ˜แˆแŠญแ‰ถ แ‹จแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‹ แˆ›แŠ’แŒแˆตแ‰ถ แ‰ฐแˆตแ‹ แ‹จแˆžแˆ‹แ‰ แ‰ต แˆˆแˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แ‹‹แ‰ข แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฒแ‰ทแŠ• แŠ แŠ•แ‰€แŒฝ แˆ‹แˆณแ‹ซแ‰ฝแˆแŠ“፤
“ แŠฅแŠ› แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแ‰ฒแŠญ แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแˆซแ‰พแ‰ฝ፤ แˆˆแˆแˆ‰แˆ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แแ‰ตแˆ…፤ แŠแŒปแŠแ‰ต፤ แŠฅแŠฉแˆแŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแˆฒ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแ‰ต แˆ˜แŠจแ‰ แˆญ፤ แˆ˜แ‰ณแŒˆแˆแŠ• แˆ˜แˆฐแˆจแ‰ณแ‹Š แŠ แˆ‹แˆ›แ‹ แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆ፤ แŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แ‹จแ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แŠ•แ‰…แŠ“แ‰„ แˆ˜แˆ˜แˆตแˆจแ‰ฑแŠ• แ‰ แ‹ญแ‹ แŠฅแŠ“แ‰ แˆตแˆซแˆˆแŠ•.”……”
“แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ• แŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แ‹จแ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แŠ•แ‰…แŠ“แ‰„ แˆตแŠ•แˆ˜แˆฐแˆญแ‰ต፤ แˆ˜แŠแˆป แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒแŠ“แ‰ธแ‹ แŒแŠ•แ‹›แ‰คแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠ แˆ‰። แŠจแŒแŠ•แ‹›แ‰คแ‹Žแ‰นแˆ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ฑ፤ แ‹จแ‹›แˆฌแ‹‹ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹จแ‰ฅแˆ„แˆญ แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆจแˆฐแ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แŠฅแˆตแˆญ แ‰คแ‰ต แ‹จแˆ˜แˆ†แŠ•แ‹‹ แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ณ แŠแ‹። แ‰ แ‹šแˆ… แˆ˜แˆฐแˆจแ‰ต แŠฆแˆฎแˆžแŠ• แŒจแˆแˆฎ แ‰ แˆŒแˆŽแ‰ฝแˆ แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆญ แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆจแˆฐแ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ฐแˆญแˆฐแ‹ แˆฐแ‰†แ‰ƒ፤ แŒญแ‰†แŠ“፤ แŠ แ‹ตแˆŽ፤ แŠฅแŠ•แŒแˆแ‰ต แ‹แˆญแ‹ฐแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ฅแ‹แ‰ แ‹› แŠจแˆแŠ• แŒŠแ‹œแ‹แˆ แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ฐแˆญแˆถ แ‹ญแŒˆแŠ›แˆ። แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ• แŠฅแŒ…แŒ แ‹˜แŒแŠ“แŠ แˆแŠ”แ‰ณ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰€แŠ“แŒ€ แ‰ตแŒแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‰†แˆ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒ‹แˆ። แ‹ญแ‰ปแˆ‹แˆแˆ። แˆˆแˆแˆ‰แˆ แ‹จแˆ€แŒˆแˆชแ‰ฑ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แŠแŒปแŠแ‰ต แŠฅแŠฉแˆแŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแˆฒ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแ‰ต แˆ˜แŠจแ‰ แˆญ แˆ˜แ‰ณแŒˆแˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแ‰ฝแˆˆแŠ•แŠ• แŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แ‹จแ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แŠ•แ‰…แŠ“แ‰„ แ‹จแˆ˜แˆฐแˆจแ‰ตแŠแ‹แˆ แ‰ แŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แ‹ญแŠแ‰ฑ แ‹จแ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แŠ•แ‰…แŠ“แ‰„ แˆตแˆญ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแˆซแŒ…แ‰ฐแŠ• แ‰ฅแŠ•แ‰ณแŒˆแˆ แˆˆแˆแˆ‰แˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ แŒ… แ‹แŒคแ‰ต แˆ›แˆตแˆ˜แ‹แŒˆแ‰ฅ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆแŠ•แ‰ฝแˆ แŠฅแˆญแŒแŒ แŠ› แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ• แŠแ‹……….”
“…..แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹จแˆซแˆฑแŠ• แŠฅแ‹ตแˆ แ‰ แˆซแˆฑ แˆˆแˆ˜แ‹ˆแˆฐแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แ‰ตแŒแˆ แ‰ แˆ›แˆตแ‹แ‰ต፤ แˆˆแˆแˆ‰แˆ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฆแ‰ฝ แแ‰ตแˆ…፤ แŠแŒปแŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแˆฒ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแ‰ถแ‰ฝ แˆ˜แŠจแ‰ แˆญ แˆ˜แ‰ณแŒˆแˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแ‰ธแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ†แŠ• แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒˆแŠ• แ‹จแˆ˜แ‰ฐแˆญแŒŽแˆ แŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แŠ แ‰‹แˆ แ‹ˆแˆตแ‹ฐแŠ“แˆ…..”
แ‹ญแˆ… แˆˆแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰… แ‹จแˆแˆตแˆซแ‰ฝ แŠแ‹። แŠฆแˆฎแˆž แˆˆแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹จแ‰ แŠฉแˆญ แˆแŒ‡ แŠแ‹። แ‹จแ‰คแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ก แŠ แŠ•แŒ‹แ‹ แˆแŒ… แŠแ‹። แŠ แˆ›แˆซ แˆแˆˆแ‰ฐแŠ› แˆแŒ… แŠแ‹። แ‰ตแŒแˆฌ แˆถแˆตแ‰ฐแŠ›แ‹ แŠแ‹። แŠฅแ‹ซแˆˆ แŠฅแ‹ซแˆˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹จ แ‰ฅแ‹›แ‰ต แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆฐแˆ›แŠ•แ‹ซ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แˆแŒ†แ‰ฝ แŠ แˆแ‰ต። แŠฅแ‹šแˆ… แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆแŠ“แŒˆแˆจแ‹ แˆตแˆˆ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‰ฅแ‹›แ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆตแˆˆ แ‹œแŒแŠแ‰ณแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆ። แˆแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ•แˆ แŠฅแŠฉแˆ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ• แŠแŠ•። แ‹ซ แ‹จแˆžแ‰ฐแ‹ แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹จแŒฅแ‹แ‰ต แˆ˜แˆ€แŠ•แ‹ฒแˆต แ‹ซแˆตแ‰ฅ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠแ‰ แˆจแ‹ แ‹ˆแˆญแ‰… แ‹จแˆแŠ•แˆˆแ‹ แŒจแˆญแ‰… แ‹จแˆแŠ•แˆˆแ‹ แ‹˜แˆญ แ‹จแˆˆแŠ•แˆ። แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹จแ‹ˆแˆญแ‰… แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แŠฅแŠ“แ‰ต แŠแ‰ฝ።
แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แŒแŠกแ‹ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แŠแ‰ฝ። แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ”แˆญ แˆแˆ‰แŠ•แˆ แŠ แˆŸแˆแ‰ถ፤ แ‰ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆซแˆฎแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆˆแˆแˆˆแˆ แŠ แˆแˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแŠฎแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆ›แŠฅแ‹ตแŠ“แ‰ต แ‰ แ‹ฑแˆญ แŠ แˆซแ‹Šแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ฅแˆญแ‰…แ‹ฌ แŠ แŠฅแ‹‹แแ‰ต፤ แ‹ญแˆ… แ‰€แˆจแ‹ แ‰ แˆ›แ‹ญแ‰ฃแˆ แˆ€แ‰ฅแ‰ต แŠจแˆฝแŠ– แˆฐแˆ›แŠ’แ‹ซ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‰‹แŠ•แ‰‹ แ‹จแˆšแŠ“แŒˆแˆญ แˆแ‹ฉแˆแ‹ฉ แ‰ฃแˆ…แˆ แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แŒ แŠ•แŠซแˆซ แ‰ณแ‰ณแˆช แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ต፤ แŒแŠ• แˆˆแˆ˜แˆช แ‹ซแˆแ‰ณแ‹ฐแˆˆแ‰ฝ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆตแ‹ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แŠแ‰ฝ። แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒ‹แŠ•፤ แŠขแˆแ“แ‹จแˆชแ‰ท แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แˆญแŒ‹แŠ• … แˆฒแ‰ฃแˆ แˆˆแˆซแˆด แ‹ญแŒˆแˆญแˆ˜แŠ›แˆแˆ แ‹ญแŠแ‹ฐแŠ›แˆแˆ። แ‹ญแˆ…แ‰ฝ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰€แ‹ฐแˆฐแ‰ฝ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแ‰ฝแˆ แˆแŒ†แ‰ฟแŠ• แ‹จแˆแ‰ตแ‰ แ‹ตแˆˆแ‹፤ แ‰ แ‹จแŒŠแ‹œแ‹ แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ แŠฅแ‹จแˆฐแˆฉ፤ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แŠฅแ‹จแŒˆแ‹ฐแˆ‰፤ แ‰ แŒ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒƒ แŠ แˆแˆ™แ‹ แˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ• แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแŒก แ‹ตแŠฉแˆ›แŠ• แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹። แŠฅแˆตแ‰ฒ แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ”แŠ• แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠจแ‹แˆตแŒง แŠ แ‹แŒกแŠ“ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ• แ‰ฅแ‰ป แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแŠจแ‰ฑ። แˆแŠ• แ‹ญแ‰€แˆซแˆ? แˆแ‹ตแˆญแŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ። แ‹ฐแˆญแŒแŠ•แˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹šแ‹ซแ‹ แŠ แ‹แŒกแŠ“ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแŠจแ‰ฑ። แˆแŠ• แ‹ญแ‰€แˆซแˆ? แˆแ‹ตแˆญแŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ። แ‰ แ‹šแˆ…แ‰ฝ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆˆแˆšแŠ–แˆจแ‹ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แŠฅแ‹ตแˆ แˆตแŒกแ‰ต። “แ‹ญแˆ†แŠแŠ›แˆ แ‹จแˆแ‰ตแˆˆแ‹แŠ• แˆ˜แˆช แ‰ แ‹จแŒŠแ‹œแ‹ แŠฅแ‹จแˆ˜แˆจแŒฅแŠญ แŠฅแˆซแˆตแˆ…แŠ• แŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแ‹ณแ‹ตแˆญ። แ‹จแˆ˜แˆจแŒฅแŠจแ‹ แˆฐแ‹ แŠฅแˆญแ‰ฃแŠ• แŠจแˆŒแˆˆแ‹แŠ“ แˆ˜แˆแˆซแ‰ฑแŠ• แŠซแˆ‹แ‹ˆแ‰€แ‰ แ‰ต แŠฅแˆฑแŠ• แŠ แ‹แˆญแ‹ฐแˆ… แˆŒแˆ‹ แ‰ฐแŠซ….”
แŠฆแ‰ฃแŠ•แŒ แˆœแ‰ถ “ Commitment for a democratic Ethiopia” แ‰ แˆšแˆˆแ‹ แŒฝแˆแ‰ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‰ฆแ‰ณ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠ แˆณแˆแˆฎ แ‹ซแˆตแ‰€แˆ˜แŒ แ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ… แ‹ญแˆ‹แˆ “…แˆ›แ‹ˆแ‰… แ‹จแˆšแŒˆแ‰ฃแŠ• แŠแŒˆแˆญ แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แŠ แŠ•แ‹ตแˆ แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆจแˆฐแ‰ฅ แ‰ฃแŠ•แ‹ฑ แ‹ˆแ‹ญ แ‰ แˆŒแˆ‹ แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ต แˆณแ‹ญแŒจแ‰†แŠ• แ‹จแ‰€แˆจแŠ“ แ‰ฐแŒจแ‰แŠ›แˆˆแˆ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแˆแˆ แ‹จแˆˆแˆ። แ‹จแˆ†แŠแ‹ แˆ†แŠ– แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‹จแˆšแˆˆแ‹ แˆตแˆแŠ“ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‰ฃแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅแŠ• แŒจแ‰แŠแ‹ แŠ แ‹ซแ‹แ‰แˆ። แˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ• แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแŒกแ‰ต แŒฅแ‰‚แ‰ต แˆแˆ‚แ‰ƒแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹‹แ‰…แˆฉแ‰ต แŠ แŠ•แ‰ฃแŒˆแŠแŠ“แ‹Š แˆตแˆญแŠ แ‰ต แŠแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแŒจแ‰แŠแŠ•። แ‰ แ‹šแˆ…แ‰ฝ แˆแ‹ตแˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ›፤.. แŠฅแŠแˆฑ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ฃแˆ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แ‹จแˆˆแˆ። แˆแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ•แˆ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แˆ•แ‹แ‰ฅ แŠแŠ•። แ‰ฝแŒแˆฎแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‰ แŒจแ‹‹ แ‹แ‹ญแ‹ญแ‰ต แˆ˜แแ‰ณแ‰ต แŠฅแˆตแŠจแ‰ปแˆแŠ• แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แˆ€แŒˆแˆชแ‰ฑแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰ แ‰ณแ‰ฐแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒˆแŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแ‹ฐแˆˆแˆ። แ‹จแŠฆแˆฎแˆž แ‹ฒแˆžแŠญแˆซแˆฒแ‹ซแ‹Š แŒแŠ•แ‰ฃแˆญ แŠ แˆแŠ• แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ• แˆŠแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‰ƒแˆ แŒˆแ‰ฅแ‰ทแˆ…..”
แŠฅแˆฐแ‹จแˆ แŠแ‹። แŠฆแŠแŒ แ‹จแˆซแˆตแŠ• แŠฅแ‹ตแˆ แ‰ แˆซแˆต แˆ˜แ‹ˆแˆฐแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแˆˆแ‹แŠ• แŒ แ‰ฃแ‰ฅ แŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแˆณแˆฐแ‰ฅ แŠ แˆตแแ‰ผ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹แ‹ซแŠ• แ‰ แŒ‹แˆซ แ‹จแˆแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ•แˆ แŠฅแ‹ตแˆ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ตแŠ•แ‹ˆแˆตแŠ• แŠฅแ‰ณแŒˆแˆ‹แˆˆแˆ แŠซแˆˆ፤ แˆแˆ‹แ‰ฝแŠ•แˆ แŠ แ‰ฅแˆจแŠ• แ‰ถแˆŽ แˆ˜แŠแˆณแ‰ต แ‹ญแŒ แ‰ แ‰…แ‰ฅแŠ“แˆ። แŠจแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แŠฅแ‹จแŠจแ‹แˆแˆˆ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‹ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแ‹Š แˆ‹แ‹ญแŠ–แˆญ แŠแ‹።
แ‰€แ‹ฐแˆ แˆฒแˆ แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ณแŠ•แ‹ต แ‹œแŒŽแ‰ฝ แ‹˜แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹ซ แ‹จแˆžแ‰ฐแ‹ แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แŠ แˆˆแ‰ƒ แŠจแˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‹ตแ‰ แ‰ต แˆแŠ”แ‰ณ แ‰ขแŠ–แˆญ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹แˆ€แ‰ต แ‰กแ‹ตแŠ• แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹ซแˆตแ‰ฐแˆณแˆฐแ‰ฅ แˆˆแ‹แŒฅ แˆŠแˆ˜แŒฃแŠ“ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ฑ แ‹จแˆˆแ‹แŒฅ แŠ แ‰…แŒฃแŒซแŠ• แˆŠแŠจแ‰ฐแˆ‰ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ฝแˆ‰ แˆˆแ‹˜แ‰ฅ แ‹ซแˆˆ แŠ แ‰‹แˆ แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แŠจแ‹แˆตแŒฃแ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ฅแ‰… แˆŠแˆ‰ แ‹ญแ‰ฝแˆ‹แˆ‰ แ‹จแˆšแˆ แˆแŠžแ‰ต แŠแ‰ แˆจ። แ‹ญแˆแŠ•แŠ“ แ‹จแŒฅแ‹แ‰ต แˆ˜แˆ€แŠ•แ‹ฒแˆฑ แŠฅแˆตแŠจแ‹ˆแ‹ฒแ‹ซแŠ›แ‹ แ‰ขแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‹ตแˆ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆจแ‰แ‰ต แ‹จแˆฑ แ‰ซแ‹ญแˆจแˆต แ‰ฐแˆธแŠซแˆšแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆŒแŒ‹แˆฒแ‹แŠ•፤ แ‰ƒแˆ‰แŠ•፤ แŠฅแ‹ซแˆ‰ แ‹ซแ‹ˆแˆจแˆณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‹จแŒฅแ‹แ‰ต แ‰ฐแˆแŠฎ แŠฅแ‹จแˆแŒธแˆ™ แˆˆแ‹˜แˆˆแŠ แˆˆแˆ™ แ‹ญแˆ…แ‰ฝแŠ• แˆ€แŒˆแˆญ แŠฅแ‹จแ‹˜แˆจแ‰แŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰งแŠ• แŠฅแ‹จแŒˆแ‹ฐแˆ‰ แˆˆแˆ˜แ‰€แŒ แˆ แˆ˜แ‰แˆจ แŒฃแ‰ธแ‹ แ‹ญแ‰ณแ‹ซแˆ።
แ‹ญแˆ… แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแˆˆแ‹แ‰ฅ፤ แ‹จแˆ›แ‹ญแ‰ณแŒ แ፤ แˆˆแ‹šแˆ…แ‰ฝ แŠ แŒˆแˆญแŠ“ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แŒฅแˆ‹แ‰ปแŠ“ แŠญแ‰ แˆแŠžแ‰ต แŠฅแ‹จแŒˆแ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแˆฐแˆฉแ‰ต แŠ แ‹ฐแŒˆแŠ› แˆตแˆซ፤ แŠฅแ‹จแ‰ฃแˆฐ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆšแˆ„แ‹ต แŠ แˆˆแ‰ƒแ‰ธแ‹ แŠจแˆžแ‰ฐ แ‰ แŠ‹แˆ‹แˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆจแ‰แ‰ต แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แˆ˜แˆชแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แ‹จแŒŠแ‹œแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแˆตแ‹ฑแ‰ต แŠฅแˆญแˆแŒƒ แ‹ซแˆตแˆจแ‹ณแˆ።
แ‰ฃแˆˆแˆ แ‹ˆแˆญ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแˆšแ‹ตแ‹ซ แ‹ซแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‹ แŠจแˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แ‹œแŠ“แ‹Š แ‰ขแˆฎ แ‹จแˆพแˆˆแŠจ แ‹จแˆšแˆตแŒขแˆญ แˆฐแŠแ‹ต แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แ‹ฐแŒ‹แŒแˆž แˆ‹แŠแ‰ แ‰ แ‹ แˆฐแ‹ แˆแŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แˆ˜แ‰€แˆ˜แ‰… แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแŠ• แˆแŠ• แŠ แ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆšแŒˆแ‹™แŠ• แŠฅแŒ…แŒ แŠ แŒ‰แˆแ‰ถ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆณแ‹ญ แŠแ‰ แˆญ። แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แˆฐแˆ‹แˆ›แ‹Š แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆˆแŠจแ‰ฐ แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆžแ‹แŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แˆแŠจแŠ• แ‹จแˆธแˆจแ‰กแ‰ต แˆดแˆซ แˆแˆ‰ แ‰ แˆ˜แŠญแˆธแ‰ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹ฐแŠ“แŒˆแŒ แ‹ แˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แ‹œแŠ“แ‹Š แ‹ซแŠ” แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆซแ‹Š แ‹จแŒธแŒฅแ‰ณ แ‰กแ‹ตแŠ‘แŠ• แˆฐแ‰ฅแˆตแ‰ฆ แˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‰แŠ“ แˆˆแˆแŠ• แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆžแ‹แŠ• แˆ›แ‹ณแˆแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆแ‰ฐแ‰ปแˆˆ แˆฒแŒˆแˆ˜แŒแˆ›แ‰ธแ‹፤ แ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ฅแˆณแ‰ขแ‹Žแ‰น แˆฒแŠ“แŒˆแˆฉ แ–แˆŠแˆฑแˆ แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ฑแˆ แ‹จแŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆ แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ฎแ‰ฝ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉแˆ แ‹จแˆฐแˆฉแ‰ต แˆตแˆซ แˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แˆˆแˆ˜แŒ แ‰ แ‰… แˆฒแˆ‰ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅแŠ• แ‹ˆแ‹ฐแŠจแ‹ แŠ แ‹ฐแŒ‹ แˆ˜แŒแ‹แ‰ต แ‰ตแŠญแŠญแˆ แŠแ‹ แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆแŠ‘ แˆ›แŠชแ‰ฌแˆŠแ‹ซแŠ• แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰แˆแŒญ แŠ แ‹ตแˆญแŒŽ แ‹ซแˆณแ‹ญ แŠแ‰ แˆญ። แ‹ซ แˆ€แˆ‹แŠแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแŒŽแ‹ฐแˆˆแ‹ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠแŠ แŠจแˆšแˆ แˆ€แ‹ญแˆ แ‹จแˆšแŒ แ‰ แ‰… แˆณแ‹ญแˆ†แŠ• แˆ›แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แˆ แ‰ แŠ แˆˆแˆ›แ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแŒˆแŠ แ‹จแ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆˆแŠžแ‰ฝ แ‰กแ‹ตแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒˆแ‹ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แŠแ‰ แˆญ።
แ‹ซ แˆแˆ‰ แ‹จแˆธแˆจแ‰กแ‰ต แˆดแˆซ แ‹แŒคแ‰ต แŠ แˆˆแˆ›แˆแŒฃแ‰ฑ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ• แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰…แŠแ‰ต แŠฅแˆตแŠจแ‹˜แˆˆแŠ แˆˆแˆ™ แ‹ญแˆ˜แˆฐแŠญแˆซแˆ። แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ•แŠ• แ‰ณแˆ‹แ‰…แŠแ‰ต แŠฅแˆตแŠจแ‹˜แˆˆแŠ แˆˆแˆ™ แ‹ญแˆ˜แˆฐแŠญแˆซแˆ።
แ‹ซแŠ• แ‰€แŠ• แˆฐแŠ” 15/ 2004 แŠจแˆแˆฝแ‰ฑ 3 แˆฐแŠ แ‰ต แ‰ แ‰คแ‰ฐแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠ แˆตแ‰ธแŠณแ‹ญ แˆตแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ฃ แŒ แˆญแ‰ถ แˆ˜แˆˆแˆต แ‹œแŠ“แ‹Š แˆ˜แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซแŠ“ แˆ€แˆ‹แŠแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแˆฐแŒฃแ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแ‰ฅแˆ„แˆซแ‹Š แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แˆแŠญแˆญ แ‰คแ‰ต แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ฑแŠ•፤
Meles Zenawi on Ethiopian Muslims
แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ• แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แˆˆแˆ›แˆแŠจแŠ• แˆตแˆซ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ซแ‹‹แˆ‰แ‰ตแŠ• แˆตแˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ซแˆตแˆจแ‹ฑแ‰ต แ‰ฐแˆซ แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆซ แ‹ญแŒ แ‹ซแ‰ƒแˆ።แ‹ถแŠญแ‰ฐแˆญ แˆบแˆแˆซแ‹ แ‹จแŒแ‹ดแˆซแˆŽแ‰ฝ แŒ‰แ‹ณแ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉ แ‹จแˆšแŠจแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹แŠ• แˆ›แ‰ฅแˆซแˆชแ‹ซ แ‹ญแˆฐแŒฃแˆ፤ แ‰ แ‹‹แŠ“แŠแ‰ต แ‹จแ‰ฐแŠจแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ แˆตแˆแ‰ต፤
1. แˆแŠจแ‰ฑแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แแŒ แˆญ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹ซแˆ‰แ‰ตแŠ• แŒแˆˆแˆฐแ‰ฆแ‰ฝแŠ“ แ‰กแ‹ตแŠ–แ‰ฝ แŠจแˆ…แ‹แ‰  แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแŠแŒ แˆ‰ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ፤( แ‹ญแˆ… แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹จแˆ†แŠแŠ• แ‹ˆแŒˆแŠ• แ‹จแˆ˜แŠแŒฃแŒ แˆ แ‹จแ‹แˆธแ‰ต แ•แˆฎแ“แŒ‹แŠ•แ‹ณ แˆ›แˆฐแˆซแŒจแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แŠแ‹)
2. แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆžแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แˆ›แŠซแˆ„แ‹ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ฃแˆ‰แ‰ต แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ›แŠ• แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ตแˆ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ก แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ แˆแ‹ฉแŠแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆแŒ แˆญ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ( แ‹ญแˆ… แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹จแˆ†แŠ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ƒแˆจแŠ•แ‰ แ‰ตแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแŒ‹แŒญแ‰ แ‰ตแŠ• แ‹˜แ‹ด แ‰ฐแŒ แ‰…แˆž แˆ›แ‰ แŒฃแ‰ แŒฅ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แŠแ‹)
แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ•แŠ•แˆ แ‰ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆญ แˆˆแˆ›แ‹‹แˆ แ‹ถแŠญแ‰ฐแˆฉ แ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แŠแŒˆแˆญ แˆฒแŠ“แŒˆแˆญ፤แŠจแˆ›แˆตแ‰ณแ‹ˆแ‰‚แ‹ซ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ดแˆญ แŒ‹แˆญ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ แˆญ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹จแ•แˆฎแ“แŒ‹แŠ•แ‹ณ แˆตแˆซ แˆ˜แˆตแˆซแ‰ฑแŠ• แˆฒแ‹ซแˆตแˆจแ‹ณ፤
1.แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆžแ‹แŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆตแ‰ƒแˆด แŒฅแ‰‚แ‰ต แŒธแˆจ แˆฐแˆ‹แˆแŠ“ แŒธแˆจแˆแˆ›แ‰ต แˆ€แ‹ญแˆŽแ‰ฝ แ‹ตแ‰ฅแ‰… แ‹จแ–แˆˆแ‰ฒแŠซ แŠ แŒ€แŠ•แ‹ณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แˆตแˆแŒธแˆ แ‹จแˆแŒ แˆฉแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แˆ€แ‹แ‰  แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ˆแŠญแˆ แŠ แˆˆแˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘แŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แˆณแˆ˜แŠ• แˆ˜แˆžแŠจแˆฉแŠ•፤
2. แ‰ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„ แŠ แˆแˆ‹แˆ‹แŒŠแ‹ แŠฎแˆšแ‰ด แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹แ‰  แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แˆ˜แŠซแŠจแˆ แˆแ‹ฉแŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แŒฅแˆญแŒฃแˆฌแŠ• แˆˆแˆ˜แแŒ แˆญ แˆแ‹ฉ แˆแ‹ฉ แˆตแˆซ แˆ˜แˆตแˆซแ‰ฑแŠ•፤
3. แ‰ แŠฎแˆšแ‰ดแ‹ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‹จแˆตแŠแˆแ‰ฆแŠ“ แŒซแŠ“ แˆˆแˆ˜แแŒ แˆญแŠ“ แ‰ แแ‰ƒแ‹ณแ‰ธแ‹ แŠฎแˆšแ‰ดแ‹แŠ• แŒฅแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ˆแŒก แˆˆแˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แˆ˜แˆžแŠจแˆฉแŠ•፤(แ‹ญแˆ… แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แŠฅแˆตแˆจแŠžแ‰น แ‰ แ–แˆŠแˆต แ‰แŒฅแŒฅแˆญ แˆตแˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆฐแ‰ƒแ‹ฉ แ‰ถแˆญแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‰፤ แˆ›แˆตแˆแˆซแˆซแ‰ต፤ แ‰ แˆ…แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹ แˆ˜แ‹›แ‰ต፤ แˆ˜แ‹ฐแ‰ฅแ‹ฐแ‰ฅ…..แ‹ˆแ‹˜แ‰ต แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แŠแ‹)
4. แ‰ แ‹จแˆณแˆแŠ•แ‰ฑ แ‹จแŠ แˆญแ‰ฅ แˆตแŒแ‹ฐแ‰ตแŠ• แ‰ฐแŠจแ‰ตแˆŽ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆแ‹แŠ• แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แˆˆแˆ›แˆตแ‰€แˆจแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแŒ‹แŒ‹แˆš แˆแ‹ฉ แˆแ‹ฉ แˆ˜แŒแˆˆแŒซแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แŠ แˆ›แŠซแ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆฐแŒก แˆ˜แ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‰แŠ• แ‹ถแŠญแ‰ฐแˆฉ แˆˆแŠ แˆˆแ‰ƒแ‹ แŠ แˆตแˆจแ‹ตแ‰ทแˆ።
แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆžแ‹ แ‹จแ‹แŒญ แˆ€แ‹ญแˆŽแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŒ… แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต แˆˆแˆ›แˆตแˆ˜แˆฐแˆแˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆฐแˆซแ‹แŠ• แ‰ตแ‹ซแ‰ตแˆญ แˆฒแŠ“แŒˆแˆญ፤
1 แŠจแˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แŒ‹แˆญ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ แˆญ แˆถแˆตแ‰ต แ‹จแ‹แŒญ แŠ แŒˆแˆญ แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ แŠ แŠ•แ‹‹แˆญ แˆ˜แˆตแŒŠแ‹ต แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ• แˆˆแŠ แˆ˜แŒฝ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแŠแˆณแˆฑ แŒฝแˆแŽแ‰ฝ แˆฒแ‰ แ‰ตแŠ‘ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰ฐแ‹ซแ‹™แŠ“ แŠจแˆ€แŒˆแˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแˆจแˆฉ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆณแ‹ญ แ‹œแŠ“ แˆ˜แˆฐแˆซแ‰ฑแŠ•แŠ“ แ‹ซแˆ แ‰ แ‹ฐแŠ•แ‰ฅ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆณแŠซ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠแ‰ แˆญ แŠ แˆตแˆจแ‹ตแ‰ทแˆ።
2.แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แ‹จแŠ แŠญแˆซแˆชแŠแ‰ต แŠ แ‹ฐแŒ‹แŠ• แˆˆแˆ˜แˆ˜แŠจแ‰ต แŠฅแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆ แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹แŠ• แ‹ˆแˆณแŠ แ‰ตแŒแˆ แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แ‰  แŠญแˆญแˆตแ‰ตแ‹ซแŠ‘แŠ• แ‹ตแŒ‹แ แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠ˜แ‰ต แ‰ แ‰€แŒฅแ‰ณแˆ แ‰ แ‰ฐแ‹˜แ‹‹แ‹‹แˆชแˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆฐแˆฉ แˆตแˆซแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แˆ˜แŠ–แˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ•แˆ แŠ แˆตแˆจแ‹ณ፤
แ‹ญแˆ… แŠฅแŠ•แŒแ‹ฒแˆ… แŠฅแˆตแˆ‹แˆแŠ“ แŠญแˆญแˆตแ‰ฒแ‹ซแŠ‘แŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แŒ‹แŒจแ‰ต แŒฅแˆจแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ฐแˆจแŒ‰แŠ“ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆแ‹ซแ‹˜แˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆ˜แˆˆแŠญแ‰ฐแ‹ แŠฅแ‹แŠแ‰ณ แŠแ‹።
แŠฅแ‹šแ‹ซ แ‹จแŒแˆแŒˆแˆ› แˆตแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ฃ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ แ‰€แŒฃแ‹ญ แˆŠแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹˜แŒ‹แŒ€แˆˆแ‰ตแŠ• แŠ แŠฌแˆแ‹ณแˆ› แˆฒแ‹ซแˆตแˆจแ‹ณ แˆแŠ• แ‹ซแˆ…แˆ แ‹จแŒ‹แˆธแ‰  แŠ แŠฅแˆแˆฎ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆณแ‹จแ‹ แŠ แŠฌแˆแ‹ณแˆ›แŠ• แˆฒแ‹ซแ‹˜แŒ‹แŒ แ‹ซแˆฐแ‰กแ‰ต แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŠแ‰ แˆญ።
แ‹จแŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆตแ‰ƒแˆดแ‹แŠ• แˆ˜แˆชแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠจแˆ…แ‹แ‰ก แˆˆแˆ˜แŠแŒ แˆ แ‰ฅแˆŽแˆ แ‹จแˆŒแˆ‹แ‹แŠ• แˆ…แ‰ฅแˆจแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ฅ แ‹ตแŒ‹แ แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠ˜แ‰ตแŠ“ แŠจแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŒŽแŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แˆฐแˆˆแ แ‹ซแˆตแ‰ฝแˆ‹แˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แ‹จแ‰ณแˆ˜แŠแ‰ แ‰ต แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แ‹ถแŠฉแˆ˜แŠ•แ‰ณแˆช แŠแˆแˆ แ‰ แ–แˆŠแˆต፤ แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แ‰ดแˆŒแ‰ชแ‹ฅแŠ• แ‰ตแ‰ฅแ‰ฅแˆญ แˆตแˆซแ‹ แˆ˜แŒ€แˆ˜แˆฉแŠ• แŠ แˆตแˆจแ‹ตแ‰ถ แŠแ‰ แˆญ።แ‹ซแˆ แˆˆแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซแŠ• แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹ตแŒ‹แ แ‹ซแˆตแŒˆแŠ›แˆ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‰ฃแˆˆแˆˆแ‰ต แ‹ตแˆซแˆ› แŠ แŠฌแˆแ‹ณแˆ› แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แŠแ‹።
แŠ แ‰ถ แˆ™แŠญแ‰ณแˆญ (แ‹จแŒ แ‰…แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆšแŠ’แˆตแ‰ตแˆฉ แŒฝแˆ…แˆแ‰ต แ‰คแ‰ต แˆ€แˆ‹แŠ) แ‹ญแˆ… แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆต แˆˆแˆแŠ• แˆตแˆแŒฃแŠ• แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‰†แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐ แ‰ฐแˆแˆˆแŒˆ แŒฅแ‹ซแ‰„ แ‹ซแ‰€แˆญแ‰ฃแˆ แŠฅแ‹šแ‹ซแ‹ แˆตแ‰ฅแˆฐแ‰ฃ แˆ‹แ‹ญ፤ แŠ แ‰ถ แŒŒแ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹แŠ“ (แ‹จแˆ˜แˆจแŒƒแŠ“ แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แˆ€แˆ‹แŠ) แ‹ถแŠญแ‰ฐแˆญ แˆบแˆแˆซแ‹ แ‰ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆซ แˆ˜แˆแˆต แ‹ญแˆฐแŒกแ‰ณแˆ። แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ€แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซ แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แ‹จแ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แˆ€แˆ‹แŠแ‹ แˆฒแŠ“แŒˆแˆญ፤ แŠจแˆตแˆแŠ•แ‰ต แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ต แ‰ แŠแ‰ต แˆˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แ‰ณแˆ›แŠ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แ‰ แŠฉแˆ แ‰ฐแŒฃแˆญแ‰ถ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแˆแˆˆแ‹ แˆ˜แ‰€แˆ˜แŒฃแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‹ซแˆตแˆจแ‹ณแˆ (แ‹แ‹ต แŠ แŠ•แ‰ฃแ‰ขแ‹ซแŠ• แŠฅแŒแ‹šแŠ แ‰ฅแˆ„แˆญ แ‹ซแˆณแ‹ซแ‰ฝแˆ แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑแŠ• แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆแˆแˆŽ แˆฒแ‹ซแˆตแ‰€แˆแŒ แ‹፤ แˆฒแŠ–แ‹ถแˆฑแŠ• แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ตแŠ• แˆ˜แˆแˆแˆŽ แˆฒแ‹ซแˆตแ‰€แˆแŒ แ‹፤ แˆแˆญแŒซ แ‰ฆแˆญแ‹ฑแŠ• แ‹จแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆแˆแˆŽ แˆฒแ‹ซแˆตแ‰€แˆแŒ แ‹…) แŠจแ‹šแ‹ซ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰€แŒ แˆ แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰น แˆˆแˆแŠ• แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ตแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆšแ‹ซแˆตแˆแˆแŒ‰แ‰ต แ‹ถแŠญแ‰ฐแˆฉ แˆฒแ‹˜แˆจแ‹แˆญ፤
1. แ‹จแŒ แˆˆแ‰€ แˆแ‹ญแˆ›แŠ–แ‰ณแ‹Š แŠฅแ‹แ‰€แ‰ต แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ แ‰‚ แ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ต แ‹จแˆŒแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แŠจแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แŒ‹แˆญ แ‰ แ‰ฐแŒˆแŠ“แŠ˜ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ตแŠ“ แŠขแˆ…แŠ แ‹ตแŒ แ‹จแˆแˆˆแŒ‰แ‰ตแŠ• แˆ˜แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซแŠ“ แ•แˆฎแŒแˆซแˆžแ‰ฝ แ‹ซแˆˆแˆแŠ•แˆ แ‰ฝแŒแˆญ แˆˆแˆ›แˆฐแˆซแ‰ต แˆตแˆˆแˆšแ‰ฝแˆ‰፤
2. แŠ แ‰ฅแ‹›แŠ›แ‹Žแ‰น แ‹จแˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แ‰ แˆ™แˆตแŠ“ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹˜แˆแ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹แŠ“ แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแŠ“ แ‰ฐแŒแ‰ฃแˆซแ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆˆแŠจแ‰ฐ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰‚ แˆ˜แˆจแŒƒ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแ‹ แ‹จแˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แŠ แ‰ฃแˆ‹แ‰ต แˆตแˆˆแˆšแ‹ซแ‹แ‰ แŠจแ‰ฐแŒ แ‹ซแ‰‚แŠแ‰ต แˆˆแˆ˜แ‹ณแŠ•แŠ“ แ‹จแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ตแŠ• แŠจแˆˆแˆ‹ แˆˆแˆ›แŒแŠแ‰ต แแŒนแˆ แ‰ณแ‹›แ‹ฅ แˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒˆแŠ˜แ‰ณแ‰ธแ‹፤
3. แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ• แ‰ แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆˆแŠจแ‰ฐ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠ แˆแŽ แŠ แˆแŽ แˆˆแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ธแ‹ แˆ˜แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‹จแˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แŠ แˆ˜แˆซแˆฎแ‰ฝ แˆ™แˆ‰ แ‹ตแŒ‹แ แˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แ‰ แ‹šแˆ…แˆ แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แ‰€แˆญแ‰ถ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆฑ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ซแˆญแ แˆˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แˆฝแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ“แ‰ธแ‹፤
4. แ‹จแˆ›แˆตแˆแŒธแˆ แŠ แ‰…แˆ›แ‰ธแ‹ แ‹แˆตแŠ• แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แŠจแŠ แˆจแ‰กแŠ“ แŠจแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แŠ แˆˆแˆ แŒ‹แˆญ แ‰ แˆ€แ‹ญแˆ›แŠ–แ‰ณแ‹Šแ‹แˆ แˆ†แŠ แ‰ แˆแˆ›แ‰ต แ‹™แˆชแ‹ซ แ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹ แŒแŠ•แŠ™แŠแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‰ตแ‰ฅแ‰ฅแˆญ แ‹ฐแŠซแˆ› แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แˆˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŒ แ‰ƒแˆš แˆตแˆˆแˆ†แŠ፤
5. แ‰ฃแˆˆแ‰แ‰ต แˆ€แ‹ซ แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ณแ‰ต แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แ‹จแ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ต แ‰ฐแˆณแ‰ตแŽ แ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แˆแŠ”แ‰ณ แŠจแˆ˜แŒจแˆ˜แˆฉ แŠ แŠ•แŒปแˆญ แŒ แŠ•แŠซแˆซ แ‰ แ‹แŒญแˆ แ‰ แ‹แˆตแŒฅแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰€แ‰ฃแ‹ญแŠแ‰ต แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆต แ‰ขแ‰‹แ‰‹แˆ፤ แˆ€แ‰ฅแ‰ต แ‰ แˆ›แˆฐแ‰ฃแˆตแ‰ฅ แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ• แ‹จแ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ต แˆฝแ‹แŠ• แ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แˆŠแ‹ซแˆณแ‹ตแŒ แŠจแ‰ปแˆˆ แ‹จแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™แŠ•แˆ แŠ แŒ แ‰ƒแˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแ‹ตแŒˆแ‰ต แˆŠแ‹ซแ‹แŒฅแŠ• แˆตแˆˆแˆšแ‰ฝแˆ แ‹ญแˆ…แˆ แˆˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แŒฅแˆฉ แŠฅแŠ“แ‹ณแˆแˆ†แŠ แ‰ฐแŠแŒˆแˆจ።
แ‹จแˆ…แ‹แˆ€แ‰ต แˆ˜แˆชแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แ‰ฐแˆซ แ‰…แŠ“แ‰ต። แŠฅแŠแˆฑ แŠฅแŠ•แŒ‚ แ‹จแŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‰ แˆแŠ•แˆ แˆ˜แˆแŠฉ แ‰ฐแˆแˆฎ แˆฐแˆแŒฅแŠ– แ‹จแˆ‹แ‰€ แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆ˜แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แ‹จแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ตแˆ። แŠฅแŠแˆฑ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ แŠ‘แˆˆแ‰ต แˆแŠญ แŠขแŠฎแŠ–แˆšแ‹แˆ፤ แŠฅแ‹แ‰€แ‰ฑแˆ፤ แˆ˜แ‰ฅแ‰ฑแˆ፤ แŠแŒปแŠแ‰ฑแˆ แ‰ฐแŒˆแ‹ตแ‰ฆ แŠฅแŠแˆฑ แ‹จแ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แ‹จแ‰ แ‰ณแ‰ฝ แˆ†แŠ– แ‹แŠ•แ‰ณแˆˆแˆ แŠฅแ‹จแŒˆแ‹™ แˆ˜แŠ–แˆญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแ‰ฃแ‰ธแ‹ แ‹ซแˆแŠ“แˆ‰።
Meles Zenawi and the Ethiopian Muslims
แˆแ‰ฅ แ‹ญแˆแˆ แŠฅแ‹šแˆ… แˆ‹แ‹ญ “แˆˆแˆจแŒ…แˆ แŒŠแ‹œ แˆˆแˆ˜แŠ•แŒแˆตแ‰ต แˆตแŒ‹แ‰ต แˆ†แŠแ‹ แ‹จแ‰†แ‹ฉ แŒฅแ‰‚แ‰ต แˆฐแ‹Žแ‰ฝ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‹ฑ แ‰ฐแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ“แˆ”  แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‹‹แ‹› แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแ‰€แˆ‹แˆ แŠฅแ‰ƒ แ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‹ฑแ‰ต แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แŠ แˆญแˆฒ แŠ แˆณแˆณ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แˆฑแŒˆแ‹ฐแˆ‰፤ แ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แŠ แˆตแ‰ฆ แ‰ฐแ‹˜แŒ‹แŒ…แ‰ถ แ‰ แ‹œแŒŽแ‰ฝ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ดแ‰ต แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ แ‹จแˆ˜แˆแŒธแˆ แˆแˆแ‹ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆˆแ‹ แˆฒแ‹ซแˆจแŒ‹แŒแŒฅ፤  แ‹ˆแŠ•แŒ€แˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹แŠ• แˆ…แ‹แ‰ก แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ญแˆจแ‹ณ แ‹ซแˆฐแˆซแŒฉแ‰ต แ‹แˆธแ‰ต แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ›แŠ‘ แˆแŠจแ‰ฑแŠ• แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแˆตแŠแˆฑแŠ“ แŒˆแŒ€แˆซแˆ แˆณแ‹ญแ‰€แˆญ แ‹ญแ‹˜แ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแŠแ‰ แˆจ แŠแ‹።  แ‰ แŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แŠ แ‰ฃแ‰ฃแˆ แˆ†แŠ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆ‹แ‹ แ‹จแˆ€แŒˆแˆชแ‰ฑ แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ›แŠ• แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แˆ‹แ‹ญ แŠ แŠ•แ‹ต แŒแˆญแŒแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแˆแŒ แˆญแ‰ แ‰ต แˆแŠ”แ‰ณ แŠจแ‰ฐแŠจแˆฐแ‰ฐ แ‰ฅแ‹™ แ‹จแˆšแŒˆแ‹ฐแˆ‰ แ‹œแŒŽแ‰ฝ แˆตแˆ แ‹แˆญแ‹แˆญ แ‰ฐแ‹ญแ‹Ÿแˆ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แŠแ‹። แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแŠซแˆ‚แ‹ฑแ‰ต แแŒนแˆ แŒฅแ‰ แ‰ฅ แ‰ฅแˆตแˆˆแ‰ตแŠ“ แ‹˜แˆ˜แŠ“แ‹Š แŠ แˆตแ‰ฐแˆณแˆตแ‰ฅ แ‹จแˆžแˆ‹แ‰ แ‰ต แ‰ฐแ‰ƒแ‹แˆž แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ•แŠ• แ‰ แˆญ แˆ˜แ‰ผแˆ แˆ˜แ‰ผแˆ แŠ แ‹ญแŠจแแ‰ตแˆ‹แ‰ธแ‹แˆ።  แˆแŠญ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ™ แˆ…แ‹แ‰ฅ แˆ˜แŒ…แˆŠแˆต፤ แ‰ แ‹ฐแˆ…แŠ•แŠแ‰ต แ‰ฐแˆ˜แˆแˆแˆˆแ‹ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆพแˆ™แ‰ แ‰ต แˆฒแŠ–แ‹ถแˆตแŠ“ แŒณแŒณแˆต แˆตแˆญ แ‹จแˆšแ‰ฐแˆซแˆ˜แˆฐแ‹ แˆ…แ‹แ‰  แŠฆแˆญแ‰ถแ‹ถแŠญแˆต แ‹›แˆฌ แ‹จแ‰ฐแŒ‹แˆจแ‹ฐแ‹ แŠ แ‹ญแŠ‘ แŠฅแˆตแŠชแŒˆแˆˆแŒฅ แˆแŠ• แ‹ซแˆ…แˆ แŒŠแ‹œ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆšแ‹ˆแˆตแ‹ต แ‰ฃแ‹ญแ‰ณแ‹ˆแ‰…แˆ፤ แˆ˜แ‰ผแˆ แ‹ญแˆแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰ผ แ‹จแˆ€แ‹ญแˆ›แŠ–แ‰ต แŠแŒปแŠแ‰ฑแŠ• แˆˆแˆ›แˆตแŠจแ‰ แˆญ แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰นแŠ•   แ‰ แŠ แˆญแŠ แ‹ซแŠแ‰ต แ‰ฐแŠจแ‰ตแˆŽ แˆ˜แŠแˆณแ‰ฑ แˆตแˆˆแˆ›แ‹ญแ‰€แˆญ፤ แŠฅแˆตแŠจแ‹šแ‹ซแ‹ แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แˆ™แˆตแˆŠแˆ›แŠ• แ‹ˆแŠ•แ‹ตแˆžแ‰ปแ‰ฝแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ‰แ‰ตแŠ• แŠฅแ‹ซแ‹จ แŠฅแˆˆแ‰ต แ‰ แŠฅแˆˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ›แˆญ แˆ˜แˆแŠญแ‰ต แˆ‹แˆตแ‰ฐแˆ‹แˆแ แŠฅแ‹ˆแ‹ณแˆˆแˆ።
แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแŒตแ‹ซ แˆˆแ‹˜แˆˆแŠ แˆˆแˆ แ‰ตแŠ‘แˆญ!
แˆžแ‰ต แˆˆแ‹ˆแ‹ซแŠ” แˆตแˆญแŠ แ‰ต!

Apr 15, 2013

An unknown number of people have been injured after two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, causing panic and confusion at one of the biggest sporting events in the US.

Bloodied victims were initially rushed to a medical tent set up to care for fatigued runners, with some then taken to hospital.
Emergency services descended on the scene, which was quickly locked down.
The cause of the explosions has yet to be confirmed.
"There are a lot of people down," said one runner quoted by AP news agency.
The incident reportedly came about three hours after the winners crossed the line.
The Associated Press news agency said there was a loud explosion on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the bridge that marks the finish line. Another loud explosion could be heard a few seconds later, and smoke could be seen rising from the scene of the blasts.
TV helicopter footage showed blood staining the pavement in the shopping and tourist area known as Back Bay.
Mike Mitchell of Vancouver, Canada, a runner who had finished the race, said he was looking back at the finish line when he saw a "massive explosion."
Smoke rose 50ft (15m) in the air, he told Reuters news agency, and people began running away and screaming after hearing the noise. "Everybody freaked out," he said.
Stragglers heading for the finish line were rerouted away from the smoking site of the blasts as the scene was locked down.
The annual Boston Marathon attracting a large field of runners and tens of thousands of spectators.

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