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Dec 17, 2012
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Dec 16, 2012
Most troubling facts about Ethiopia (Teklu Abate)
By Teklu Abate
During the last two decades, Ethiopia for sure witnessed improvements in some fronts. Basic infrastructure such as hydroelectric dams, roads, education and health institutions, and catering businesses are significantly expanded. Particularly important are the efforts made to make schools and universities accessible to a huge number of students that is found to be higher even by international standards. In fact, Ethiopia is among the few countries in the world that achieved the highest expansion of of the education sector. This and other signs of improvements must be duly acknowledged and commended.
In this paper, I however wanted to expound on those challenges and problems that seem to ‘check’ the very future existence and prosperity of the country. Originally, I planned to write about another topic which was related to life and living in Addis and Oslo. Having read a gruesome story from a paper about how two Ethiopians fought each other to death in the Middle East, I started thinking about how and when our problems would be solved. I then decided to write on some of the most troubling facts about Ethiopians. I do this out of sheer concern and believe that discussions like this would bring awareness and then possible change.
Everyone can enlist several problems but to me, the following six are the most serious of all. If they are not dealt with soon by the government and the general public, the country would suffer from further stagnation and regression at best.
Everyone can enlist several problems but to me, the following six are the most serious of all. If they are not dealt with soon by the government and the general public, the country would suffer from further stagnation and regression at best.
Exodus of Ethiopians
Mind boggling is the stable exodus of Ethiopians to foreign lands. There is no official statistics on this but it is estimated too high that we find Ethiopians in nearly all countries of the world, from New Zealand to the Scandinavian points, from Argentina to Canadian provinces, and from South Africa to the Mid and Far East. The highly educated never return to their home following their completion of studies, workshops, seminars, and/or conferences. University professors and medical doctors, who are educated at high cost, are ‘grooming’ Western institutions. Their home institutions are being run by inexperienced and inadequately educated people.
Particularly mind blowing is the unimaginable horrors Ethiopians are forced to face in Africa and the Middle East. How many innocent Ethiopians died in the Sahara and Sinai Deserts? How many of them found themselves in the underworlds of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea? How many are killed by their employers in the Middle East? How many turned physically, mentally, psychologically, and morally disabled due to the unspeakable Arab abuses? How many Ethiopian citizens are leaving the country for a whole set of reasons for other assumed to be better places? Neither the government nor any other agency knows the magnitude for sure. One could say that Ethiopia appears a byword for poverty, famine and now migration. This highly compromises the potential and capacity of the nation to live up to the standards and expectations of the 21st Century. Who is to be held accountable for the exodus? For sure, the government must be the first if not the only one.
Mind boggling is the stable exodus of Ethiopians to foreign lands. There is no official statistics on this but it is estimated too high that we find Ethiopians in nearly all countries of the world, from New Zealand to the Scandinavian points, from Argentina to Canadian provinces, and from South Africa to the Mid and Far East. The highly educated never return to their home following their completion of studies, workshops, seminars, and/or conferences. University professors and medical doctors, who are educated at high cost, are ‘grooming’ Western institutions. Their home institutions are being run by inexperienced and inadequately educated people.
Particularly mind blowing is the unimaginable horrors Ethiopians are forced to face in Africa and the Middle East. How many innocent Ethiopians died in the Sahara and Sinai Deserts? How many of them found themselves in the underworlds of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea? How many are killed by their employers in the Middle East? How many turned physically, mentally, psychologically, and morally disabled due to the unspeakable Arab abuses? How many Ethiopian citizens are leaving the country for a whole set of reasons for other assumed to be better places? Neither the government nor any other agency knows the magnitude for sure. One could say that Ethiopia appears a byword for poverty, famine and now migration. This highly compromises the potential and capacity of the nation to live up to the standards and expectations of the 21st Century. Who is to be held accountable for the exodus? For sure, the government must be the first if not the only one.
Accountability and Transparency
The government in Ethiopia has all the structures and ‘gaits’ of a fully functioning modern system. The polices and laws formulated usually appear responsive to contemporary developments in society. But then comes the problem of making all the decision making transparent and participatory. The public is not adequately being informed about all major developments taking place at Arat Killo- the seat of government. If effort is made to communicate certain issues, it is inadequate, exaggerated, and/or contrary to the truth. For instance, following the Ethio-Eritrea non-sensical war, the then Foreign Minister the now Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Seyoum Mesfin, gave a televised speech, where he in absolute clarity and inconfidence told the public that the most controversial territory, Badme, was recognized by the UN to be part of Ethiopia. I recall how exhilarated the public was. But the truth was nearly the opposite.
The government in Ethiopia has all the structures and ‘gaits’ of a fully functioning modern system. The polices and laws formulated usually appear responsive to contemporary developments in society. But then comes the problem of making all the decision making transparent and participatory. The public is not adequately being informed about all major developments taking place at Arat Killo- the seat of government. If effort is made to communicate certain issues, it is inadequate, exaggerated, and/or contrary to the truth. For instance, following the Ethio-Eritrea non-sensical war, the then Foreign Minister the now Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Seyoum Mesfin, gave a televised speech, where he in absolute clarity and inconfidence told the public that the most controversial territory, Badme, was recognized by the UN to be part of Ethiopia. I recall how exhilarated the public was. But the truth was nearly the opposite.
Similarly, we as citizens are denied of our rights to know the truth related to several matters. We do not know our precise borders with our neighbors. We do not know how/why our late premier died ‘instantly’. We do not know how much power is vested on the new premier- HaileMariam Dessalegn. We do not know how many Ethiopians are benefiting from the double-digit economic growth the government reports every year. We do not know why we happen to have three Deputy Premiers contrary to what the constitution allows. We do not know why the so-called anti- terrorism law is given a much higher esteem than the constitution itself.
To me, there is nothing more troubling than having a government which is nontransparent and unaccountable to its decisions and policies. The government must be the first entity to exercise in absolute clarity and consistency the rule of law. This way, it can bring and sustain functional political literacy among the masses.
Political Literacy
Millions of Ethiopians are technically speaking literate; they can write and read. When it comes to political consciousness, the majority seems ‘extremist’. This particularly concerns those who claim that they are participating in politics. To EPRDF members and sympathizers, for instance, the Ethiopian Diaspora are groups of frustrated, egoistic, uncompromising, and cold-blooded personalities. To them, there is no any better way of governance other than theirs. They consider and seem to believe that only their party is a natural leader. To justify their dominance and sustained rule, they resort to explain the nearly two-decade long wars they wagged against the Dergue. To them, non-EPRDF members and supporters do not worry about Ethiopia’s well-being. Consequently, they require all public employees to be EPRDF members. To many Diaspora, on the other hand, entering into discourse with EPRDF members and supporters is just unthinkable. Accordingly, all government- affiliated people are egoistic, corrupt, ignorant, and abusers.
How could one say that these and other manifestations of political life are genuine, functional, and/or healthy? Both sides, the governing party and the opposition including the Diaspora seem to be infested with an incurable political virus called ‘only my perspective’. The media are nothing but institutions that perpetuate this polarized view of politics and Ethiopia.
Millions of Ethiopians are technically speaking literate; they can write and read. When it comes to political consciousness, the majority seems ‘extremist’. This particularly concerns those who claim that they are participating in politics. To EPRDF members and sympathizers, for instance, the Ethiopian Diaspora are groups of frustrated, egoistic, uncompromising, and cold-blooded personalities. To them, there is no any better way of governance other than theirs. They consider and seem to believe that only their party is a natural leader. To justify their dominance and sustained rule, they resort to explain the nearly two-decade long wars they wagged against the Dergue. To them, non-EPRDF members and supporters do not worry about Ethiopia’s well-being. Consequently, they require all public employees to be EPRDF members. To many Diaspora, on the other hand, entering into discourse with EPRDF members and supporters is just unthinkable. Accordingly, all government- affiliated people are egoistic, corrupt, ignorant, and abusers.
How could one say that these and other manifestations of political life are genuine, functional, and/or healthy? Both sides, the governing party and the opposition including the Diaspora seem to be infested with an incurable political virus called ‘only my perspective’. The media are nothing but institutions that perpetuate this polarized view of politics and Ethiopia.
Media Culture
Equally ‘sick’ are our media. The national television and radio organizations are ‘megaphones’ of the ruling party. I would not complain had our media reported true accounts of the deeds of the government. They disturbingly fabricate, exaggerate, falsify, and/or overlook reality which stands naked before public eyes. According to ETV, there is a country called Ethiopia where: annual economic growth hits double digits, the rule of law and democracy reign, the media are entirely free, and big companies from abroad are attracted. And worse is that we are having non- government media (such as radios, newspapers, websites, and television talk shows) that embarrassingly mimic the whims and styles of government-owned media.
On the other hand, ‘independent’ media such as radios, newspapers and magazines ‘own’ the other side of the coin. To them, commending the government for its investment in basic infrastructure is equal to treason. All what comes from the ruling party is unjustly criticized, dismissed, and politicized.
Equally ‘sick’ are our media. The national television and radio organizations are ‘megaphones’ of the ruling party. I would not complain had our media reported true accounts of the deeds of the government. They disturbingly fabricate, exaggerate, falsify, and/or overlook reality which stands naked before public eyes. According to ETV, there is a country called Ethiopia where: annual economic growth hits double digits, the rule of law and democracy reign, the media are entirely free, and big companies from abroad are attracted. And worse is that we are having non- government media (such as radios, newspapers, websites, and television talk shows) that embarrassingly mimic the whims and styles of government-owned media.
On the other hand, ‘independent’ media such as radios, newspapers and magazines ‘own’ the other side of the coin. To them, commending the government for its investment in basic infrastructure is equal to treason. All what comes from the ruling party is unjustly criticized, dismissed, and politicized.
In a way, both pro-government and opposition media report reality in incommensurable ways. They hold and champion mutually exclusive paradigms, which in the end confuse and frustrate the public.
Quality Education
Ethiopia joins the countries which achieved the highest expansion of education services. It has now over 30 public universities and over a 100 private higher education institutions. Still, the enrollment rate is below the Sub-Saharan average. Schools are built in nearly every village. All these are great efforts which must be commended. But then comes the issue of quality. How quality is our education? Yes, ‘quality education’ is defined differently by different stakeholders. There seems however a general take that students must be functionally literate- they must use the skills and knowledge they acquire from schools to tackle life’s enduring problems. Or in lay terms, a university graduate must solve problems given to him by his employer.
Ethiopia joins the countries which achieved the highest expansion of education services. It has now over 30 public universities and over a 100 private higher education institutions. Still, the enrollment rate is below the Sub-Saharan average. Schools are built in nearly every village. All these are great efforts which must be commended. But then comes the issue of quality. How quality is our education? Yes, ‘quality education’ is defined differently by different stakeholders. There seems however a general take that students must be functionally literate- they must use the skills and knowledge they acquire from schools to tackle life’s enduring problems. Or in lay terms, a university graduate must solve problems given to him by his employer.
It has been a public discourse that Ethiopian university graduates ended up being unemployed or under employed. Some accepted jobs that are unrelated to their training such as cutting stones. Several are reportedly homeless and made streets their homes. This has been confirmed by a study conducted by the Addis Ababa Administration. Even those who are employed according to their trainings appear incompetent.
Those university graduates with apparently good grades apply for further education in European universities, which make their admission decisions mainly based on grades. There are unfortunately bad signs now that some Western institutions appear to question the quality of Ethiopian students and hence they are silently and systematically reducing the number of Ethiopians joining their institutions.
Those university graduates with apparently good grades apply for further education in European universities, which make their admission decisions mainly based on grades. There are unfortunately bad signs now that some Western institutions appear to question the quality of Ethiopian students and hence they are silently and systematically reducing the number of Ethiopians joining their institutions.
Shortly, there are ample signs which attest to the poor quality of education being offered in Ethiopia. The government also understands the problem but seems not interested in investing on quality- e.g. it must be a natural decision to strengthen existing universities rather than opening new ones. If the education system is suffocated, all the other sectors will be suffocated. And suffocated systems are corrupts, inefficient, ineffective, change phobic, and prone to extinction. Scramble for Southern Ethiopia A lot has already been written about this. That foreign investors are scrambling the virgin lands of Ethiopia, south of Addis Ababa. There is no problem in attracting foreign capital as such. The problem begins when 1) investors are given thousands and thousands of hectares of fertile land in nearly no price, 2) their produces are not made available to local markets, 3) issues related to land degradation and environmental pollution are not adequately monitored, 4) forests are uncontrollably cleared for agriculture, 5) local residents are displaced without full consent and compensation, and 6) foreign investors receive loans from Ethiopian banks to start their businesses. Several foreign media already disclosed how Indian investors got huge pieces of lands with minimal prices and with contracts that last for nearly a century. These must be the most worrisome news for all concerned Ethiopians
Watching Susan twist in the wind or don’t mess with Ethiopia (Yilma Bekele)
By Yilma Bekele
Good news is always welcome. Then there is the extraordinarily good news that jars you from your slumber. And when the good news happens right around Christmas there is nothing one can do other than put more log in the fire place, take a generous helping of the twelve year old scotch light up a fat Cohibas and sit back with Cheshire cat smile imprinted on ones face. That is what I wanted to do yesterday if only I had a fireplace, aged scotch or a fat cigar. Not to worry I had the good news and it brought a wide smile.
The good news is the exit of Susan Rice from the idea of becoming the Secretary of State. Poor Susan, she did not even get nominated but they dangled her name out there to be trashed and mangled. They found out she is toxic. It looks like contemplating Susan Rice as foreign policy maker brought queasiness and nausea to some king makers.
Susan’s demise woke me up. The last few weeks I was in ‘Ground hog day’ land. Have you watched the movie ‘Ground Hog Day’? That was what I felt like. In that story the main character finds himself repeating the same day again and again. That is our country Ethiopia in a nutshell. The same crap story told over and over again until we become numb to it.
In the movie Phil the main character comes to face with his shallow and indifferent existence and is compelled to make amends. He was able to break the loop of indifference, apathy and selfishness. You know what my ultimate fear is? As an Ethiopian, it is to think that we are unable to get out of this loser loop we are wallowing for the last few decades.
We pride ourselves as being the oldest Nation State in history. We are quick to point out that we were never colonized. Both are commendable feats. The issue facing us now is what has that got to do with today. Those past accomplishments though daring have no relevance to the situation we are in now. Where exactly are we at today? We are with all due respect technologically backward, quality of life at the bottom any human achievement, a very inadequate educational and health system, an oppressive and lawless political arrangement and the epicenter of famine and starvation.
No need to deny that, no need to cringe and totally useless not to face realty. Unless one comes face to face with one’s ailment solution cannot be found. The first step towards recovery is realizing we have a problem and it is the cause of the many difficulties faced by our country and people. The best approach to bring about change is to look at the specific problems our behavior is causing and tackle that. For example being a coward makes us bow to authority, lack of character makes us lie and cheat to each other, our problem with low self-esteem makes us indifferent to the plight of fellow countrymen, our selfish attitude works against our own self-interest in the long run and we play the blame game to distance ourselves from the problem at hand and avoid responsibility. .
The last few months have been trying times extraordinaire. It was like we were caught in a vortex, meaning a whirling mass of nothingness coming at us from all sides. I am of course talking about the US presidential elections and my Ethiopian brethren’s behavior here in good old America. I am sure glad it is over. The unbridled enthusiasm of my fellow Ethiopians escapes any and all explanations. Some were consumed by it, a few were stressed out plenty were hating on the Republican Party while lost souls like myself were diving for cover. It was not easy. There was no place to hide.
It was an impossible mission trying to get a response why my friends were gung ho about Barrack Obamas reelection. To tell you the truth I had nothing against it. At the same time I did not find any reason to be frenzied or extremely emotional either. Of course I will vote for him if given the chance but I wouldn’t be twisted out of shape or lose any sleep regarding the outcome if different.
Please note here that I am speaking as an Ethiopian since choosing someone is based on purely selfish needs. What is he gona do for me is the only question the average person asks of a candidate unless of course one is altruistic and I am afraid that is not what most people are. Most Americans voted for candidate Obama because he promised to lower taxes for the middle class, bring immigration reform, set a dead line regarding the country’s involvement in Afghanistan, killed Osama and seemed to have a functional family. Mr. Romney’s constant foot in the mouth situation and show of absolute detachment from reality was a great help towards Mr. Obama’s reelection attempt.
The crucial question to an Ethiopian is of course what is he going to do for my country Ethiopia? That was what I wanted to be addressed when conversing with my Ethiopian-American family and friends. If their support is due to the fact that he is the son of Africa or he shows empathy towards the middle class I completely agree. My problem was when a few want to drag poor Ethiopia into the equation and claim his reelection will help our country. As they say the devil is in the details and here is one situation where the truth does not jive with reality.
Four years ago Mr. Obama appeared on the scene as the messenger of change. In all his speeches he made it clear that the US under his leadership will stand with the down trodden and the oppressed in a new kind of way. Upon being elected that was his message when he toured the Middle East and that was his message to his African family when he made a brief stopover in Ghana. We were overjoyed when he put dictators everywhere on notice that their days of horror is over. Here is a long excerpt from President Obama’s speech to Africans from Accra, Ghana in July of 2009.
“We must start from the simple premise that Africa’s future is up to Africans…..First, we must support strong and sustainable democratic governments……
As I said in Cairo, each nation gives life to democracy in its own way, and in line with its own traditions. But history offers a clear verdict: governments that respect the will of their own people are more prosperous, more stable, and more successful than governments that do not.
This is about more than holding elections – it’s also about what happens between them. Repression takes many forms, and too many nations are plagued by problems that condemn their people to poverty. No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or police can be bought off by drug traffickers. No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt. No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end…. But I can promise you this: America will be with you. As a partner. As a friend.”
Beautifully said don’t you think so? No one could have said it better. I distinctly remember the time and place when I read that speech, would it be too much to reveal that it gave me mental orgasm? If mere words can intoxicate this was it. I cried. At last, I said a friend in a place of power, my prayers have been answered.
I waited and waited and waited some more. I told myself may be next week, next month you think next year? Unfortunately what Mr. Obama says and what President Obama does is not the same thing. There is a dis-connect between words and deeds. “Barack Obama became a less ideological but more effective version of George W Bush,” said Professor Aaron Miller, a vice-president at the Woodrow Wilson Centre. How true.
Thus the coddling of dictators continued unabated, the use of drones to kill from afar got accelerated and the marginalization of Africa did not cease. My country Ethiopia became a pawn in America’s war with its enemies. My dictator was invited to sit alongside his masters, the enablers that choose not to see what he was doing to my country as long as he served their purpose.
President Obama’s State department never stopped detailing the crimes of the dictator against his people while President Obama’s Pentagon was generous in furnishing weapons, transportation and training to those who use it against the same people and commit the crimes to be recited by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the victims themselves. And most of all Mr. Obama’s rhetoric against dictators, deniers of freedom and human right abusers never stopped.
Thus when my Ethiopian American friends were moving heaven and earth to get their candidate reelected I wondered why? What would the other guy running for the office do different than what is being done to us now? If they are supporting the President as an American citizen I understand but why are they throwing the word Ethiopian in front of their designation. That is not fair. To show them that they actually do not matter the newly re-elected President threw Susan Rice at us as a thank you prize. Take that my Ethiopian-American constituent.
Wait a minute isn’t this the same Susan Rice that insulted Meles Zenawi’s victims as fools? Is it the Susan Rice that travelled all the way to Addis to vouch the humanity of the butcher and mad man? Yes the one and only Susan Rice that went to Harlem to preach at the war lord’s memorial. Of course there is more to her than that. During the second term of Bill Clinton’s Presidency our Susan Rice was Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and how do you think she showed her love to Africa? It was by friending characters such as Rwanda’s Kagame, Uganda’s Museveni, Ethiopia’s Zenawi, and Congo’s Kabila. Could you think of any loathsome characters as these? The five dysfunctional sycophants are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Africans and Susan Rice shares the credit and blame.
Rumor had it Mr. Obama might nominate Susan Rice to be the next Secretary of State. Shall we say the response has been heartwarming to a marginalized Ethiopian? I have been sitting back and enjoying the dictator lover twist in the wind. Her recent problem started when Obama’s White House used her as a ‘fall guy’ for the Benghazi attack. She was paraded out with false intelligence to keep Mr. Obama out the headlines for the debacle during the election. Our intelligent and highly educated friend went on national TV distorting the truth and reality since making shit up is nothing new to her. I very much enjoy our ‘idiotic and foolish’ friend travelling from one Senator’s office to another with her tail between her legs begging for love. Watching her swatted like a pesky fly is as far as I am concerned a priceless sight.
The one thing I find curious is that when recounting her shortcomings no one seems to mention her love of dictators and mad Africans as worthwhile failing. They talk about her miserable performance at the UN, her Benghazi disinformation campaign and even her investment in the oil pipe line deal but nothing about her involvement in the Rwanda massacre, not a whisper regarding her friendship with the Ethiopian criminal PM and her love for African dictators. It shows you how much we matter.
So a few of my Ethiopian friends started a petition to let Mr. Obama know what they think of the lady. I mean she insulted our struggle for freedom, she mocked us and she did it all in public. It is like one of us calling Martin Luther king a fool or Malcolm X an idiot. How many Ethiopians do you think signed the petition? A minuscule amount did.
Why do you think that is so? You think it is due to that little sickness I mentioned earlier? The matter of low self-esteem, Cowardice, selfishness and ignorance all rolled in one? Thus we campaigned for Mr. Obama so he can look after our interest and when he acts against it we are afraid to say wait a minute that is not why we elected you! I don’t see labor unions, women’s organizations, Hispanic groups playing dead when their interest is threatened. What is it about us that is willing to make excuse when stepped on?
You see that same trait is displayed in our National politics. We are willing to dance with the criminals in powers as long as they throw a piece of land, cheap hotels and brothels to frequent when we visit home. When exactly did we become a nation of lemmings? Watch the YouTube video link at the end and you can see what I mean. Guess what there must be some kind of power that looks after us. The fact that every Christmas the giving to our nation and people never stops is one clue. Three years ago ESAT was established, a year ago OLF denounced the separate trail and joined the mother fold and this year the giving has been a little overwhelming. The sudden death of Dictator Meles Zenawi and the faux patriarch and now Susan Rice’s humiliation begs for an answer. Despite our cheap character and betrayal of our motherland those that harm or conspire to hurt good old Ethiopia live to regret their transgressions. It looks like harming our mother comes with ugly consequences.
Good news is always welcome. Then there is the extraordinarily good news that jars you from your slumber. And when the good news happens right around Christmas there is nothing one can do other than put more log in the fire place, take a generous helping of the twelve year old scotch light up a fat Cohibas and sit back with Cheshire cat smile imprinted on ones face. That is what I wanted to do yesterday if only I had a fireplace, aged scotch or a fat cigar. Not to worry I had the good news and it brought a wide smile.
The good news is the exit of Susan Rice from the idea of becoming the Secretary of State. Poor Susan, she did not even get nominated but they dangled her name out there to be trashed and mangled. They found out she is toxic. It looks like contemplating Susan Rice as foreign policy maker brought queasiness and nausea to some king makers.
Susan’s demise woke me up. The last few weeks I was in ‘Ground hog day’ land. Have you watched the movie ‘Ground Hog Day’? That was what I felt like. In that story the main character finds himself repeating the same day again and again. That is our country Ethiopia in a nutshell. The same crap story told over and over again until we become numb to it.
In the movie Phil the main character comes to face with his shallow and indifferent existence and is compelled to make amends. He was able to break the loop of indifference, apathy and selfishness. You know what my ultimate fear is? As an Ethiopian, it is to think that we are unable to get out of this loser loop we are wallowing for the last few decades.
We pride ourselves as being the oldest Nation State in history. We are quick to point out that we were never colonized. Both are commendable feats. The issue facing us now is what has that got to do with today. Those past accomplishments though daring have no relevance to the situation we are in now. Where exactly are we at today? We are with all due respect technologically backward, quality of life at the bottom any human achievement, a very inadequate educational and health system, an oppressive and lawless political arrangement and the epicenter of famine and starvation.
No need to deny that, no need to cringe and totally useless not to face realty. Unless one comes face to face with one’s ailment solution cannot be found. The first step towards recovery is realizing we have a problem and it is the cause of the many difficulties faced by our country and people. The best approach to bring about change is to look at the specific problems our behavior is causing and tackle that. For example being a coward makes us bow to authority, lack of character makes us lie and cheat to each other, our problem with low self-esteem makes us indifferent to the plight of fellow countrymen, our selfish attitude works against our own self-interest in the long run and we play the blame game to distance ourselves from the problem at hand and avoid responsibility. .
The last few months have been trying times extraordinaire. It was like we were caught in a vortex, meaning a whirling mass of nothingness coming at us from all sides. I am of course talking about the US presidential elections and my Ethiopian brethren’s behavior here in good old America. I am sure glad it is over. The unbridled enthusiasm of my fellow Ethiopians escapes any and all explanations. Some were consumed by it, a few were stressed out plenty were hating on the Republican Party while lost souls like myself were diving for cover. It was not easy. There was no place to hide.
It was an impossible mission trying to get a response why my friends were gung ho about Barrack Obamas reelection. To tell you the truth I had nothing against it. At the same time I did not find any reason to be frenzied or extremely emotional either. Of course I will vote for him if given the chance but I wouldn’t be twisted out of shape or lose any sleep regarding the outcome if different.
Please note here that I am speaking as an Ethiopian since choosing someone is based on purely selfish needs. What is he gona do for me is the only question the average person asks of a candidate unless of course one is altruistic and I am afraid that is not what most people are. Most Americans voted for candidate Obama because he promised to lower taxes for the middle class, bring immigration reform, set a dead line regarding the country’s involvement in Afghanistan, killed Osama and seemed to have a functional family. Mr. Romney’s constant foot in the mouth situation and show of absolute detachment from reality was a great help towards Mr. Obama’s reelection attempt.
The crucial question to an Ethiopian is of course what is he going to do for my country Ethiopia? That was what I wanted to be addressed when conversing with my Ethiopian-American family and friends. If their support is due to the fact that he is the son of Africa or he shows empathy towards the middle class I completely agree. My problem was when a few want to drag poor Ethiopia into the equation and claim his reelection will help our country. As they say the devil is in the details and here is one situation where the truth does not jive with reality.
Four years ago Mr. Obama appeared on the scene as the messenger of change. In all his speeches he made it clear that the US under his leadership will stand with the down trodden and the oppressed in a new kind of way. Upon being elected that was his message when he toured the Middle East and that was his message to his African family when he made a brief stopover in Ghana. We were overjoyed when he put dictators everywhere on notice that their days of horror is over. Here is a long excerpt from President Obama’s speech to Africans from Accra, Ghana in July of 2009.
“We must start from the simple premise that Africa’s future is up to Africans…..First, we must support strong and sustainable democratic governments……
As I said in Cairo, each nation gives life to democracy in its own way, and in line with its own traditions. But history offers a clear verdict: governments that respect the will of their own people are more prosperous, more stable, and more successful than governments that do not.
This is about more than holding elections – it’s also about what happens between them. Repression takes many forms, and too many nations are plagued by problems that condemn their people to poverty. No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or police can be bought off by drug traffickers. No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt. No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end…. But I can promise you this: America will be with you. As a partner. As a friend.”
Beautifully said don’t you think so? No one could have said it better. I distinctly remember the time and place when I read that speech, would it be too much to reveal that it gave me mental orgasm? If mere words can intoxicate this was it. I cried. At last, I said a friend in a place of power, my prayers have been answered.
I waited and waited and waited some more. I told myself may be next week, next month you think next year? Unfortunately what Mr. Obama says and what President Obama does is not the same thing. There is a dis-connect between words and deeds. “Barack Obama became a less ideological but more effective version of George W Bush,” said Professor Aaron Miller, a vice-president at the Woodrow Wilson Centre. How true.
Thus the coddling of dictators continued unabated, the use of drones to kill from afar got accelerated and the marginalization of Africa did not cease. My country Ethiopia became a pawn in America’s war with its enemies. My dictator was invited to sit alongside his masters, the enablers that choose not to see what he was doing to my country as long as he served their purpose.
President Obama’s State department never stopped detailing the crimes of the dictator against his people while President Obama’s Pentagon was generous in furnishing weapons, transportation and training to those who use it against the same people and commit the crimes to be recited by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the victims themselves. And most of all Mr. Obama’s rhetoric against dictators, deniers of freedom and human right abusers never stopped.
Thus when my Ethiopian American friends were moving heaven and earth to get their candidate reelected I wondered why? What would the other guy running for the office do different than what is being done to us now? If they are supporting the President as an American citizen I understand but why are they throwing the word Ethiopian in front of their designation. That is not fair. To show them that they actually do not matter the newly re-elected President threw Susan Rice at us as a thank you prize. Take that my Ethiopian-American constituent.
Wait a minute isn’t this the same Susan Rice that insulted Meles Zenawi’s victims as fools? Is it the Susan Rice that travelled all the way to Addis to vouch the humanity of the butcher and mad man? Yes the one and only Susan Rice that went to Harlem to preach at the war lord’s memorial. Of course there is more to her than that. During the second term of Bill Clinton’s Presidency our Susan Rice was Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and how do you think she showed her love to Africa? It was by friending characters such as Rwanda’s Kagame, Uganda’s Museveni, Ethiopia’s Zenawi, and Congo’s Kabila. Could you think of any loathsome characters as these? The five dysfunctional sycophants are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Africans and Susan Rice shares the credit and blame.
Rumor had it Mr. Obama might nominate Susan Rice to be the next Secretary of State. Shall we say the response has been heartwarming to a marginalized Ethiopian? I have been sitting back and enjoying the dictator lover twist in the wind. Her recent problem started when Obama’s White House used her as a ‘fall guy’ for the Benghazi attack. She was paraded out with false intelligence to keep Mr. Obama out the headlines for the debacle during the election. Our intelligent and highly educated friend went on national TV distorting the truth and reality since making shit up is nothing new to her. I very much enjoy our ‘idiotic and foolish’ friend travelling from one Senator’s office to another with her tail between her legs begging for love. Watching her swatted like a pesky fly is as far as I am concerned a priceless sight.
The one thing I find curious is that when recounting her shortcomings no one seems to mention her love of dictators and mad Africans as worthwhile failing. They talk about her miserable performance at the UN, her Benghazi disinformation campaign and even her investment in the oil pipe line deal but nothing about her involvement in the Rwanda massacre, not a whisper regarding her friendship with the Ethiopian criminal PM and her love for African dictators. It shows you how much we matter.
So a few of my Ethiopian friends started a petition to let Mr. Obama know what they think of the lady. I mean she insulted our struggle for freedom, she mocked us and she did it all in public. It is like one of us calling Martin Luther king a fool or Malcolm X an idiot. How many Ethiopians do you think signed the petition? A minuscule amount did.
Why do you think that is so? You think it is due to that little sickness I mentioned earlier? The matter of low self-esteem, Cowardice, selfishness and ignorance all rolled in one? Thus we campaigned for Mr. Obama so he can look after our interest and when he acts against it we are afraid to say wait a minute that is not why we elected you! I don’t see labor unions, women’s organizations, Hispanic groups playing dead when their interest is threatened. What is it about us that is willing to make excuse when stepped on?
You see that same trait is displayed in our National politics. We are willing to dance with the criminals in powers as long as they throw a piece of land, cheap hotels and brothels to frequent when we visit home. When exactly did we become a nation of lemmings? Watch the YouTube video link at the end and you can see what I mean. Guess what there must be some kind of power that looks after us. The fact that every Christmas the giving to our nation and people never stops is one clue. Three years ago ESAT was established, a year ago OLF denounced the separate trail and joined the mother fold and this year the giving has been a little overwhelming. The sudden death of Dictator Meles Zenawi and the faux patriarch and now Susan Rice’s humiliation begs for an answer. Despite our cheap character and betrayal of our motherland those that harm or conspire to hurt good old Ethiopia live to regret their transgressions. It looks like harming our mother comes with ugly consequences.
á˘áłáľ áá:- áłá áłáľ 4 áá 2005 áá ááááą áŤááłááá ááá°áĽ á¨á°áá°áá á áááá á°á ááĽáŽ á¨á°áŤá á ááá áá። ááá°áĄá á°áŠáś á¨áá°áá áááľ á áľá á ááłááá። ááá áĽáá á¨áá¨áłá áááľ ááá°áĄ ááŤááἠá˛á á°áá°á á¨áá ááááŤáľ ááľá áąá áááá á°á˝ááŚá።
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áłá áłáľ ፮(áľáľáľáľ) áá ፳፻፭ á/á
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áłá áłáľ ፮(áľáľáľáľ) áá ፳፻፭ á/á
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ááľááá áĽá áááľá˛áŤáá á ááá¨áľ áĽá ááĽá¨áľ ááľáĽ
á ááá°áľ á¨á˘áá á´á ááááľáľ ááá á áááľ á¨á áἠá°ááá
áĽá á áĽá¨áľ áĽááłááá á áľá¨ááłá፡፡
áááłá áááĽááľ áŤá á á áááŤáĽ á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á á á¨á°á
ááá˝á áĽáá°ááááá á ááľáá áĽá á áááľá˛áŤá áá á á¨áľáĽ
á¨á°áááá áĽáááľ á¨á áἠáľááľáłá˝á áá፡፡ á ááá á˘áá
á áá áŤá á ááłá áłááá áááá áĽá¨á á á á á°ááŤáŠ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ
á áŤáŁá˘áá˝ áľááŽáłá áĽá¨áá á áĽáá°áá áá¨áľ ááťáá፡፡
á áá˛áá˝á á á˛áľ á á ᣠá¨á°á á á áá áá áľ á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá
ááľáá áááľááťá˝á á á¨ááľá á°ááá áĽá á á°áá á°ááá
á°áá á°áááá¸áá áá˘áá á´á ááááľáľ áĽá¨á°ááአáááá፡፡
á¨á˘áá á´á ááááľáľ áá ááŤáą áĽáá˛áá¸á á¨áĽáľááá á°ááŤá
á᪠á áŤáą ááᲠá°á¨áłá á áá°áŤáľ áĽá áĽáŤááŤá¸áá ááá¨áĄ
á°áááá˝ áá°áŤá áááľ á ááá á ááŤáł áĽá á°áŁáŤ á áľá¨á
á á¨ááľááłá á áľá°ááśá¸á áááá፡፡ á á°á¨á᪠áááľá á¨á°áŁá
ááłá á¨áááľá˛áŤáá˝ á¨ááááľ áŚáł áá ááŁááá áľáááľ á°áá áááá
á˘áá¨áľáľ áŤá°ááá á áá á˝áá áĽáá°áááá¸á áĽáŤá°á¨ááľ
áááá ፡፡
áľááá ááá áá áá áĽáŤá¨á áá á áá á፡፡á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áááŤá˝á á¨áĽááľ ááᎠáŁááłáŞá áĽá á ááŚá˝
á°á¨áŁáĽá¨ááŁáľ á á ááľ áĽá áľá ááá á¨áááŠáŁáľ áááá˝ áááŤáľ
á¨ááťáťá á áĽáŽ á á áĽá¨áľ á¨áááá áá´ áŤáłá¨á˝ ááá á áá°ááľ
áá˘áá˝ áá áłááś á áááłáá áááł ááŤááá˝ áŁáá áááŁáľ
á¨ááአá°áá áą፡፡
ááŤááá˝ ááá˝ ááá á¨áá°áŠ ááľáá á áĽáá
á áá ááŁáŞáá˝ áá¸á á á áἠá°áá á°ááľá°á á ááľáá
áá á á¨á°áĽ áá áááá¸áá á ááŁáĽá¨á áŁáá á áááŁáľ áá¨á á˝á
áááá á¨ááŤááá˝ áááľ á¨á á áĽá¨áá ááĽáś á á áἠáĽááłá
á¨áłá¸áá ááľ á áľááááś á¨áááá áĽááá áᏠáá áá áś ááá
á¨á°áá ááá°á á á°á á¨á°áŁá áááľá á¨áłá¸áá ááŤáŹ áááłáŤáľ
áĽáá á áááá á ááłá á á¨ááľáŞáŤ á¤áśá˝ á á°ááŤáŠ á áá áĽá
á ááááľáľ ááľáŞáŤ á¤áśá˝ á ááĽá á ááľáá°áľ á¨áłá¸áá ááŤáŹ
á áááľ áá¨áááá á ááá¨á á áá°á¸á ááŤáŹ á˛áŁá ááŁáŠá
á á¨á᪠áááłáľá áááááľ áá áĽá áááá ááĽáá ፡፡
áĽáá ááá á á áĽá¨áľ á ááá áá áá á á¸áŁáŞ ááááľáľ
ááááľ á ááĽá፡፡
áĽááá áĽáá á˘áľáŽáľáŤá ááŁáá!
áĽáá°ááłááá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááľáľ áá á áĽá á á°á
áá áĽááłáá ááá á¨ááá፡፡ áĽáŤáą á á ááááľáľ á˛áŤááŁ
ááááľáľ á ááááľ ááľáĽ áŁáá áááŁáľ á¨áá áľá ááá á áá
áá á°áá ááĽáŤáą á áá áá á˛áŤááá á á ááááľáąá
á˛áŤááá°á ááłáŤá á ááá áĽáá°áááą ááŤáą áĽá á á˛á
á áááááľ ááľáĽ áŁáá ááĽáś á˘áľáŽáľáŤá ááŤá ááľ áĽá
áá áłáľááľ á áá፠ááááľ áĽáá áľáá´áá áááŽá á፡፡
ááľááá áĽá áááľá˛áŤáá á ááá¨áľ áĽá ááĽá¨áľ ááľáĽ
á ááá°áľ á¨á˘áá á´á ááááľáľ ááá á áááľ á¨á áἠá°ááá
áĽá á áĽá¨áľ áĽááłááá á áľá¨ááłá፡፡
áááłá áááĽááľ áŤá á á áááŤáĽ á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á á á¨á°á
ááá˝á áĽáá°ááááá á ááľáá áĽá á áááľá˛áŤá áá á á¨áľáĽ
á¨á°áááá áĽáááľ á¨á áἠáľááľáłá˝á áá፡፡ á ááá á˘áá
á áá áŤá á ááłá áłááá áááá áĽá¨á á á á á°ááŤáŠ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ
á áŤáŁá˘áá˝ áľááŽáłá áĽá¨áá á áĽáá°áá áá¨áľ ááťáá፡፡
á áá˛áá˝á á á˛áľ á á ᣠá¨á°á á á áá áá áľ á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá
ááľáá áááľááťá˝á á á¨ááľá á°ááá áĽá á á°áá á°ááá
á°áá á°áááá¸áá áá˘áá á´á ááááľáľ áĽá¨á°ááአáááá፡፡
á¨á˘áá á´á ááááľáľ áá ááŤáą áĽáá˛áá¸á á¨áĽáľááá á°ááŤá
á᪠á áŤáą ááᲠá°á¨áłá á áá°áŤáľ áĽá áĽáŤááŤá¸áá ááá¨áĄ
á°áááá˝ áá°áŤá áááľ á ááá á ááŤáł áĽá á°áŁáŤ á áľá¨á
á á¨ááľááłá á áľá°ááśá¸á áááá፡፡ á á°á¨á᪠áááľá á¨á°áŁá
ááłá á¨áááľá˛áŤáá˝ á¨ááááľ áŚáł áá ááŁááá áľáááľ á°áá áááá
á˘áá¨áľáľ áŤá°ááá á áá á˝áá áĽáá°áááá¸á áĽáŤá°á¨ááľ
áááá ፡፡
áľááá ááá áá áá áĽáŤá¨á áá á áá á፡፡á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áááŤá˝á á¨áĽááľ ááᎠáŁááłáŞá áĽá á ááŚá˝
á°á¨áŁáĽá¨ááŁáľ á á ááľ áĽá áľá ááá á¨áááŠáŁáľ áááá˝ áááŤáľ
á¨ááťáťá á áĽáŽ á á áĽá¨áľ á¨áááá áá´ áŤáłá¨á˝ ááá á áá°ááľ
áá˘áá˝ áá áłááś á áááłáá áááł ááŤááá˝ áŁáá áááŁáľ
á¨ááአá°áá áą፡፡
ááŤááá˝ ááá˝ ááá á¨áá°áŠ ááľáá á áĽáá
á áá ááŁáŞáá˝ áá¸á á á áἠá°áá á°ááľá°á á ááľáá
áá á á¨á°áĽ áá áááá¸áá á ááŁáĽá¨á áŁáá á áááŁáľ áá¨á á˝á
áááá á¨ááŤááá˝ áááľ á¨á á áĽá¨áá ááĽáś á á áἠáĽááłá
á¨áłá¸áá ááľ á áľááááś á¨áááá áĽááá áᏠáá áá áś ááá
á¨á°áá ááá°á á á°á á¨á°áŁá áááľá á¨áłá¸áá ááŤáŹ áááłáŤáľ
áĽáá á áááá á ááłá á á¨ááľáŞáŤ á¤áśá˝ á á°ááŤáŠ á áá áĽá
á ááááľáľ ááľáŞáŤ á¤áśá˝ á ááĽá á ááľáá°áľ á¨áłá¸áá ááŤáŹ
á áááľ áá¨áááá á ááá¨á á áá°á¸á ááŤáŹ á˛áŁá ááŁáŠá
á á¨á᪠áááłáľá áááááľ áá áĽá áááá ááĽáá ፡፡
áĽáá ááá á á áĽá¨áľ á ááá áá áá á á¸áŁáŞ ááááľáľ
ááááľ á ááĽá፡፡
áĽááá áĽáá á˘áľáŽáľáŤá ááŁáá!
As part of human life and behavior, this tendency is not of course uncommon in the process of dealing with most of our problems, and there is nothing wrong with it as such. It becomes very serious and worrisome when it comes to the question of figuring out the root cause of the symptoms we suffer from, and the need to apply the right treatment.
Crying about Terrible Symptoms of Political Illness: Not Attacking the Cause?
The analogy between symptoms, diagnosis and attacking the very cause of a disease with the right medication or treatment in the world of medicine and serious illnesses in the arena of politics is not only logical but also powerfully convincing. It is true that the intensity and seriousness of all symptoms of illnesses are not the same. They significantly vary from disease to disease, from subject to subject and from circumstances to circumstances. Some are mild, less complicated, not complicated and/or short-lived in terms of duration. The mild and less complicated ones may go away with simple self-treatment or with the help of others. Some may be so swift and acute requiring urgent and highly coordinated responses. And so many other symptoms may develop through time and become chronic, huge price incurring, and enormously painful. Those symptoms which cost high prices and are horribly painful are caused by diseases which can turn deadly if they are not diagnosed before it is too late and treated accordingly.
Needless to say, the political illnesses we experienced for the last four decades and continue suffering from are getting incredibly severe and deadly. Sadly enough, we are not still seriously willing and meaningfully able to focus on the issue of attacking the root cause of those very terrible symptoms by pulling our time, energy and resources together. In other words, we are still victims of simply crying about the worst political pains we are suffering from instead of going deep into the right diagnosis and coming up with the right treatment. And this kind of undesirable if not harmful tendency have made us vulnerable to the very deceptive and dirty propaganda of the tyrannical ruling circle and its parasitic media including the Reporter of Amare Aregawi which continues carrying out the dirty job in the name of independent media/press . It is not uncommon to hear the higher officials of the TPLF/EPRDF government saying that if there are problems at all, it is merely because of the problem of implementation, not the policy and wrong doings at the top the powerhouse of the system which is of course the inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF itself. These kinds of very hypocritical/cynical excuses had been repeatedly used by the late MP.Meles Zenawi whenever he was asked and challenged by certain international critics and even by the diplomatic community of the donor countries in Addis. Unfortunately enough, the legacy of these kinds of very dirty and wicked behaviors and practices are being carried out by a puppet prime minister and two powerless surrogate deputies, and the third one (from TPLF) who is a real mastermind of premiership. And those media out lets such as the Reporter has continued to fool the people to believe that all kinds of systemic and institutional crises have nothing to with a despotic, corrupt, tyrannical/dictatorial if not deadly inner circle of the ruling circle. They try hard to keep the untold sufferings (symptoms) in our country away from the root cause which is of course the top (head) of the chronically ill system, the very inner circle of EPRDF which is being manipulated and controlled by the inner circle of TPLF.
Let me make myself clear why I am mentioning the pro-TPLF/EPRDF newspaper –The Reporter. As usual, when I went through this newspaper’s issue of 12/09/12, its editorial caught my attention. It says, “Let there be a Priority, Focus and a Concerted Effort for a Systemic and Institutional Building!” (“Lesereat ena Letequamat Genbata Qidemia Tekuret ena Rebreb Yedereg!”) This is a very fantastic topic sentence if we take it at its face value. In substantiating this seemingly strong premise, the writer singled out some very big and critical entities as clear indicators of the seriousness of the problem. To my understanding, the ongoing reality with regard to the mentioned entities in our country is a crisis, not a problem as we know. Although the crafter of the editorial is not genuine and courageous enough to touch up the very root cause of the systemic and institutional illnesses which is of course the inner circle of the ruling party for obvious reason( for being pro-ruling elites), raising the chronic symptoms is not a bad thing as such.
The editorial tries to express the concern of the writer (Amare Aregawi) about disturbing practices in critical institutions such as the Parliament, the Court, the Police, the National Bank, the Urban administration (municipality-land administration), and even Educational Institutions. It strongly complains that these institutions have literally become simple instruments of advancing reckless individual and group interests. It says that the parliament is totally impotent to the extent of unable to raise questions about the enforcement of the laws it makes leave alone discharging its constitutional responsibilities and duties in a meaningful manner. It describes the status of all other mentioned entities in a very frustrating and disturbing manner. It clearly states that those very critical institutions are deadly infected with corruption (big and small bribe) and especial connections among highly abusive officials. It says that most of these deadly practices are being conducted simply via telephonic conversations and instructions. Imagine folks how it is extremely dangerous to witness the very essence of the rule of law being killed by the judicial system which is staffed with parasitic political cadres and other deadly opportunistic judges.
Imagine how it is deeply worrisome to watch the highest financial regulator (the National Bank) is becoming an entity for the advancement of political, family, friendship, and other types of interests.
Mind you folks how the country is in a very deep trouble when the educational system which was supposed to shape and build its young generation is being hit by horrible corruption .Imagine how it is so bad to see educational institutions being turned into the training centers of the indoctrination of the “revolutionary democracy.” Imagine how it is miserable to see the results or grades of students are being exchanged for money like any other tradable stuff. Think about the situation where students are evaluated and promoted based on their association with the tyrannical ruling circle .Yes, unless we want to deceive ourselves, we are watching the hard fact that this generation is at the verge of total dehumanization and nihilism.
Imagine how it is seriously damaging to witness the law enforcement entity (the police) being used as instrument to enforce the political will of tyrants. Imagine how it is deeply terrible to watch the police intimidates, harass, arrest and torture innocent citizens with total disregard of constitutional rights. Imagine how it is extremely worrisome to witness the police operates on total arbitrariness.
Think about the situation where the municipalities which are of course parts of very critical local administrations, especially in dealing with land issue are totally at the will of individuals and groups who have political and other forms of ugly connections.
Now, let me once again make clear myself why the Reporter’s editorial is relevant to the very topic of my comment. The crafter /writer of the editorial has never shown the courage to take his concern beyond telling the story of terrible symptoms which are of course parts of the day –to-day experiences of the innocent people of Ethiopia ,the direct victims. He has never told us about the very symbiotic relationship between the head (the inner circle of ruling party and its executive body) and the tail( all executive and regulatory bodies – the ones mentioned as examples.) The writer did not try to make a convincing sense by telling us how it is logically and realistically possible to treat the chronically ill system in general and its parts (institutions and agents) in particular without touching the very sick political system as a whole which is of course controlled by the very inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF. What is more disingenuous is when the editorial tried to appeal to the government of TPLF/EPRDF to do something about the rotten system in general and the failed institutions in particular while the government /the ruling party itself is the root cause of the spoilt system and dysfunctional institutions. Needless to say, there is no partial treatment for the chronic illness of the whole system which is caused by the very head /brain of the system itself (the top ruling elite).
I am not trying to claim that it is easy to convince the Reporter (Amare Argawi) not to mislead the innocent people of Ethiopia by merely telling the story that goes around the bush (symptoms of illness only) but by having a courageous and honest concern about the very big and root cause of the political and socio-economic, legal, moral and ethical crisis in our country. This is because the newspaper has been created and designed as very good cover up for the dirty political drama in the name of independent media/press. As a regular reader from its inception, I am sorry to say but I have to say that the Reporter is a very good player in a very mischievous political environment.
Folks, the list of painful symptoms we are suffering from because of the total absence of good governance (political freedom, rule of law and socio-economic justice) is so long. Look at the unwarranted and inhuman demolition of houses /shelters of the tens and thousands of innocent citizens.
Imagine folks how it is painfully disastrous to see the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country is treated by the ruling party. Leave aside losing the sea out let (Asab) thanks to the very reckless ruling group, the giving away of large tract fertile land to the Sudanese government just as any ordinary gift is inexcusable and dangerous political stupidity.
The eviction of hundreds and thousands of indigenous citizens from their lands and villages; and leasing a very large and fertile areas to transnational corporations which has no any other interest other than making huge profits is one of the extremely painful symptoms caused by the senseless political elites .
Imagine how it is horrible to see thousands of Ethiopians fleeing their country and perishing on their way to places they have no clue leave alone knowing their destiny; and being treated inhumanely in every corner of this planet in general and across the Red Sea in Particular if they are lucky enough to arrive alive.
Look at what is happening to Muslim Ethiopians who are simply crying for exercising their religious freedom, one of their fundamental human rights. Their representatives who were trying to peacefully coordinate their legitimate and legal demands have been thrown into jail and convicted of act of terror. What is much more disturbing is that as it has always been; the so-called prosecutors are very busy with fabricating and dramatizing the “criminal “charges on those innocent citizens.
Imagine how the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is suffering as the result of the dirty political game going on in our country. Mind you how the ongoing negotiation for reconciliation, reunification and peace is suffering because of the ugly mix between religion and politics. Look at how the religious leaders who conducting meetings after meetings with no any sense of progress are victims of a very disingenuous environment as the result of an endless ugly political game.
Imagine the very miserable political system which has done nothing when people are considered as immigrants in their own country and forced to leave unconditionally leaving their belongings behind.
Imagine the horrible situation where innocent spouses have been dehumanized by a crazy political cadre of the ruling party who forced them to go naked, and force the wife to pull the genital organ of her husband tied to a string. Is it not difficult to think about this kind of dehumanization leave alone to watch happening in a country with a long history of appreciable culture?
Well, the list of extremely painful symptoms of an evil-driven political behavior and practice is very long. But, the necessary effort to go beyond those symptoms and challenging the root cause is still very unsatisfactory. I am not saying it is not necessary to talk and write about the horrible symptoms we are suffering from. Absolutely not! What I am trying to say is that if we lose the capacity and willingness to attack the very breeding ground of the deadly cause of the illness in a well-organized and coordinated way, the painful symptoms will never get better leave alone going away.
I hope some efforts being made in different parts of the country and by various political opposition groups and sections of the society will make a difference if they pull their efforts together in a much more significant manner. I hope we all genuinely concerned Ethiopians (by citizenship or by origin) will do our part in the process of the struggle that is aimed at fighting against the root cause ,the terribly failed political system as whole , not merely treating the miserable symptoms.
The analogy between symptoms, diagnosis and attacking the very cause of a disease with the right medication or treatment in the world of medicine and serious illnesses in the arena of politics is not only logical but also powerfully convincing. It is true that the intensity and seriousness of all symptoms of illnesses are not the same. They significantly vary from disease to disease, from subject to subject and from circumstances to circumstances. Some are mild, less complicated, not complicated and/or short-lived in terms of duration. The mild and less complicated ones may go away with simple self-treatment or with the help of others. Some may be so swift and acute requiring urgent and highly coordinated responses. And so many other symptoms may develop through time and become chronic, huge price incurring, and enormously painful. Those symptoms which cost high prices and are horribly painful are caused by diseases which can turn deadly if they are not diagnosed before it is too late and treated accordingly.
Needless to say, the political illnesses we experienced for the last four decades and continue suffering from are getting incredibly severe and deadly. Sadly enough, we are not still seriously willing and meaningfully able to focus on the issue of attacking the root cause of those very terrible symptoms by pulling our time, energy and resources together. In other words, we are still victims of simply crying about the worst political pains we are suffering from instead of going deep into the right diagnosis and coming up with the right treatment. And this kind of undesirable if not harmful tendency have made us vulnerable to the very deceptive and dirty propaganda of the tyrannical ruling circle and its parasitic media including the Reporter of Amare Aregawi which continues carrying out the dirty job in the name of independent media/press . It is not uncommon to hear the higher officials of the TPLF/EPRDF government saying that if there are problems at all, it is merely because of the problem of implementation, not the policy and wrong doings at the top the powerhouse of the system which is of course the inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF itself. These kinds of very hypocritical/cynical excuses had been repeatedly used by the late MP.Meles Zenawi whenever he was asked and challenged by certain international critics and even by the diplomatic community of the donor countries in Addis. Unfortunately enough, the legacy of these kinds of very dirty and wicked behaviors and practices are being carried out by a puppet prime minister and two powerless surrogate deputies, and the third one (from TPLF) who is a real mastermind of premiership. And those media out lets such as the Reporter has continued to fool the people to believe that all kinds of systemic and institutional crises have nothing to with a despotic, corrupt, tyrannical/dictatorial if not deadly inner circle of the ruling circle. They try hard to keep the untold sufferings (symptoms) in our country away from the root cause which is of course the top (head) of the chronically ill system, the very inner circle of EPRDF which is being manipulated and controlled by the inner circle of TPLF.
Let me make myself clear why I am mentioning the pro-TPLF/EPRDF newspaper –The Reporter. As usual, when I went through this newspaper’s issue of 12/09/12, its editorial caught my attention. It says, “Let there be a Priority, Focus and a Concerted Effort for a Systemic and Institutional Building!” (“Lesereat ena Letequamat Genbata Qidemia Tekuret ena Rebreb Yedereg!”) This is a very fantastic topic sentence if we take it at its face value. In substantiating this seemingly strong premise, the writer singled out some very big and critical entities as clear indicators of the seriousness of the problem. To my understanding, the ongoing reality with regard to the mentioned entities in our country is a crisis, not a problem as we know. Although the crafter of the editorial is not genuine and courageous enough to touch up the very root cause of the systemic and institutional illnesses which is of course the inner circle of the ruling party for obvious reason( for being pro-ruling elites), raising the chronic symptoms is not a bad thing as such.
The editorial tries to express the concern of the writer (Amare Aregawi) about disturbing practices in critical institutions such as the Parliament, the Court, the Police, the National Bank, the Urban administration (municipality-land administration), and even Educational Institutions. It strongly complains that these institutions have literally become simple instruments of advancing reckless individual and group interests. It says that the parliament is totally impotent to the extent of unable to raise questions about the enforcement of the laws it makes leave alone discharging its constitutional responsibilities and duties in a meaningful manner. It describes the status of all other mentioned entities in a very frustrating and disturbing manner. It clearly states that those very critical institutions are deadly infected with corruption (big and small bribe) and especial connections among highly abusive officials. It says that most of these deadly practices are being conducted simply via telephonic conversations and instructions. Imagine folks how it is extremely dangerous to witness the very essence of the rule of law being killed by the judicial system which is staffed with parasitic political cadres and other deadly opportunistic judges.
Imagine how it is deeply worrisome to watch the highest financial regulator (the National Bank) is becoming an entity for the advancement of political, family, friendship, and other types of interests.
Mind you folks how the country is in a very deep trouble when the educational system which was supposed to shape and build its young generation is being hit by horrible corruption .Imagine how it is so bad to see educational institutions being turned into the training centers of the indoctrination of the “revolutionary democracy.” Imagine how it is miserable to see the results or grades of students are being exchanged for money like any other tradable stuff. Think about the situation where students are evaluated and promoted based on their association with the tyrannical ruling circle .Yes, unless we want to deceive ourselves, we are watching the hard fact that this generation is at the verge of total dehumanization and nihilism.
Imagine how it is seriously damaging to witness the law enforcement entity (the police) being used as instrument to enforce the political will of tyrants. Imagine how it is deeply terrible to watch the police intimidates, harass, arrest and torture innocent citizens with total disregard of constitutional rights. Imagine how it is extremely worrisome to witness the police operates on total arbitrariness.
Think about the situation where the municipalities which are of course parts of very critical local administrations, especially in dealing with land issue are totally at the will of individuals and groups who have political and other forms of ugly connections.
Now, let me once again make clear myself why the Reporter’s editorial is relevant to the very topic of my comment. The crafter /writer of the editorial has never shown the courage to take his concern beyond telling the story of terrible symptoms which are of course parts of the day –to-day experiences of the innocent people of Ethiopia ,the direct victims. He has never told us about the very symbiotic relationship between the head (the inner circle of ruling party and its executive body) and the tail( all executive and regulatory bodies – the ones mentioned as examples.) The writer did not try to make a convincing sense by telling us how it is logically and realistically possible to treat the chronically ill system in general and its parts (institutions and agents) in particular without touching the very sick political system as a whole which is of course controlled by the very inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF. What is more disingenuous is when the editorial tried to appeal to the government of TPLF/EPRDF to do something about the rotten system in general and the failed institutions in particular while the government /the ruling party itself is the root cause of the spoilt system and dysfunctional institutions. Needless to say, there is no partial treatment for the chronic illness of the whole system which is caused by the very head /brain of the system itself (the top ruling elite).
I am not trying to claim that it is easy to convince the Reporter (Amare Argawi) not to mislead the innocent people of Ethiopia by merely telling the story that goes around the bush (symptoms of illness only) but by having a courageous and honest concern about the very big and root cause of the political and socio-economic, legal, moral and ethical crisis in our country. This is because the newspaper has been created and designed as very good cover up for the dirty political drama in the name of independent media/press. As a regular reader from its inception, I am sorry to say but I have to say that the Reporter is a very good player in a very mischievous political environment.
Folks, the list of painful symptoms we are suffering from because of the total absence of good governance (political freedom, rule of law and socio-economic justice) is so long. Look at the unwarranted and inhuman demolition of houses /shelters of the tens and thousands of innocent citizens.
Imagine folks how it is painfully disastrous to see the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country is treated by the ruling party. Leave aside losing the sea out let (Asab) thanks to the very reckless ruling group, the giving away of large tract fertile land to the Sudanese government just as any ordinary gift is inexcusable and dangerous political stupidity.
The eviction of hundreds and thousands of indigenous citizens from their lands and villages; and leasing a very large and fertile areas to transnational corporations which has no any other interest other than making huge profits is one of the extremely painful symptoms caused by the senseless political elites .
Imagine how it is horrible to see thousands of Ethiopians fleeing their country and perishing on their way to places they have no clue leave alone knowing their destiny; and being treated inhumanely in every corner of this planet in general and across the Red Sea in Particular if they are lucky enough to arrive alive.
Look at what is happening to Muslim Ethiopians who are simply crying for exercising their religious freedom, one of their fundamental human rights. Their representatives who were trying to peacefully coordinate their legitimate and legal demands have been thrown into jail and convicted of act of terror. What is much more disturbing is that as it has always been; the so-called prosecutors are very busy with fabricating and dramatizing the “criminal “charges on those innocent citizens.
Imagine how the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is suffering as the result of the dirty political game going on in our country. Mind you how the ongoing negotiation for reconciliation, reunification and peace is suffering because of the ugly mix between religion and politics. Look at how the religious leaders who conducting meetings after meetings with no any sense of progress are victims of a very disingenuous environment as the result of an endless ugly political game.
Imagine the very miserable political system which has done nothing when people are considered as immigrants in their own country and forced to leave unconditionally leaving their belongings behind.
Imagine the horrible situation where innocent spouses have been dehumanized by a crazy political cadre of the ruling party who forced them to go naked, and force the wife to pull the genital organ of her husband tied to a string. Is it not difficult to think about this kind of dehumanization leave alone to watch happening in a country with a long history of appreciable culture?
Well, the list of extremely painful symptoms of an evil-driven political behavior and practice is very long. But, the necessary effort to go beyond those symptoms and challenging the root cause is still very unsatisfactory. I am not saying it is not necessary to talk and write about the horrible symptoms we are suffering from. Absolutely not! What I am trying to say is that if we lose the capacity and willingness to attack the very breeding ground of the deadly cause of the illness in a well-organized and coordinated way, the painful symptoms will never get better leave alone going away.
I hope some efforts being made in different parts of the country and by various political opposition groups and sections of the society will make a difference if they pull their efforts together in a much more significant manner. I hope we all genuinely concerned Ethiopians (by citizenship or by origin) will do our part in the process of the struggle that is aimed at fighting against the root cause ,the terribly failed political system as whole , not merely treating the miserable symptoms.
Eritrean Website, Awate has recently reported that Isaias Afeworki is ready to negotiate with the Ethiopian ruling party, EPRDF and asked the Qatari government to mediate the talks. If that is true, what would be the fate of those oppositions groups who are still at the mercy of Isaias Afeworki inside Eritrea? Please read Awate’s story below.
Isaias Afeworki Asks Qatar To Mediate Dispute With Ethiopia
A note from Awramba Times editor
Isaias Afeworki
Eritrean Strongman Asks Qatar To Mediate Dispute With Ethiopia
(Awate.com) – Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki has asked Qatar to mediate his long-standing feud with “arch-rival” Ethiopia. This message was communicated to the new Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalgn, by Qatar, while the Ethiopian prime minister was conducting a state visit. Isaias Afwerki has offered to attend mediation talks without any pre-conditions.
Isaias Afeworki
In an interview with Al Jazeera, Hailemariam Desalegn told his interviewer that he would be willing to travel to Eritrea to hold face-to-face talks with Isaias Afwerki and that this was a long-standing Ethiopian policy: “My predecessor Meles Zenawi had asked for more than 50 times even to go to Asmara and negotiate with Mister Isaias Afwerki,” he said.
Qatar, which is showing greater interest in the region, is weary of the growing Turkish influence in the Horn of Africa. Recently, the Turkish foreign minister visited Asmara at the invitation of Isaias Afwerki, who wanted him to mediate between the new Somali regime and the Eritrean regime. But while in Asmara, Isaias also informed the Turkish foreign minister that he is working to normalize relations with Ethiopia and that he had asked Qatar to mediate.
A note from Awramba Times editor
Isaias Afeworki
Eritrean Strongman Asks Qatar To Mediate Dispute With Ethiopia
(Awate.com) – Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki has asked Qatar to mediate his long-standing feud with “arch-rival” Ethiopia. This message was communicated to the new Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalgn, by Qatar, while the Ethiopian prime minister was conducting a state visit. Isaias Afwerki has offered to attend mediation talks without any pre-conditions.
Isaias Afeworki
In an interview with Al Jazeera, Hailemariam Desalegn told his interviewer that he would be willing to travel to Eritrea to hold face-to-face talks with Isaias Afwerki and that this was a long-standing Ethiopian policy: “My predecessor Meles Zenawi had asked for more than 50 times even to go to Asmara and negotiate with Mister Isaias Afwerki,” he said.
Qatar, which is showing greater interest in the region, is weary of the growing Turkish influence in the Horn of Africa. Recently, the Turkish foreign minister visited Asmara at the invitation of Isaias Afwerki, who wanted him to mediate between the new Somali regime and the Eritrean regime. But while in Asmara, Isaias also informed the Turkish foreign minister that he is working to normalize relations with Ethiopia and that he had asked Qatar to mediate.
Most troubling facts about Ethiopia
Most troubling facts about Ethiopia
During the last two decades, Ethiopia for sure witnessed improvements in some fronts. Basic infrastructure such as hydroelectric dams, roads, education and health institutions, and catering businesses are significantly expanded. Particularly important are the efforts made to make schools and universities accessible to a huge number of students that is found to be higher even by international standards. In fact, Ethiopia is among the few countries in the world that achieved the highest expansion of of the education sector. This and other signs of improvements must be duly acknowledged and commended.
In this paper, I however wanted to expound on those challenges and problems that seem to ‘check’ the very future existence and prosperity of the country. Originally, I planned to write about another topic which was related to life and living in Addis and Oslo. Having read a gruesome story from a paper about how two Ethiopians fought each other to death in the Middle East, I started thinking about how and when our problems would be solved. I then decided to write on some of the most troubling facts about Ethiopians. I do this out of sheer concern and believe that discussions like this would bring awareness and then possible change.
Everyone can enlist several problems but to me, the following six are the most serious of all. If they are not dealt with soon by the government and the general public, the country would suffer from further stagnation and regression at best.
Exodus of Ethiopians
Mind boggling is the stable exodus of Ethiopians to foreign lands. There is no official statistics on this but it is estimated too high that we find Ethiopians in nearly all countries of the world, from New Zealand to the Scandinavian points, from Argentina to Canadian provinces, and from South Africa to the Mid and Far East. The highly educated never return to their home following their completion of studies, workshops, seminars, and/or conferences. University professors and medical doctors, who are educated at high cost, are ‘grooming’ Western institutions. Their home institutions are being run by inexperienced and inadequately educated people.
Particularly mind blowing is the unimaginable horrors Ethiopians are forced to face in Africa and the Middle East. How many innocent Ethiopians died in the Sahara and Sinai Deserts? How many of them found themselves in the underworlds of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea? How many are killed by their employers in the Middle East? How many turned physically, mentally, psychologically, and morally disabled due to the unspeakable Arab abuses? How many Ethiopian citizens are leaving the country for a whole set of reasons for other assumed to be better places? Neither the government nor any other agency knows the magnitude for sure. One could say that Ethiopia appears a byword for poverty, famine and now migration. This highly compromises the potential and capacity of the nation to live up to the standards and expectations of the 21st Century. Who is to be held accountable for the exodus? For sure, the government must be the first if not the only one.
Accountability and Transparency
The government in Ethiopia has all the structures and ‘gaits’ of a fully functioning modern system. The polices and laws formulated usually appear responsive to contemporary developments in society. But then comes the problem of making all the decision making transparent and participatory. The public is not adequately being informed about all major developments taking place at Arat Killo- the seat of government. If effort is made to communicate certain issues, it is inadequate, exaggerated, and/or contrary to the truth. For instance, following the Ethio-Eritrea non-sensical war, the then Foreign Minister the now Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Seyoum Mesfin, gave a televised speech, where he in absolute clarity and inconfidence told the public that the most controversial territory, Badme, was recognized by the UN to be part of Ethiopia. I recall how exhilarated the public was. But the truth was nearly the opposite.
Similarly, we as citizens are denied of our rights to know the truth related to several matters. We do not know our precise borders with our neighbors. We do not know how/why our late premier died ‘instantly’. We do not know how much power is vested on the new premier- HaileMariam Dessalegn. We do not know how many Ethiopians are benefiting from the double-digit economic growth the government reports every year. We do not know why we happen to have three Deputy Premiers contrary to what the constitution allows. We do not know why the so-called anti- terrorism law is given a much higher esteem than the constitution itself.
To me, there is nothing more troubling than having a government which is nontransparent and unaccountable to its decisions and policies. The government must be the first entity to exercise in absolute clarity and consistency the rule of law. This way, it can bring and sustain functional political literacy among the masses.
Political Literacy
Millions of Ethiopians are technically speaking literate; they can write and read. When it comes to political consciousness, the majority seems 'extremist'. This particularly concerns those who claim that they are participating in politics. To EPRDF members and sympathizers, for instance, the Ethiopian Diaspora are groups of frustrated, egoistic, uncompromising, and cold-blooded personalities. To them, there is no any better way of governance other than theirs. They consider and seem to believe that only their party is a natural leader. To justify their dominance and sustained rule, they resort to explain the nearly two-decade long wars they wagged against the Dergue. To them, non-EPRDF members and supporters do not worry about Ethiopia’s well-being. Consequently, they require all public employees to be EPRDF members. To many Diaspora, on the other hand, entering into discourse with EPRDF members and supporters is just unthinkable. Accordingly, all government- affiliated people are egoistic, corrupt, ignorant, and abusers.
How could one say that these and other manifestations of political life are genuine, functional, and/or healthy? Both sides, the governing party and the opposition including the Diaspora seem to be infested with an incurable political virus called ‘only my perspective’. The media are nothing but institutions that perpetuate this polarized view of politics and Ethiopia.
Media Culture
Equally ‘sick’ are our media. The national television and radio organizations are ‘megaphones’ of the ruling party. I would not complain had our media reported true accounts of the deeds of the government. They disturbingly fabricate, exaggerate, falsify, and/or overlook reality which stands naked before public eyes. According to ETV, there is a country called Ethiopia where: annual economic growth hits double digits, the rule of law and democracy reign, the media are entirely free, and big companies from abroad are attracted. And worse is that we are having non- government media (such as radios, newspapers, websites, and television talk shows) that embarrassingly mimic the whims and styles of government-owned media.
On the other hand, ‘independent’ media such as radios, newspapers and magazines ‘own’ the other side of the coin. To them, commending the government for its investment in basic infrastructure is equal to treason. All what comes from the ruling party is unjustly criticized, dismissed, and politicized.
In a way, both pro-government and opposition media report reality in incommensurable ways. They hold and champion mutually exclusive paradigms, which in the end confuse and frustrate the public.
Quality Education
Ethiopia joins the countries which achieved the highest expansion of education services. It has now over 30 public universities and over a 100 private higher education institutions. Still, the enrollment rate is below the Sub-Saharan average. Schools are built in nearly every village. All these are great efforts which must be commended. But then comes the issue of quality. How quality is our education? Yes, ‘quality education’ is defined differently by different stakeholders. There seems however a general take that students must be functionally literate- they must use the skills and knowledge they acquire from schools to tackle life’s enduring problems. Or in lay terms, a university graduate must solve problems given to him by his employer.
It has been a public discourse that Ethiopian university graduates ended up being unemployed or under employed. Some accepted jobs that are unrelated to their training such as cutting stones. Several are reportedly homeless and made streets their homes. This has been confirmed by a study conducted by the Addis Ababa Administration. Even those who are employed according to their trainings appear incompetent.
Those university graduates with apparently good grades apply for further education in European universities, which make their admission decisions mainly based on grades. There are unfortunately bad signs now that some Western institutions appear to question the quality of Ethiopian students and hence they are silently and systematically reducing the number of Ethiopians joining their institutions.
Shortly, there are ample signs which attest to the poor quality of education being offered in Ethiopia. The government also understands the problem but seems not interested in investing on quality- e.g. it must be a natural decision to strengthen existing universities rather than opening new ones. If the education system is suffocated, all the other sectors will be suffocated. And suffocated systems are corrupts, inefficient, ineffective, change phobic, and prone to extinction. Scramble for Southern Ethiopia A lot has already been written about this. That foreign investors are scrambling the virgin lands of Ethiopia, south of Addis Ababa. There is no problem in attracting foreign capital as such. The problem begins when 1) investors are given thousands and thousands of hectares of fertile land in nearly no price, 2) their produces are not made available to local markets, 3) issues related to land degradation and environmental pollution are not adequately monitored, 4) forests are uncontrollably cleared for agriculture, 5) local residents are displaced without full consent and compensation, and 6) foreign investors receive loans from Ethiopian banks to start their businesses. Several foreign media already disclosed how Indian investors got huge pieces of lands with minimal prices and with contracts that last for nearly a century. These must be the most worrisome news for all concerned Ethiopians.
á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá á´áśá˝ ááááľ á áąáŁá á¨ááŤáłá¨á á áłááá “Nightmare in Dreamland” ááá áááá¨áą
áľáŽáľáŤááŤá á´áśá˝á á áąáŁá á¨ááŤáłá á áłááá “Nightmare in Dreamland” áĽááłá ááľáŽ ááá áá-
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Nightmare in
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áĽááľáá:: áááŤá áĽááł::
Dec 14, 2012
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CPJ: Eritrea, Ethiopia rank Africa’s worst jailer of the press
December 13, 2012 (PARIS) – Eritrea and Ethiopia have respectively become Africa’s leading jailers of journalists, according to the jailed Journalists List of 2012 released by the US-based, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).
Woubshet Taye, Former D/Editor of Awramba Times and the first victim of the controversial anti-terrorism law.
The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide has reached a record high this year, with 232 reporters, photojournalists and editors imprisoned in 27 countries.
The figure above has seen a rise of 53 to that of last year and is the highest since CPJ began the survey in 1990.
The group said it has found widespread use of anti-state charges primarily related with terrorism, treason and subversion as most common allegations brought against critical journalists and editors.
“We are living in an age when anti-state charges and ‘terrorist’ labels have become the preferred means that governments use to intimidate, detain, and imprison journalists,” said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon.
According to the new survey, Turkey leads the world’s worst jailers list with 49 journalists behind bars followed by Iran and China who imprisoned 45 and 32 journalists respectively.
Eritrea and Syria are ranked the world’s fourth and fifth worst jailers who respectively jailed 28 and 15 journalists without charge or due process and holding them in secret prisons without access to lawyers or family members.
Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia were also included in the top ten foremost jailers of journalists.
“Criminalizing probing coverage of inconvenient topics violates not only international law, but impedes the right of people around the world to gather, disseminate, and receive independent information” added Simon.
“With a record number of journalists imprisoned around the world, the time has come to speak out,” said Simon.
“We must fight back against governments seeking to cloak their repressive tactics under the banner of fighting terrorism; we must push for broad legislative changes in countries where critical journalism is being criminalized; we must stand up for all those journalists in prison and do all in our power to secure their release; and we must ensure the Internet itself remains an open global platform for critical expression” he added.
The press freedom group said it has sent letters to the governments of the countries listed in CPJ’s 2012 census expressing serious concern over the situation.
Woubshet Taye, Former D/Editor of Awramba Times and the first victim of the controversial anti-terrorism law.
The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide has reached a record high this year, with 232 reporters, photojournalists and editors imprisoned in 27 countries.
The figure above has seen a rise of 53 to that of last year and is the highest since CPJ began the survey in 1990.
The group said it has found widespread use of anti-state charges primarily related with terrorism, treason and subversion as most common allegations brought against critical journalists and editors.
“We are living in an age when anti-state charges and ‘terrorist’ labels have become the preferred means that governments use to intimidate, detain, and imprison journalists,” said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon.
According to the new survey, Turkey leads the world’s worst jailers list with 49 journalists behind bars followed by Iran and China who imprisoned 45 and 32 journalists respectively.
Eritrea and Syria are ranked the world’s fourth and fifth worst jailers who respectively jailed 28 and 15 journalists without charge or due process and holding them in secret prisons without access to lawyers or family members.
Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia were also included in the top ten foremost jailers of journalists.
“Criminalizing probing coverage of inconvenient topics violates not only international law, but impedes the right of people around the world to gather, disseminate, and receive independent information” added Simon.
“With a record number of journalists imprisoned around the world, the time has come to speak out,” said Simon.
“We must fight back against governments seeking to cloak their repressive tactics under the banner of fighting terrorism; we must push for broad legislative changes in countries where critical journalism is being criminalized; we must stand up for all those journalists in prison and do all in our power to secure their release; and we must ensure the Internet itself remains an open global platform for critical expression” he added.
The press freedom group said it has sent letters to the governments of the countries listed in CPJ’s 2012 census expressing serious concern over the situation.
Susan Rice withdraws as secretary of state candidate
Susan Rice withdraws as secretary of state candidate
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has removed her name from consideration for secretary of state, saying she does not want to put the administration through a "lengthy, disruptive and costly" confirmation process.
The move followed weeks of controversy on Capitol Hill over the possibility of her nomination, with Republicans threatening to block Rice from the post over concerns about her September comments on the Libya terror attack. Some lawmakers continue to charge that Rice misled the American people when she said on Sept. 16 that the attack was the result of a "spontaneous" demonstration spun out of control.
President Obama, in a written statement Thursday, called those claims "unfair and misleading" but said he accepts her decision.
"Her decision demonstrates the strength of her character, and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first," Obama said.
Rice, in a letter to Obama Thursday, said she remains "fully confident" she could have served as an effective secretary of state but suggested the confirmation process would have hurt the administration.
"That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country," Rice wrote. She went on to say "I am saddened that we have reached this point, even before you have decided whom to nominate."
Some of Rice's biggest critics, in response, said they would continue to probe the Benghazi attacks -- even if Rice may not come before them to answer questions in a confirmation hearing.
"When it comes to Benghazi I am determined to find out what happened -- before, during, and after the attack," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement.
With Rice's withdrawal from consideration, the likely selections for top posts in the administration are starting to come into focus.
Shortly before the White House announced that Rice had withdrawn, Democratic sources told Fox News that Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., was being talked up within the administration as a more likely nominee for secretary of state.
The sources also said former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel has emerged as the leading contender to become Obama's pick to serve as secretary of defense.
These sources, however, told Fox News that Rice is being talked up privately as a potential pick for national security adviser since that post would not require Senate confirmation.
One top Democratic source familiar with the process said that naming Rice to the prestigious role of national security adviser would "save face" and make the Senate confirmation process much easier -- freeing the president up to spend more political capital on the budget battles with Republicans, instead of dealing with a threatened filibuster of Rice's nomination by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and others.
"It would be the easiest confirmation ever," the Democratic source said of Kerry and Hagel going before current and former colleagues in the Senate, which has long been known as the world's most exclusive club.
If Rice were to move to the White House in the senior national security post, the current occupant of that job -- Tom Donilon -- could become White House chief of staff or fill another top role in the administration, according to several Democratic sources.
Other contenders for chief of staff are Denis McDonough, a current deputy national security adviser, and Ron Klain, former chief of staff to Vice President Biden.
Current White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew has privately indicated he wants to leave the post, and sources say he is a leading contender to become treasury secretary. Current Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have both indicated they are stepping down early next year.
All of the sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they said the president has not made any final decisions on personnel. White House spokesman Jay Carney also refused to comment on personnel moves Thursday when pressed at his daily briefing about the possibility of Hagel becoming defense secretary.
These Democrats told Fox News the president met with Hagel earlier this month to discuss the post, and the former lawmaker is a favorite of Biden, who has been pushing for his old colleague to get the job.
The addition of Hagel would add at least the look of bipartisanship in the second-term Cabinet, since Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood, a former Republican congressman, has indicated he would like to move on in a second term.
Current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has long indicated that his wife Sylvia would like to see him leave public office and retire full-time to his beloved California.
Other contenders for defense secretary include Michele Flournoy, a former top official in the Pentagon earlier in the administration, and Ashton Carter, the current number two there.
Fox News' Ed Henry contributed to this report.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has removed her name from consideration for secretary of state, saying she does not want to put the administration through a "lengthy, disruptive and costly" confirmation process.
The move followed weeks of controversy on Capitol Hill over the possibility of her nomination, with Republicans threatening to block Rice from the post over concerns about her September comments on the Libya terror attack. Some lawmakers continue to charge that Rice misled the American people when she said on Sept. 16 that the attack was the result of a "spontaneous" demonstration spun out of control.
President Obama, in a written statement Thursday, called those claims "unfair and misleading" but said he accepts her decision.
"Her decision demonstrates the strength of her character, and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first," Obama said.
Rice, in a letter to Obama Thursday, said she remains "fully confident" she could have served as an effective secretary of state but suggested the confirmation process would have hurt the administration.
"That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country," Rice wrote. She went on to say "I am saddened that we have reached this point, even before you have decided whom to nominate."
Some of Rice's biggest critics, in response, said they would continue to probe the Benghazi attacks -- even if Rice may not come before them to answer questions in a confirmation hearing.
"When it comes to Benghazi I am determined to find out what happened -- before, during, and after the attack," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement.
With Rice's withdrawal from consideration, the likely selections for top posts in the administration are starting to come into focus.
Shortly before the White House announced that Rice had withdrawn, Democratic sources told Fox News that Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., was being talked up within the administration as a more likely nominee for secretary of state.
The sources also said former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel has emerged as the leading contender to become Obama's pick to serve as secretary of defense.
These sources, however, told Fox News that Rice is being talked up privately as a potential pick for national security adviser since that post would not require Senate confirmation.
One top Democratic source familiar with the process said that naming Rice to the prestigious role of national security adviser would "save face" and make the Senate confirmation process much easier -- freeing the president up to spend more political capital on the budget battles with Republicans, instead of dealing with a threatened filibuster of Rice's nomination by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and others.
"It would be the easiest confirmation ever," the Democratic source said of Kerry and Hagel going before current and former colleagues in the Senate, which has long been known as the world's most exclusive club.
If Rice were to move to the White House in the senior national security post, the current occupant of that job -- Tom Donilon -- could become White House chief of staff or fill another top role in the administration, according to several Democratic sources.
Other contenders for chief of staff are Denis McDonough, a current deputy national security adviser, and Ron Klain, former chief of staff to Vice President Biden.
Current White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew has privately indicated he wants to leave the post, and sources say he is a leading contender to become treasury secretary. Current Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have both indicated they are stepping down early next year.
All of the sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they said the president has not made any final decisions on personnel. White House spokesman Jay Carney also refused to comment on personnel moves Thursday when pressed at his daily briefing about the possibility of Hagel becoming defense secretary.
These Democrats told Fox News the president met with Hagel earlier this month to discuss the post, and the former lawmaker is a favorite of Biden, who has been pushing for his old colleague to get the job.
The addition of Hagel would add at least the look of bipartisanship in the second-term Cabinet, since Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood, a former Republican congressman, has indicated he would like to move on in a second term.
Current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has long indicated that his wife Sylvia would like to see him leave public office and retire full-time to his beloved California.
Other contenders for defense secretary include Michele Flournoy, a former top official in the Pentagon earlier in the administration, and Ashton Carter, the current number two there.
Fox News' Ed Henry contributed to this report.
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á¨áá¨á°áá ááá áá áááĄ። Please Donate
áá áá áá¨á
612-229-7453 or
email us at
biruk012@yahoo.com or
áááśáł á¨ááľáአá˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá áá áś áááľá¨áľ á¨ááľááá á¨áá áĽáᡠá á°áĽá¨á°áá ááľááááá á¤/á
áááŤáááľ áľáá°ááᥠáĽá፠áááľ ááťáá።
á áľáŤáťá፡
4401 Minnehaha Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55406
á áááśáł áá áá á¨ááŁá á¨áá¨áłá áá á á áŁááááŠá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá áá á á¨á°áĽ á¨áŤáłá˝á á áłáŤá˝ áľáááá
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ááłááłá። áááľáá áá ááá??
Abesha Nigussie Kebede was born in 1985
E.C. in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our sister
Abesha Nigussie came to the United States
of America for rare lung cancer treatment
in November 12, 2011. Abesha has been
struggling with this illness for the past two
years. Unfortunately, our sister lost her
battle against this Chronicle disease. She
has been pronounced dead on December 11,
2012 at 8:45pm at Our Lady of Good peace
Council Home 2076 Saint Anthony Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55116
Now it is our turn to help her mother to go
through this very hard time in any way we
can. So we are kindly asking each and every
one of you to extend your hands to ease the
financial burden on her mother.
If you would like to donate click the “Please
Donate here” button below.
Abesha will always be remembered!!!
May God rest her Soul.
If you would like to pay your condolences in person, please call us
á¨á ááá
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á¨áá¨á°áá ááá áá áááĄ። Please Donate
áá áá áá¨á
612-229-7453 or
email us at
biruk012@yahoo.com or
áááśáł á¨ááľáአá˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá áá áś áááľá¨áľ á¨ááľááá á¨áá áĽáᡠá á°áĽá¨á°áá ááľááááá á¤/á
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á áľáŤáťá፡
4401 Minnehaha Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55406
á áááśáł áá áá á¨ááŁá á¨áá¨áłá áá á á áŁááááŠá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá áá á á¨á°áĽ á¨áŤáłá˝á á áłáŤá˝ áľáááá
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ááłááłá። áááľáá áá ááá??
Abesha Nigussie Kebede was born in 1985
E.C. in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our sister
Abesha Nigussie came to the United States
of America for rare lung cancer treatment
in November 12, 2011. Abesha has been
struggling with this illness for the past two
years. Unfortunately, our sister lost her
battle against this Chronicle disease. She
has been pronounced dead on December 11,
2012 at 8:45pm at Our Lady of Good peace
Council Home 2076 Saint Anthony Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55116
Now it is our turn to help her mother to go
through this very hard time in any way we
can. So we are kindly asking each and every
one of you to extend your hands to ease the
financial burden on her mother.
If you would like to donate click the “Please
Donate here” button below.
Abesha will always be remembered!!!
May God rest her Soul.
If you would like to pay your condolences in person, please call us
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